Monte Carlo methods: Difference between revisions

(Dialects of BASIC moved to the BASIC section.)
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
m ((Dialects of BASIC moved to the BASIC section.))
Line 383:
{{works with|basic256|}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
Line 417:
==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> PRINT FNmontecarlo(1000)
PRINT FNmontecarlo(10000)
Line 439:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' version 23-10-2016
' compile with: fbc -s console
Randomize Timer 'seed the random function
Dim As Double x, y, pi, error_
Dim As UInteger m = 10, n, n_start, n_stop = m, p
Print " Mumber of throws Ratio (Pi) Error"
For n = n_start To n_stop -1
x = Rnd
y = Rnd
If (x * x + y * y) <= 1 Then p = p +1
Print Using " ############, "; m ;
pi = p * 4 / m
error_ = 3.141592653589793238462643383280 - pi
Print RTrim(Str(pi),"0");Tab(35); Using "##.#############"; error_
m = m * 10
n_start = n_stop
n_stop = m
Loop Until m > 1000000000 ' 1,000,000,000
' empty keyboard buffer
While Inkey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
<pre> Mumber of throws Ratio (Pi) Error
10 3.2 -0.0584073464102
100 3.16 -0.0184073464102
1,000 3.048 0.0935926535898
10,000 3.1272 0.0143926535898
100,000 3.13672 0.0048726535898
1,000,000 3.14148 0.0001126535898
10,000,000 3.1417668 -0.0001741464102
100,000,000 3.14141 0.0001826535898
1,000,000,000 3.14169192 -0.0000992664102</pre>
==={{header|Liberty BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
for pow = 2 to 6
n = 10^pow
print n, getPi(n)
function getPi(n)
incircle = 0
for throws=0 to n
incircle = incircle + (rnd(1)^2+rnd(1)^2 < 1)
getPi = 4*incircle/throws
end function
100 2.89108911
1000 3.12887113
10000 3.13928607
100000 3.13864861
1000000 3.13945686
==={{header|Locomotive Basic}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="locobasic">10 mode 1:randomize time:defint a-z
20 input "How many samples";n
30 u=n/100+1
40 r=100
50 for i=1 to n
60 if i mod u=0 then locate 1,3:print using "##% done"; i/n*100
70 x=rnd*2*r-r
80 y=rnd*2*r-r
90 if sqr(x*x+y*y)<r then m=m+1
100 next
110 pi2!=4*m/n
120 locate 1,3
130 print m;"points in circle"
140 print "Computed value of pi:"pi2!
150 print "Difference to real value of pi: ";
160 print using "+#.##%"; (pi2!-pi)/pi*100</syntaxhighlight>
[[File:Monte Carlo, 200 points, Locomotive BASIC.png]]
[[File:Monte Carlo, 5000 points, Locomotive BASIC.png]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">OpenConsole()
Procedure.d MonteCarloPi(throws.d)
inCircle.d = 0
For i = 1 To throws.d
randX.d = (Random(2147483647)/2147483647)*2-1
randY.d = (Random(2147483647)/2147483647)*2-1
dist.d = Sqr(randX.d*randX.d + randY.d*randY.d)
If dist.d < 1
inCircle = inCircle + 1
Next i
pi.d = (4 * inCircle / throws.d)
ProcedureReturn pi.d
PrintN ("'built-in' #Pi = " + StrD(#PI,20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(10000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(10000),20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(100000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(100000),20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(1000000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(1000000),20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(10000000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(10000000),20))
PrintN("Press any key"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""
<pre>'built-in' #PI = 3.14159265358979310000
MonteCarloPi(10000) = 3.17119999999999980000
MonteCarloPi(100000) = 3.14395999999999990000
MonteCarloPi(1000000) = 3.14349599999999980000
MonteCarloPi(10000000) = 3.14127720000000020000
Press any key</pre>
Line 1,087 ⟶ 1,220:
end function
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' version 23-10-2016
' compile with: fbc -s console
Randomize Timer 'seed the random function
Dim As Double x, y, pi, error_
Dim As UInteger m = 10, n, n_start, n_stop = m, p
Print " Mumber of throws Ratio (Pi) Error"
For n = n_start To n_stop -1
x = Rnd
y = Rnd
If (x * x + y * y) <= 1 Then p = p +1
Print Using " ############, "; m ;
pi = p * 4 / m
error_ = 3.141592653589793238462643383280 - pi
Print RTrim(Str(pi),"0");Tab(35); Using "##.#############"; error_
m = m * 10
n_start = n_stop
n_stop = m
Loop Until m > 1000000000 ' 1,000,000,000
' empty keyboard buffer
While Inkey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
<pre> Mumber of throws Ratio (Pi) Error
10 3.2 -0.0584073464102
100 3.16 -0.0184073464102
1,000 3.048 0.0935926535898
10,000 3.1272 0.0143926535898
100,000 3.13672 0.0048726535898
1,000,000 3.14148 0.0001126535898
10,000,000 3.1417668 -0.0001741464102
100,000,000 3.14141 0.0001826535898
1,000,000,000 3.14169192 -0.0000992664102</pre>
Line 1,698 ⟶ 1,784:
100000000 -> 3.14160244 -> 0.0003
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
for pow = 2 to 6
n = 10^pow
print n, getPi(n)
function getPi(n)
incircle = 0
for throws=0 to n
incircle = incircle + (rnd(1)^2+rnd(1)^2 < 1)
getPi = 4*incircle/throws
end function
100 2.89108911
1000 3.12887113
10000 3.13928607
100000 3.13864861
1000000 3.13945686
=={{header|Locomotive Basic}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="locobasic">10 mode 1:randomize time:defint a-z
20 input "How many samples";n
30 u=n/100+1
40 r=100
50 for i=1 to n
60 if i mod u=0 then locate 1,3:print using "##% done"; i/n*100
70 x=rnd*2*r-r
80 y=rnd*2*r-r
90 if sqr(x*x+y*y)<r then m=m+1
100 next
110 pi2!=4*m/n
120 locate 1,3
130 print m;"points in circle"
140 print "Computed value of pi:"pi2!
150 print "Difference to real value of pi: ";
160 print using "+#.##%"; (pi2!-pi)/pi*100</syntaxhighlight>
[[File:Monte Carlo, 200 points, Locomotive BASIC.png]]
[[File:Monte Carlo, 5000 points, Locomotive BASIC.png]]
Line 2,227 ⟶ 2,262:
100000 3,14712 0,1759409006731298209938938800
1000000 3,141364 0,0072782698142600895432451100</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">OpenConsole()
Procedure.d MonteCarloPi(throws.d)
inCircle.d = 0
For i = 1 To throws.d
randX.d = (Random(2147483647)/2147483647)*2-1
randY.d = (Random(2147483647)/2147483647)*2-1
dist.d = Sqr(randX.d*randX.d + randY.d*randY.d)
If dist.d < 1
inCircle = inCircle + 1
Next i
pi.d = (4 * inCircle / throws.d)
ProcedureReturn pi.d
PrintN ("'built-in' #Pi = " + StrD(#PI,20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(10000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(10000),20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(100000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(100000),20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(1000000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(1000000),20))
PrintN ("MonteCarloPi(10000000) = " + StrD(MonteCarloPi(10000000),20))
PrintN("Press any key"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""
<pre>'built-in' #PI = 3.14159265358979310000
MonteCarloPi(10000) = 3.17119999999999980000
MonteCarloPi(100000) = 3.14395999999999990000
MonteCarloPi(1000000) = 3.14349599999999980000
MonteCarloPi(10000000) = 3.14127720000000020000
Press any key</pre>
