Miller–Rabin primality test: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Ada}}: Added long integer version)
m (→‎{{header|Ada}}: fixed a typ)
Line 125:
procedure Miller_Rabin is
Bound: constant Positive := 160256; -- can be any multiple of 32
package LN is new Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers (2048Bound);
use type LN.Big_Unsigned; -- all computations "mod 2**Bound"
Line 218:
procedure Miller_Rabin is
Bound: constant Positive := 160256; -- can be any multiple of 32
package LN is new Crypto.Types.Big_Numbers (2048Bound);
use type LN.Big_Unsigned; -- all computations "mod 2**Bound"
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