Monty Hall problem: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|FutureBasic}}: Header level lowered.
m (→‎{{header|FutureBasic}}: Header level lowered.)
(25 intermediate revisions by 11 users not shown)
Line 517:
==={{header|ANSI BASIC}}===
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
{{works with|Decimal BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">RANDOMIZE TIMER
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
DIM doors(3) '0 is a goat, 1 is a car
100 PROGRAM MontyHallProblem
110 DEF NGames = 10000
switchWins = 0
stayWins = 0
130 LET NWins = 0
FOR plays = 0 TO 32767
140 FOR Game = 0 TO NGames
winner = INT(RND * 3) + 1
150 IF IsGameWon(0) <> 0 THEN LET NWins = NWins + 1
doors(winner) = 1'put a winner in a random door
160 NEXT Game
choice = INT(RND * 3) + 1'pick a door, any door
170 PRINT "NOT switching doors wins car in ";
180 PRINT USING "##.#": NWins / NGames * 100;
shown = INT(RND * 3) + 1
190 PRINT "% of games."
'don't show the winner or the choice
200 LET NWins = 0
LOOP WHILE doors(shown) = 1 OR shown = choice
210 FOR Game = 0 TO NGames
stayWins = stayWins + doors(choice) 'if you won by staying, count it
220 IF IsGameWon(1) <> 0 THEN LET NWins = NWins + 1
switchWins = switchWins + doors(3 - choice - shown) 'could have switched to win
230 NEXT Game
doors(winner) = 0 'clear the doors for the next test
240 PRINT "But switching doors wins car in ";
NEXT plays
250 PRINT USING "##.#": NWins / NGames * 100;
PRINT "Switching wins"; switchWins; "times."
260 PRINT "% of games."
PRINT "Staying wins"; stayWins; "times."</syntaxhighlight>
270 END
280 REM ***
<pre>Switching wins 21805 times.
Staying wins 10963 times.</pre>
300 REM Play one game.
310 REM Switching if and only if Sw <> 0.
320 REM Returns 1 if the game is won, 0 otherwise.
330 LET Car = INT(RND * 3) ! Randomly place car behind a door.
340 LET Player0 = INT(RND * 3) ! Player randomly chooses a door.
350 DO
360 LET Monty = INT(RND * 3) ! Monty opens door revealing a goat.
370 LOOP UNTIL (Monty <> Car) AND (Monty <> Player0)
380 IF Sw <> 0 THEN ! Player switches TO remaining door.
390 DO
400 LET Player = INT(RND * 3)
410 LOOP UNTIL (Player <> Player0) AND (Player <> Monty)
420 ELSE
430 LET Player = Player0 ! Player sticks with original door.
440 END IF
450 IF Player = Car THEN
460 LET IsGameWon = 1
470 ELSE
480 LET IsGameWon = 0
490 END IF
NOT switching doors wins car in 32.3% of games.
But switching doors wins car in 67.3% of games.
Line 569 ⟶ 595:
==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> total% = 10000
FOR trial% = 1 TO total%
prize_door% = RND(3) : REM. The prize is behind this door
guess_door% = RND(3) : REM. The contestant guesses this door
IF prize_door% = guess_door% THEN
REM. The contestant guessed right, reveal either of the others
reveal_door% = RND(2)
IF prize_door% = 1 reveal_door% += 1
IF prize_door% = 2 AND reveal_door% = 2 reveal_door% = 3
REM. The contestant guessed wrong, so reveal the non-prize door
reveal_door% = prize_door% EOR guess_door%
stick_door% = guess_door% : REM. The sticker doesn't change his mind
swap_door% = guess_door% EOR reveal_door% : REM. but the swapper does
IF stick_door% = prize_door% sticker% += 1
IF swap_door% = prize_door% swapper% += 1
NEXT trial%
PRINT "After a total of ";total%;" trials,"
PRINT "The 'sticker' won ";sticker%;" times (";INT(sticker%/total%*100);"%)"
PRINT "The 'swapper' won ";swapper%;" times (";INT(swapper%/total%*100);"%)"</syntaxhighlight>
After a total of 10000 trials,
The 'sticker' won 3379 times (33%)
The 'swapper' won 6621 times (66%)
<syntaxhighlight lang="euphoria">integer switchWins, stayWins
switchWins = 0
stayWins = 0
integer winner, choice, shown
for plays = 1 to 10000 do
winner = rand(3)
choice = rand(3)
while 1 do
shown = rand(3)
if shown != winner and shown != choice then
end if
end while
stayWins += choice = winner
switchWins += 6-choice-shown = winner
end for
printf(1, "Switching wins %d times.\n", switchWins)
printf(1, "Staying wins %d times.\n", stayWins)
{{out}} (sample)
Switching wins 6697 times.
Staying wins 3303 times.
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
' version 19-01-2019
' compile with: fbc -s console
Const As Integer max = 1000000
Randomize Timer
Dim As UInteger i, car_door, chosen_door, montys_door, stay, switch
For i = 1 To max
car_door = Fix(Rnd * 3) + 1
chosen_door = Fix(Rnd * 3) + 1
If car_door <> chosen_door Then
montys_door = 6 - car_door - chosen_door
montys_door = Fix(Rnd * 3) + 1
Loop Until montys_door <> car_door
End If
'Print car_door,chosen_door,montys_door
' stay
If car_door = chosen_door Then stay += 1
' switch
If car_door = 6 - montys_door - chosen_door Then switch +=1
Print Using "If you stick to your choice, you have a ##.## percent" _
+ " chance to win"; stay / max * 100
Print Using "If you switched, you have a ##.## percent chance to win"; _
switch / max * 100
' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
If you stick to your choice, you have a 33.32 percent chance to win
If you switched, you have a 66.68 percent chance to win
{{trans|ANSI BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
// Monty Hall problem
// May 2024 - Rich Love
local fn IsGameWon(Sw as int) as bool
REM Play one game.
REM Switching if and only if Sw <> 0.
REM Returns 1 if the game is won, 0 otherwise.
short Car = INT(RND(3)) //Randomly place car behind a door.
short Player0 = INT(RND(3)) // Player randomly chooses a door.
short Monty
short IsGameWon
short Player
Monty = INT(RND(3)) // Monty opens door revealing a goat.
UNTIL (Monty <> Car) AND (Monty <> Player0)
IF Sw <> 0 // Player switches TO remaining door.
Player = INT(RND(3))
UNTIL (Player <> Player0) AND (Player <> Monty)
Monty = INT(RND(3))
Player = Player0 // Player sticks with original door.
IF Player = Car
IsGameWon = 1
IsGameWon = 0
END fn = IsgameWon
_NGames = 10000
float NWins = 0
short Game
FOR Game = 0 TO _NGames
IF fn IsGameWon(0) <> 0 THEN NWins = NWins + 1
PRINT "NOT switching doors wins car in ";
PRINT USING "##.##" ; NWins / 100 ;
PRINT " % of games."
NWins = 0
FOR Game = 0 TO _NGames
IF fn IsGameWon(1) <> 0 THEN NWins = NWins + 1
PRINT "But switching doors wins car in ";
PRINT USING "##.##" ; NWins / _NGames * 100;
PRINT " % of games."
NOT switching doors wins car in 33.48% of games.
But switching doors wins car in 67.15% of games.
Line 586 ⟶ 784:
230 PRINT "Wins not changing doors:";NOTCHANGING,NOTCHANGING/NUMGAMES*100;"% of total."
240 PRINT "Wins changing doors:",CHANGING,CHANGING/NUMGAMES*100;"% of total."</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|Liberty BASIC}}===
{{trans|Quick BASIC}}
{{works with|Just BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
DIM doors(3) '0 is a goat, 1 is a car
total = 10000 'set desired number of iterations
switchWins = 0
stayWins = 0
FOR plays = 1 TO total
winner = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
doors(winner) = 1'put a winner in a random door
choice = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1'pick a door, any door
shown = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
'don't show the winner or the choice
LOOP WHILE doors(shown) = 1 OR shown = choice
if doors(choice) = 1 then
stayWins = stayWins + 1 'if you won by staying, count it
switchWins = switchWins + 1'could have switched to win
end if
doors(winner) = 0 'clear the doors for the next test
PRINT "Result for ";total;" games."
PRINT "Switching wins "; switchWins; " times."
PRINT "Staying wins "; stayWins; " times."
{{out}} (example)
Result for 10000 games.
Switching wins 6634 times.
Staying wins 3366 times.</pre>
==={{header|Minimal BASIC}}===
{{trans|ANSI BASIC}}
{{works with|BASICA}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
10 REM Monty Hall problem
20 LET N = 10000
40 LET W = 0
50 FOR G = 0 TO N
60 LET S = 0
70 GOSUB 230
80 IF V = 0 THEN 100
90 LET W = W+1
100 NEXT G
110 PRINT "NOT switching doors wins car in";
120 PRINT W/N*100; "per cent of games."
130 LET W = 0
140 FOR G = 0 TO N
150 LET S = 1
160 GOSUB 230
170 IF V = 0 THEN 190
180 LET W = W+1
190 NEXT G
200 PRINT "But switching doors wins car in";
210 PRINT W/N*100; "per cent of games."
220 END
230 REM ** Is game won?
240 REM Play one game.
250 REM Switching if and only if S <> 0.
260 REM Randomly place car behind a door.
270 LET C = INT(RND*3)
280 REM Player randomly chooses a door.
290 LET P0 = INT(RND*3)
300 REM Monty opens door revealing a goat.
310 LET M = INT(RND*3)
320 IF M = C THEN 310
330 IF M = P0 THEN 310
340 IF S = 0 THEN 410
350 REM Player switches to remaining door.
360 LET P = INT(RND*3)
370 IF P = P0 THEN 360
380 IF P = M THEN 360
390 GOTO 430
400 REM Player sticks with original door.
410 LET P = P0
420 REM Victory?
430 IF P <> C THEN 460
440 LET V = 1
460 LET V = 0
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">Structure wins
#goat = 0
#car = 1
Procedure MontyHall(*results.wins)
Dim Doors(2)
Doors(Random(2)) = #car
player = Random(2)
Select Doors(player)
Case #car
*results\redecide + #goat
*results\stay + #car
Case #goat
*results\redecide + #car
*results\stay + #goat
#Tries = 1000000
Define results.wins
For i = 1 To #Tries
PrintN("Trial runs for each option: " + Str(#Tries))
PrintN("Wins when redeciding: " + Str(results\redecide) + " (" + StrD(results\redecide / #Tries * 100, 2) + "% chance)")
PrintN("Wins when sticking: " + Str(results\stay) + " (" + StrD(results\stay / #Tries * 100, 2) + "% chance)")
Output:<pre>Trial runs for each option: 1000000
Wins when redeciding: 666459 (66.65% chance)
Wins when sticking: 333541 (33.35% chance)</pre>
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">RANDOMIZE TIMER
DIM doors(3) '0 is a goat, 1 is a car
switchWins = 0
stayWins = 0
FOR plays = 0 TO 32767
winner = INT(RND * 3) + 1
doors(winner) = 1'put a winner in a random door
choice = INT(RND * 3) + 1'pick a door, any door
shown = INT(RND * 3) + 1
'don't show the winner or the choice
LOOP WHILE doors(shown) = 1 OR shown = choice
stayWins = stayWins + doors(choice) 'if you won by staying, count it
switchWins = switchWins + doors(3 - choice - shown) 'could have switched to win
doors(winner) = 0 'clear the doors for the next test
NEXT plays
PRINT "Switching wins"; switchWins; "times."
PRINT "Staying wins"; stayWins; "times."</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Switching wins 21805 times.
Staying wins 10963 times.</pre>
==={{header|Run BASIC}}===
{{trans|Quick BASIC}}
{{works with|Just BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">
input "Number of tries;";tries ' gimme the number of iterations
FOR plays = 1 TO tries
winner = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
doors(winner) = 1 'put a winner in a random door
choice = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1 'pick a door please
[DO] shown = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
' ------------------------------------------
' don't show the winner or the choice
if doors(shown) = 1 then goto [DO]
if shown = choice then goto [DO]
if doors(choice) = 1 then
stayWins = stayWins + 1 ' if you won by staying, count it
switchWins = switchWins + 1 ' could have switched to win
end if
doors(winner) = 0 'clear the doors for the next test
PRINT " Result for ";tries;" games."
PRINT "Switching wins ";switchWins; " times."
PRINT " Staying wins ";stayWins; " times."</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|Sinclair ZX81 BASIC}}===
Line 616 ⟶ 994:
341 659</pre>
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">OPTION BASE 0
DIM puertas(3)
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
LET numTiradas = 1000000
FOR i = 10 TO numTiradas
LET pta_coche = INT(RND * 3) + 1
LET puertas(pta_coche) = 1
LET pta_elegida = INT(RND * 3) + 1
IF pta_coche <> pta_elegida THEN
LET pta_montys = 6INT(RND -* pta_coche3) -+ pta_elegida1
LOOP WHILE puertas(pta_montys) = 1 OR pta_montys = pta_elegida
IF puertas(pta_elegida) = 1 THEN
LET cambia = cambia + 1
LET permanece = permanece + 1
LET pta_montys = INT(RND * 3) + 1
LOOP UNTIL pta_montys <> pta_coche
LET puertas(pta_coche) = 0
! mantener elección
IF pta_coche = pta_elegida THEN LET permanece = permanece + 1
! cambiar elección
IF pta_coche = 6 - pta_montys - pta_elegida THEN LET cambia = cambia + 1
PRINT "Cambiar gana el"; permanece / numTiradas * 100; "% de las veces."
PRINT "Mantenerse gana el"; cambia / numTiradas * 100; "% de las veces."
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">
numTiradas = 1000000
for i = 1 to numTiradas
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
pta_coche = int(ran(3)) + 1
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> total% = 10000
pta_elegida = int(ran(3)) + 1
FOR trial% = 1 TO total%
if pta_coche <> pta_elegida then
prize_door% = RND(3) : REM. The prize is behind this door
pta_montys = 6 - pta_coche - pta_elegida
guess_door% = RND(3) : REM. The contestant guesses this door
IF prize_door% = guess_door% THEN
REM. The contestant guessed right, reveal either of the others
pta_montys = int(ran(3)) + 1
reveal_door% = RND(2)
until pta_montys <> pta_coche
IF prize_door% = 1 reveal_door% += 1
end if
IF prize_door% = 2 AND reveal_door% = 2 reveal_door% = 3
// manteenr elección
if pta_coche = pta_elegida then permanece = permanece + 1 : fi
REM. The contestant guessed wrong, so reveal the non-prize door
// cambiar elección
reveal_door% = prize_door% EOR guess_door%
if pta_coche = 6 - pta_montys - pta_elegida then cambia = cambia + 1 : fi
next i
stick_door% = guess_door% : REM. The sticker doesn't change his mind
swap_door% = guess_door% EOR reveal_door% : REM. but the swapper does
IF stick_door% = prize_door% sticker% += 1
IF swap_door% = prize_door% swapper% += 1
NEXT trial%
PRINT "After a total of ";total%;" trials,"
PRINT "The 'sticker' won ";sticker%;" times (";INT(sticker%/total%*100);"%)"
PRINT "The 'swapper' won ";swapper%;" times (";INT(swapper%/total%*100);"%)"</syntaxhighlight>
After a total of 10000 trials,
The 'sticker' won 3379 times (33%)
The 'swapper' won 6621 times (66%)
print "Si mantiene su eleccion, tiene un ", permanece / numTiradas * 100, "% de probabilidades de ganar."
print "Si cambia, tiene un ", cambia / numTiradas * 100, "% de probabilidades de ganar."
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">//Evidence of the Monty Hall solution of marquinho1986 in C []
Line 817 ⟶ 1,188:
<syntaxhighlight lang="chapel">use Random;
'''Version 1''' : using task parallelism.
<syntaxhighlight lang="chapel">
use Random;
param doors: int = 3;
Line 869 ⟶ 1,244:
Sample output:
Line 874 ⟶ 1,250:
Wins by switching: 646 or 64.6%
Switching is the superior method.
'''Version 2''' : using data parallelism.
<syntaxhighlight lang="chapel">
use Random;
config const numGames = 100_000_000;
var switch, stick: uint;
// have a separate RNG for each task; add together the results at the end
forall i in 1..numGames
with (var rand = new RandomStream(uint, parSafe = false), + reduce stick)
var chosen_door = rand.getNext() % 3;
var winner_door = rand.getNext() % 3;
if chosen_door == winner_door then
stick += 1;
// if you lost by sticking it means you would have won by switching
switch = numGames - stick;
writeln("Over ", numGames, " games:\n - switching wins ",
100.0*switch / numGames, "% of the time and\n - sticking wins ",
100.0*stick / numGames, "% of the time");
Sample output:
Over 1000000 games:
- switching wins 66.6937% of the time and
- sticking wins 33.3063% of the time
Line 1,309 ⟶ 1,719:
<pre>Staying wins 286889 times.
Switching wins 713112 times.</pre>
max = 1000000
for i = 1 to max
car_door = randint 3
chosen_door = randint 3
if car_door <> chosen_door
montys_door = 6 - car_door - chosen_door
montys_door = randint 3
until montys_door <> car_door
if car_door = chosen_door
stay += 1
if car_door = 6 - montys_door - chosen_door
switch += 1
print "If you stick to your choice, you have a " & stay / max * 100 & " percent chance to win"
print "If you switched, you have a " & switch / max * 100 & " percent chance to win"
If you stick to your choice, you have a 33.36 percent chance to win
If you switched, you have a 66.64 percent chance to win
Line 1,782 ⟶ 2,223:
<pre>Switching wins 66595 times.
Staying wins 33405 times.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="euphoria">integer switchWins, stayWins
switchWins = 0
stayWins = 0
integer winner, choice, shown
for plays = 1 to 10000 do
winner = rand(3)
choice = rand(3)
while 1 do
shown = rand(3)
if shown != winner and shown != choice then
end if
end while
stayWins += choice = winner
switchWins += 6-choice-shown = winner
end for
printf(1, "Switching wins %d times\n", switchWins)
printf(1, "Staying wins %d times\n", stayWins)
Sample Output:<br />
:Switching wins 6697 times<br />
:Staying wins 3303 times
Line 1,996 ⟶ 2,411:
Chance of winning by switching is 67.18%
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' version 19-01-2019
' compile with: fbc -s console
Const As Integer max = 1000000
Randomize Timer
The following program makes a given number of simulations. On each, three options are evaluated:
Dim As UInteger i, car_door, chosen_door, montys_door, stay, switch
* If the player keeps his/her selection
For i = 1 To max
* If the player randomly chooses between hs/her selection and the other (closed) door.
car_door = Fix(Rnd * 3) + 1
* If the player switches his/her selection
chosen_door = Fix(Rnd * 3) + 1
If car_door <> chosen_door Then
montys_door = 6 - car_door - chosen_door
montys_door = Fix(Rnd * 3) + 1
Loop Until montys_door <> car_door
End If
'Print car_door,chosen_door,montys_door
' stay
If car_door = chosen_door Then stay += 1
' switch
If car_door = 6 - montys_door - chosen_door Then switch +=1
Finally, it shows the number of wins for each case.
Print Using "If you stick to your choice, you have a ##.## percent" _
+ " chance to win"; stay / max * 100
Print Using "If you switched, you have a ##.## percent chance to win"; _
switch / max * 100
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Monty Hall problem 01.png]]
' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
<pre>If you stick to your choice, you have a 33.32 percent chance to win
If you switched, you have a 66.68 percent chance to win</pre>
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Monty Hall problem 02.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Monty Hall problem 03.png]]
It can be seen that:
* If the player keeps his/her selection, he/she wins around 1/3 of times
* If the player randomly chooses between his/her selection and the other (closed) door, he/she wins around 1/2 of times
* If the player switches his/her selection, he/she wins around 2/3 of times
The following variation shows the evolution of the probabilities for each case:
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Monty Hall problem 04.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Monty Hall problem 05.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Monty Hall problem 06.png]]
Line 2,732 ⟶ 3,136:
<syntaxhighlight lang="k">
montyhall:{t:,/ 1_ x {`prng@`t[];ch:1?3;pr:1?3;sw:1?2;$[sw;a:ch=pr;a:~(ch=pr)];a}\0N;("KEEP %";(+/t)%x;"SWAP %";(+/~t)%x)}
montyhall 100000
Line 2,770 ⟶ 3,180:
Switching wins 666330 times
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
'adapted from BASIC solution
DIM doors(3) '0 is a goat, 1 is a car
total = 10000 'set desired number of iterations
switchWins = 0
stayWins = 0
FOR plays = 1 TO total
winner = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
doors(winner) = 1'put a winner in a random door
choice = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1'pick a door, any door
shown = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
'don't show the winner or the choice
LOOP WHILE doors(shown) = 1 OR shown = choice
if doors(choice) = 1 then
stayWins = stayWins + 1 'if you won by staying, count it
switchWins = switchWins + 1'could have switched to win
end if
doors(winner) = 0 'clear the doors for the next test
PRINT "Result for ";total;" games."
PRINT "Switching wins "; switchWins; " times."
PRINT "Staying wins "; stayWins; " times."
Result for 10000 games.
Switching wins 6634 times.
Staying wins 3366 times.</pre>
Line 2,931 ⟶ 3,307:
<syntaxhighlight lang="matlab">function montyHall(numDoors,numSimulations)
wins = ceil(3*rand(1e8,1)) - ceil(3*rand(1e8,1))
mprintf('chance to win for staying: %1.6f %%\nchance to win for changing: %1.6f %%', 100*length(wins(wins==0))/length(wins), 100*length(wins(wins<>0))/length(wins))
<syntaxhighlight lang="matlab">
chance to win for staying: 33.334694 %
chance to win for changing: 66.665306 %
<syntaxhighlight lang="matlab">
function montyHall(numDoors,numSimulations)
assert(numDoors > 2);
Line 3,022 ⟶ 3,412:
<syntaxhighlight lang="maxscript">Stay strategy:33.77%
Switch strategy:66.84%</syntaxhighlight>
{{trans|XPL0|<code>CARDINAL</code> (unsigned integer) used instead of integer.}}
{{works with|ADW Modula-2|any (Compile with the linker option ''Console Application'').}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="modula2">
MODULE MontyHallProblem;
WriteLn, WriteString;
FROM RandomNumbers IMPORT
Randomize, Rnd;
NGames = 10000; (* number of games simulated *)
NWins, Game: CARDINAL;
(* Play one game. *)
Car, Player, Player0, Monty: CARDINAL;
Car := Rnd(3); (* Randomly place car behind a door. *)
Player0 := Rnd(3); (* Player randomly chooses a door. *)
Monty := Rnd(3); (* Monty opens door revealing a goat. *)
UNTIL (Monty <> Car) AND (Monty <> Player0);
(* Player switches to remaining door. *)
Player := Rnd(3);
UNTIL (Player <> Player0) AND (Player <> Monty)
Player := Player0 (* Player sticks with original door. *)
RETURN (Player = Car);
END IsGameWon;
NWins := 0;
FOR Game := 0 TO NGames DO
NWins := NWins + 1
WriteString('NOT switching doors wins car in ');
WriteFixed(FLOAT(NWins) / FLOAT(NGames) * 100.0, 1, 4);
WriteString('% of games.');
NWins := 0;
FOR Game := 0 TO NGames DO
NWins := NWins + 1
WriteString('But switching doors wins car in ');
WriteFixed(FLOAT(NWins) / FLOAT(NGames) * 100.0, 1, 4);
WriteString('% of games.');
END MontyHallProblem.
NOT switching doors wins car in 33.4% of games.
But switching doors wins car in 66.5% of games.
Line 3,589 ⟶ 4,049:
Staying wins 332 out of 1000.
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">Structure wins
#goat = 0
#car = 1
Procedure MontyHall(*results.wins)
Dim Doors(2)
Doors(Random(2)) = #car
player = Random(2)
Select Doors(player)
Case #car
*results\redecide + #goat
*results\stay + #car
Case #goat
*results\redecide + #car
*results\stay + #goat
#Tries = 1000000
Define results.wins
For i = 1 To #Tries
PrintN("Trial runs for each option: " + Str(#Tries))
PrintN("Wins when redeciding: " + Str(results\redecide) + " (" + StrD(results\redecide / #Tries * 100, 2) + "% chance)")
PrintN("Wins when sticking: " + Str(results\stay) + " (" + StrD(results\stay / #Tries * 100, 2) + "% chance)")
Output:<pre>Trial runs for each option: 1000000
Wins when redeciding: 666459 (66.65% chance)
Wins when sticking: 333541 (33.35% chance)</pre>
Line 4,129 ⟶ 4,548:
<pre>Staying wins 33.84% of the time.
Switching wins 66.16% of the time.</pre>
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">' adapted from BASIC solution
input "Number of tries;";tries ' gimme the number of iterations
FOR plays = 1 TO tries
winner = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
doors(winner) = 1 'put a winner in a random door
choice = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1 'pick a door please
[DO] shown = INT(RND(1) * 3) + 1
' ------------------------------------------
' don't show the winner or the choice
if doors(shown) = 1 then goto [DO]
if shown = choice then goto [DO]
if doors(choice) = 1 then
stayWins = stayWins + 1 ' if you won by staying, count it
switchWins = switchWins + 1 ' could have switched to win
end if
doors(winner) = 0 'clear the doors for the next test
PRINT " Result for ";tries;" games."
PRINT "Switching wins ";switchWins; " times."
PRINT " Staying wins ";stayWins; " times."</syntaxhighlight>
Line 4,381 ⟶ 4,776:
Staying wins 3346 times
<syntaxhighlight lang="setl">program monty_hall;
n_simulations := 100000;
print('Chance to win:');
print('When switching doors:', win_chance(true, n_simulations) * 100, '%');
print('When not switching doors:', win_chance(false, n_simulations) * 100, '%');
proc win_chance(switch, n_simulations);
wins := 0;
loop for i in [1..n_simulations] do
wins +:= if simulate(switch) then 1 else 0 end;
end loop;
return wins / n_simulations;
end proc;
proc simulate(switch);
doors := {1, 2, 3};
car := random doors;
goats := doors less car;
choice := random doors;
opened := random (goats less choice);
if switch then
choice := arb (doors less choice less opened);
end if;
return choice = car;
end proc;
end program;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Chance to win:
When switching doors: 66.584 %
When not switching doors: 33.093 %</pre>
Line 4,520 ⟶ 4,950:
end monty;</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
Works with SML/NJ or with MLton using the SML/NJ Util library.
<syntaxhighlight lang="standard ml">
val pidint = Word64.toInt(Posix.Process.pidToWord(Posix.ProcEnv.getpid()));
val rand = Random.rand(LargeInt.toInt(Time.toSeconds(, pidint);
fun stick_win 0 wins = wins
| stick_win trial wins =
val winner_door = (Random.randNat rand) mod 3;
val chosen_door = (Random.randNat rand) mod 3;
if winner_door = chosen_door then
stick_win (trial-1) (wins+1)
stick_win (trial-1) wins
val trials = 1000000;
val sticks = stick_win trials 0;
val stick_winrate = 100.0 * Real.fromInt(sticks) / Real.fromInt(trials);
(* if you lost by sticking you would have won by swapping *)
val swap_winrate = 100.0 - stick_winrate;
(print ("sticking = " ^ Real.toString(stick_winrate) ^ "% win rate\n");
print ("swapping = " ^ Real.toString(swap_winrate) ^ "% win rate\n"));
sticking = 33.3449% win rate
swapping = 66.6551% win rate
Line 4,860 ⟶ 5,325:
=={{header|Vedit macro language}}==
Vedit macro language does not have random number generator, so one is implemented in subroutine RANDOM (the algorithm was taken from ANSI C library).
Line 4,938 ⟶ 5,403:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "random" for Random
var montyHall = { |games|
Line 5,012 ⟶ 5,477:
<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">def GamesNGames = 10000; \number of games simulated
int Game, WinsNWins;
include c:\cxpl\codes;
procfunc Playint IsGameWon(Switch); \Play one game
int Switch;
int Car, Player, Player0, Monty;
Line 5,027 ⟶ 5,492:
until Player # Player0 and Player # Monty
else Player:= Player0; \player sticks with original door
ifreturn Player = Car then Wins:= Wins+1;
NWins:= 0;
Text(0, "Not switching doors wins car in ");
for Game:= 0 to NGames-1 do
Wins:= 0;
if IsGameWon(false) then NWins:= NWins+1;
for Game:= 0 to Games-1 do Play(false);
Text(0, "NOT switching doors wins car in ");
RlOut(0, float(Wins)/float(Games)*100.0);
RlOut(0, float(NWins)/float(NGames)*100.0);
Text(0, "% of games.^M^J");
NWins:= 0;
for Game:= 0 to NGames-1 do
if IsGameWon(true) then NWins:= NWins+1;
Text(0, "But switching doors wins car in ");
RlOut(0, float(NWins)/float(NGames)*100.0);
Wins:= 0;
for Game:= 0 to Games-1 do Play(true);
RlOut(0, float(Wins)/float(Games)*100.0);
Text(0, "% of games.^M^J");
Line 5,046 ⟶ 5,513:
Example output:
NotNOT switching doors wins car in 33.7% of games.
But switching doors wins car in 66.7% of games.
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">const std = @import("std");
const number_of_simulations: u32 = 10_000_000;
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">
numTiradas = 1000000
pub fn main() !void {
for i = 1 to numTiradas
var stick_wins: u32 = 0;
pta_coche = int(ran(3)) + 1
var switch_wins: u32 = 0;
pta_elegida = int(ran(3)) + 1
var doors = [3]bool{ true, false, false };
if pta_coche <> pta_elegida then
pta_montys = 6 - pta_coche - pta_elegida
pta_montys = int(ran(3)) + 1
until pta_montys <> pta_coche
end if
// manteenr elección
if pta_coche = pta_elegida then permanece = permanece + 1 : fi
// cambiar elección
if pta_coche = 6 - pta_montys - pta_elegida then cambia = cambia + 1 : fi
next i
var t = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(42);
print "Si mantiene su eleccion, tiene un ", permanece / numTiradas * 100, "% de probabilidades de ganar."
const r = t.random();
print "Si cambia, tiene un ", cambia / numTiradas * 100, "% de probabilidades de ganar."
var guess: u8 = undefined;
var door_shown: u8 = undefined;
for (0..number_of_simulations) |_| {
std.rand.Random.shuffle(r, bool, &doors);
guess = r.intRangeAtMost(u8, 0, 2);
door_shown = r.intRangeAtMost(u8, 0, 2);
while (!doors[door_shown] and door_shown != guess) door_shown = r.intRangeAtMost(u8, 0, 2);
if (doors[guess]) {
stick_wins += 1;
} else {
switch_wins += 1;
std.debug.print("After {} simulations:\nStick wins: {}\nSwitch wins: {}\n", .{ number_of_simulations, stick_wins, switch_wins });
