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<lang C>#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define SIM_N 5 /* Run 5 simulations */
#define PRINT_DISCARDED 1 /* Whether or not to print the discard pile */
#define min(x,y) ((x<y)?(x):(y))
typedef uint8_t card_t;
/* Return a random number from an uniform distribution (0..n-1) */
unsigned int rand_n(unsigned int n) {
unsigned int out, mask = 1;
/* Find how many bits to mask off */
while (mask < n) mask = mask<<1 | 1;
/* Generate random number */
do {
out = rand() & mask;
} while (out >= n);
return out;
/* Return a random card (0..51) from an uniform distribution */
card_t rand_card() {
return rand_n(52);
/* Print a card */
void print_card(card_t card) {
static char *suits = "HCDS"; /* hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades */
static char *cards[] = {"A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"};
printf(" %s%c", cards[card>>2], suits[card&3]);
/* Shuffle a pack */
void shuffle(card_t *pack) {
int card;
card_t temp, randpos;
for (card=0; card<52; card++) {
randpos = rand_card();
temp = pack[card];
pack[card] = pack[randpos];
pack[randpos] = temp;
/* Do the card trick, return whether cards match */
int trick() {
card_t pack[52];
card_t blacks[52/4], reds[52/4];
card_t top, x, card;
int blackn=0, redn=0, blacksw=0, redsw=0, result;
/* Create and shuffle a pack */
for (card=0; card<52; card++) pack[card] = card;
/* Deal cards */
printf("Discarded:"); /* Print the discard pile */
for (card=0; card<52; card += 2) {
top = pack[card]; /* Take card */
if (top & 1) { /* Add next card to black or red pile */
blacks[blackn++] = pack[card+1];
} else {
reds[redn++] = pack[card+1];
print_card(top); /* Show which card is discarded */
/* Swap an amount of cards */
x = rand_n(min(blackn, redn));
for (card=0; card<x; card++) {
/* Pick a random card from the black and red pile to swap */
blacksw = rand_n(blackn);
redsw = rand_n(redn);
/* Swap them */
top = blacks[blacksw];
blacks[blacksw] = reds[redsw];
reds[redsw] = top;
/* Verify the assertion */
result = 0;
for (card=0; card<blackn; card++)
result += (blacks[card] & 1) == 1;
for (card=0; card<redn; card++)
result -= (reds[card] & 1) == 0;
result = !result;
printf("The number of black cards in the 'black' pile"
" %s the number of red cards in the 'red' pile.\n",
result? "equals" : "does not equal");
return result;
int main() {
unsigned int seed, i, successes = 0;
FILE *r;
/* Seed the RNG with bytes from from /dev/urandom */
if ((r = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open /dev/urandom\n");
return 255;
if (fread(&seed, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, r) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to read from /dev/urandom\n");
return 255;
/* Do simulations. */
for (i=1; i<=SIM_N; i++) {
printf("Simulation %d\n", i);
successes += trick();
printf("Result: %d successes out of %d simulations\n",
successes, SIM_N);
return 0;
<pre>Simulation 1
Discarded: 10D 9S 7S KD 4S JS 6H 2D 2S 7H JH 5S AD AC 7D 5C 7C KH QD 4D 5H 2C 2H QS AH 3H
The number of black cards in the 'black' pile equals the number of red cards in the 'red' pile.
Simulation 2
Discarded: AC 10D QC 4H 2D AD 8D 10C 9D 2C QS 3S JC KS 6S AS 2S 6C 6D 6H 3D 8C 2H QH 7D 5D
The number of black cards in the 'black' pile equals the number of red cards in the 'red' pile.
Simulation 3
Discarded: 5D 2C JC 5C 5H 10D KD 4H KC 4S 8C 9S 6H 4D 2H 9H QS 10C 2S 3C AC 7H QD 7D JD 6S
The number of black cards in the 'black' pile equals the number of red cards in the 'red' pile.
Simulation 4
Discarded: 6S 4C KS AD 4S QS 9C 7D JD AC KH 10S KD QD 3S 5C QH 9D 2H 5S QC KC 7C 3D 9S AH
The number of black cards in the 'black' pile equals the number of red cards in the 'red' pile.
Simulation 5
Discarded: AD KH AC 8C 3C 5S KD QS 4C 2H 10C 2C JC 8D 6D JS 7C 4H 6H 6C 3S QC 6S KS 8H 7H
The number of black cards in the 'black' pile equals the number of red cards in the 'red' pile.
Result: 5 successes out of 5 simulations</pre>