Monty Hall problem: Difference between revisions

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Line 377:
Changing: 66.59
New random choice: 49.67
<lang d>
import std.stdio, std.random;
void main() {
Random gen = Random(unpredictableSeed);
uint switchWins = 0, stayWins = 0;
while(switchWins + stayWins < 100_000) {
uint carPos = dice(gen, 1, 1, 1); // Which door is car behind?
uint pickPos = dice(gen, 1, 1, 1); // Contestant's initial pick.
uint openPos; // Which door is opened by Monty Hall?
// Monty can't open the door you picked or the one with the car
// behind it.
do {
openPos = dice(gen, 1, 1, 1);
} while(openPos == pickPos || openPos == carPos);
uint switchPos = 0;
// Find position that's not currently picked by contestant and was
// not opened by Monty already.
for(; pickPos == switchPos || openPos == switchPos; switchPos++) {}
if(pickPos == carPos) {
} else if(switchPos == carPos) {
} else {
assert(0); // Can't happen.
writefln("Switching wins: %d Staying wins: %d", switchWins, stayWins);
Switching wins: 66673 Staying wins: 33327
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