Monty Hall problem: Difference between revisions

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Not switching allows you to win 33337 out of 100000 times.
Switching allows you to win 66529 out of 100000 times.</pre>
#Another simpler(my opinion) way to do this is below, also in python 3:
import random
# 1 represents a car
# 0 represent a goat
stay = 0 # amount won if stay in the same position
switch = 0 # amount won if you switch
for i in range(1000):
lst = [1,0,0] # one car and two goats
random.shuffle(lst) # shffles the list randomly
ran = random.randrange(3) # gets a random number for the random guess
user = lst[ran] #storing the random guess
del(lst[ran]) # deleting the random guess
huh = 0
for i in lst: # getting a value 0 and deleting it
if i ==0:
del(lst[huh]) # deletes a goat when it finds it
if user ==1: # if the original choice is 1 then stay adds 1
if lst[0] == 1: # if the switched value is 1 then switch adds 1
print("Stay =",stay)
print("Switch = ",switch)
# Done by Sam Witton