Miller–Rabin primality test: Difference between revisions

m (bugfix)
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===better version===
ba_mod_exp() based on FastExp() in the Liberty BASIC submission (and boy did this need it!).
<lang Phix>-- demo/rosetta/Miller_Rabin_primality_test.exw
include bigatom.e
function ba_rand(object low, high)
-- generate a random number between low and high (inclusive)
-- low and high can be passed in as integer/string/bigatom
-- (both low and high get given the ba_round(int) treatment)
low = ba_sub(ba_round(low),1)
high = ba_round(high) -- just in case...
bigatom hz = ba_sub(high,low) -- convert range to 0..hz
string hs = ba_sprint(hz) -- get length
integer l = length(hs)
string rs = repeat('9',l)
while 1 do
-- generate "000..." .. "999..." in blocks of up to 9
for p=1 to length(rs) by 9 do
integer cl = min(l-p+1,9)
string fmt = sprintf("%%0%dd",cl) -- "%01d".."%09d"
string chunk = sprintf(fmt,rand(power(10,cl))-1)
rs[p..p+cl-1] = chunk
end for
if length(rs)!=length(hs) then ?9/0 end if -- sanity
if rs<=hs then exit end if
end while
return ba_add(ba_new(rs),low)
end function
function ba_mod_exp(object base, exponent, modulus)
-- base/exponent/modulus can be integer/string/bigatom
bigatom res
if ba_compare(exponent,1)=0 then
res = base
bool odd = (ba_compare(ba_mod(exponent,2),0)!=0)
if odd then
exponent = ba_sub(exponent,1)
end if
exponent = ba_divide(exponent,2)
res = ba_mod_exp(base,exponent,modulus)
res = ba_multiply(res,res)
if odd then
res = ba_multiply(res,base)
end if
end if
res = ba_mod(res,modulus)
return res
end function
constant COMPOSITE = 0,
function Miller_Rabin(object n, integer k=10)
-- n can be integer/string/bigatom
bigatom nm1 = ba_sub(n,1), d=nm1, x
integer s = 0
if ba_compare(n,2)=0 then
elsif ba_mod(n,2)=0 or ba_compare(n,2)<0 then
end if
while ba_mod(d,2)=0 do
d = ba_divide(d,2)
s += 1
end while
integer res = PROBABLY_PRIME
for i=1 to k do
printf(1,"working (%d/%d)...\r",{i,k})
x = ba_mod_exp(ba_rand(2,nm1),d,n)
if ba_compare(x,1)!=0
and ba_compare(x,nm1)!=0 then
for r=1 to s-1 do
-- x = ba_mod(ba_multiply(x,x),n) -- (far too slow!)
x = ba_mod_exp(x,2,n)
if ba_compare(x,1)=0 then res = COMPOSITE exit end if
if ba_compare(x,nm1)=0 then exit end if
end for
if ba_compare(x,nm1)!=0 then res = COMPOSITE end if
end if
if res=COMPOSITE then exit end if
end for
printf(1," \r")
return res
end function
?Miller_Rabin(17) --1
?Miller_Rabin(21) --0
?Miller_Rabin("4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909489") --1
?Miller_Rabin("4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909393") --0</lang>
