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* [ Learn Dynamic Programming (Memoization & Tabulation)] Video of similar task.
* [ Learn Dynamic Programming (Memoization & Tabulation)] Video of similar task.

=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{works with|Rakudo|2019.11}}

<lang perl6>use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

for [2,3], 1, 2000,
[2,3], 1, 50000,
[2,3], 2, 2000,
[2,3], 2, 50000
-> @div, $sub, $limit {
my %min = 1 => {:op(''), :v(1), :s(0)};
(2..$limit).map( -> $n {
my @ops;
@ops.push: ($n / $_, "/$_") if $n %% $_ for @div;
@ops.push: ($n - $sub, "-$sub") if $n > $sub;
my $op = @ops.min( {%min{.[0]}<s>} );
%min{$n} = {:op($op[1]), :v($op[0]), :s(1 + %min{$op[0]}<s>)};

my $max = %min.max( {.value<s>} ).value<s>;
my @max = %min.grep( {.value.<s> == $max} )».key.sort(+*);

say "\nDivisors: {@div.perl}, subtract $sub, threshold: {comma $limit}\n" ~
"Below {comma $limit} found {+@max} number{+@max == 1 ?? '' !! 's'} " ~
"with maximum step of $max.";

for flat 1..10, @max -> $m {
my @op;
my $n = $m;
while %min{$n}<s> {
@op.push: "{%min{$n}<op>}=>{%min{$n}<v>}";
$n = %min{$n}<v>;
say "($m) {%min{$m}<s>} steps: ", @op.join(', ');
<pre>Divisors: [2, 3], subtract 1, threshold: 2,000
Below 2,000 found 16 numbers with maximum step of 14.
(1) 0 steps:
(2) 1 steps: /2=>1
(3) 1 steps: /3=>1
(4) 2 steps: /2=>2, /2=>1
(5) 3 steps: -1=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(6) 2 steps: /2=>3, /3=>1
(7) 3 steps: -1=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(8) 3 steps: /2=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(9) 2 steps: /3=>3, /3=>1
(10) 3 steps: -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(863) 14 steps: -1=>862, -1=>861, /3=>287, -1=>286, -1=>285, /3=>95, -1=>94, -1=>93, /3=>31, -1=>30, /3=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1079) 14 steps: -1=>1078, /2=>539, -1=>538, /2=>269, -1=>268, /2=>134, /2=>67, -1=>66, /2=>33, /3=>11, -1=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1295) 14 steps: -1=>1294, /2=>647, -1=>646, /2=>323, -1=>322, /2=>161, -1=>160, /2=>80, /2=>40, /2=>20, /2=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1439) 14 steps: -1=>1438, -1=>1437, /3=>479, -1=>478, -1=>477, /3=>159, /3=>53, -1=>52, /2=>26, /2=>13, -1=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1511) 14 steps: -1=>1510, /2=>755, -1=>754, /2=>377, -1=>376, /2=>188, /2=>94, -1=>93, /3=>31, -1=>30, /3=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1583) 14 steps: -1=>1582, /2=>791, -1=>790, -1=>789, /3=>263, -1=>262, -1=>261, /3=>87, /3=>29, -1=>28, -1=>27, /3=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1607) 14 steps: -1=>1606, /2=>803, -1=>802, /2=>401, -1=>400, /2=>200, /2=>100, /2=>50, /2=>25, -1=>24, /2=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1619) 14 steps: -1=>1618, /2=>809, -1=>808, /2=>404, /2=>202, /2=>101, -1=>100, /2=>50, /2=>25, -1=>24, /2=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1691) 14 steps: -1=>1690, /2=>845, -1=>844, -1=>843, /3=>281, -1=>280, -1=>279, /3=>93, /3=>31, -1=>30, /3=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1727) 14 steps: -1=>1726, -1=>1725, /3=>575, -1=>574, -1=>573, /3=>191, -1=>190, -1=>189, /3=>63, /3=>21, /3=>7, -1=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1823) 14 steps: -1=>1822, /2=>911, -1=>910, -1=>909, /3=>303, /3=>101, -1=>100, /2=>50, /2=>25, -1=>24, /2=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1871) 14 steps: -1=>1870, -1=>1869, /3=>623, -1=>622, -1=>621, /3=>207, /3=>69, /3=>23, -1=>22, /2=>11, -1=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(1895) 14 steps: -1=>1894, /2=>947, -1=>946, /2=>473, -1=>472, /2=>236, /2=>118, -1=>117, /3=>39, /3=>13, -1=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1907) 14 steps: -1=>1906, /2=>953, -1=>952, /2=>476, /2=>238, /2=>119, -1=>118, -1=>117, /3=>39, /3=>13, -1=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(1919) 14 steps: -1=>1918, -1=>1917, /3=>639, /3=>213, /3=>71, -1=>70, /2=>35, -1=>34, /2=>17, -1=>16, /2=>8, /2=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(1943) 14 steps: -1=>1942, /2=>971, -1=>970, /2=>485, -1=>484, /2=>242, /2=>121, -1=>120, /2=>60, /2=>30, /3=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1

Divisors: [2, 3], subtract 1, threshold: 50,000
Below 50,000 found 3 numbers with maximum step of 22.
(1) 0 steps:
(2) 1 steps: /2=>1
(3) 1 steps: /3=>1
(4) 2 steps: /2=>2, /2=>1
(5) 3 steps: -1=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(6) 2 steps: /2=>3, /3=>1
(7) 3 steps: -1=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(8) 3 steps: /2=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(9) 2 steps: /3=>3, /3=>1
(10) 3 steps: -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(25919) 22 steps: -1=>25918, /2=>12959, -1=>12958, /2=>6479, -1=>6478, /2=>3239, -1=>3238, /2=>1619, -1=>1618, /2=>809, -1=>808, /2=>404, /2=>202, /2=>101, -1=>100, /2=>50, /2=>25, -1=>24, /2=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1
(31103) 22 steps: -1=>31102, /2=>15551, -1=>15550, /2=>7775, -1=>7774, /2=>3887, -1=>3886, /2=>1943, -1=>1942, /2=>971, -1=>970, /2=>485, -1=>484, /2=>242, /2=>121, -1=>120, /2=>60, /2=>30, /3=>10, -1=>9, /3=>3, /3=>1
(38879) 22 steps: -1=>38878, /2=>19439, -1=>19438, /2=>9719, -1=>9718, /2=>4859, -1=>4858, /2=>2429, -1=>2428, /2=>1214, /2=>607, -1=>606, /2=>303, /3=>101, -1=>100, /2=>50, /2=>25, -1=>24, /2=>12, /2=>6, /2=>3, /3=>1

Divisors: [2, 3], subtract 2, threshold: 2,000
Below 2,000 found 1 number with maximum step of 17.
(1) 0 steps:
(2) 1 steps: /2=>1
(3) 1 steps: /3=>1
(4) 2 steps: /2=>2, /2=>1
(5) 2 steps: -2=>3, /3=>1
(6) 2 steps: /2=>3, /3=>1
(7) 3 steps: -2=>5, -2=>3, /3=>1
(8) 3 steps: /2=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(9) 2 steps: /3=>3, /3=>1
(10) 3 steps: /2=>5, -2=>3, /3=>1
(1699) 17 steps: -2=>1697, -2=>1695, /3=>565, -2=>563, -2=>561, /3=>187, -2=>185, -2=>183, /3=>61, -2=>59, -2=>57, /3=>19, -2=>17, -2=>15, /3=>5, -2=>3, /3=>1

Divisors: [2, 3], subtract 2, threshold: 50,000
Below 50,000 found 1 number with maximum step of 26.
(1) 0 steps:
(2) 1 steps: /2=>1
(3) 1 steps: /3=>1
(4) 2 steps: /2=>2, /2=>1
(5) 2 steps: -2=>3, /3=>1
(6) 2 steps: /2=>3, /3=>1
(7) 3 steps: -2=>5, -2=>3, /3=>1
(8) 3 steps: /2=>4, /2=>2, /2=>1
(9) 2 steps: /3=>3, /3=>1
(10) 3 steps: /2=>5, -2=>3, /3=>1
(45925) 26 steps: -2=>45923, -2=>45921, /3=>15307, -2=>15305, -2=>15303, /3=>5101, -2=>5099, -2=>5097, /3=>1699, -2=>1697, -2=>1695, /3=>565, -2=>563, -2=>561, /3=>187, -2=>185, -2=>183, /3=>61, -2=>59, -2=>57, /3=>19, -2=>17, -2=>15, /3=>5, -2=>3, /3=>1</pre>
