Miller–Rabin primality test: Difference between revisions

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Zeddicus (talk | contribs)
Zeddicus (talk | contribs)
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 5,887:
===Version 1===
With a   '''K'''   of   '''1''',   there seems to be a not uncommon number of failures, but
::: with a   '''K ≥ 2''',   the failures are seldom,
Line 5,971 ⟶ 5,972:
Above program has 2 issues:
# The REXX BIF '''random()''' is limited to the range 1 to 99999. Thus the statement '''?= random(2, nL)''' runs into trouble very soon.
# In the statement '''x= ?**d // n''' (meaning ?^d mod n) the part '''?**d''' overflows already on modest values of ? and d. REXX does not have 'modular exponentation'.
1) The REXX BIF '''random()''' is limited to the range 1 to 99999. Thus the statement '''?= random(2, nL)''' runs into trouble very soon.
2) In the statement '''x= ?**d // n''' (meaning ?^d mod n) the part '''?**d''' overflows already on modest values of ? and d. REXX does not have 'modular exponentation'.
These two issues prevent the testing of bigger primes.
REXX does not have an 'include' facility nor 'arbitrary precision' mathematical functions out of the
Below version implements the full Miller-Rabin primality test included witnesses for deterministic test for x < 3317044064679887385961981. Improved functions '''Rand''' and '''Powermod''' (see elsewhere on RosettaCode) are added. Also some small functions '''Floor''' and '''Whole''' are included.
box. In previous REXX entries it was custom the have all needed routines or procedures copied into
the program. Newer entries redirect to<br>
[[Mathematics.rex|Libraries]] and<br>
[[Compiler/Simple file inclusion pre processor#rexx|Pre processor and Include clause]].<br>
At the end of each entry you'll find several Include clauses, showing the libraries that the program
needs (cf '#include', 'import', 'uses' or '::requires').
===Version 2===
Below version implements the full Miller-Rabin primality test using witnesses for deterministic tests x < 3317044064679887385961981 and probabilistic tests for higher x.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">
parse version version
say version
glob. = ''
numeric digits 1000
parse version version; say version; glob. = ''
say '25 numbers of the form 2^n-1, mostly Mersenne primes'
say 'Up to about 25 digits deterministic, above probabilistic'
mm = '2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 31 61 89 97 107 113 127 131 521 607 1279 2203 2281 2293 3217 3221',
|| '607 1279 2203 2281 2293 3217 3221'
do nn = 1 to 25
a = Word(mm,nn); b = 2**a-1; l = Length(b)
call time('r'); p = Prime(b); e = time('e')
if l > 2520 then
b = Left(b,1210)'...'Right(b,1310)
when p = 0 then
Line 6,002 ⟶ 6,007:
p = 'probable'
say '2^('a'-1)' '=' b '('l' digits) is' p 'prime' '('format(e,,3) 'seconds)'
Line 6,035 ⟶ 6,040:
/* Thresholds deterministic witnesses */
w2 = ' 2047 1373653 25326001 3215031751 2152302898747 3474749660383 341550071728321 0 ',
|| '0 3825123056546413051 0 0 318665857834031151167461 3317044064679887385961981 '
w = Words(w2)
/* Up to 13 deterministic trials */
Line 6,072 ⟶ 6,077:
return 1
include Functions
include Numbers
/* Floor */
procedure expose glob.
arg x
/* Formula */
if Whole(x) then
return x
return Trunc(x)-(x<0)
As in the previous version, k = 3 was hard coded and seems good enough for this test. A higher k gives more confidence on the probable primes, but also a longer running time.
/* Power modulus function x^y mod z */
procedure expose glob.
arg x,y,z
/* Validity */
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if x < 0 then
return 'X'
if y < 0 then
return 'X'
if z < 1 then
return 'X'
/* Special values */
if z = 1 then
return 0
/* Binary method */
numeric digits Max(Length(Format(x,,,0)),Length(Format(y,,,0)),2*Length(Format(z,,,0)))
b = x//z; r = 1
do while y > 0
if y//2 then
r = r*x//z
x = x*x//z; y = y%2
return r
/* Random number 12 digits precision */
procedure expose glob.
arg x,y
/* Validity */
if x <> '' then do
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if x >= y then
return 'X'
/* Fixed precision */
p = Digits(); numeric digits 30
/* Get and save first seed from system Date and Time */
if glob.rand = '' then do
a = Date('s'); b = Time('l')
glob.rand = Substr(b,10,3)||Substr(b,7,2)||Substr(b,4,2)||Substr(b,1,2)||Substr(a,7,2)||Substr(a,5,2)||Substr(a,3,2)
/* Calculate next random number method HP calculators */
glob.rand = Right((glob.rand*2851130928467),15)
/* Uniform deviate [0,1) */
z = '0.'Left(glob.rand,Length(glob.rand)-3)
numeric digits 12
if x = '' then
return z/1
return Floor(z*(y+1-x)+x)
/* Is a number integer? */
procedure expose glob.
arg x
/* Formula */
return Datatype(x,'w')
This version will produceproduces output (Windows 11, Intel i7, 4.5Ghz, 16G):
Line 6,157 ⟶ 6,090:
Up to about 25 digits deterministic, above probabilistic
2^(2-1) = 3 (1 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(3-1) = 7 (1 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(5-1) = 31 (2 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(7-1) = 127 (3 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(11-1) = 2047 (4 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(13-1) = 8191 (4 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(17-1) = 131071 (6 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(19-1) = 524287 (6 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(23-1) = 8388607 (7 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(31-1) = 2147483647 (10 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(61-1) = 2305843009213693951 (19 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(89-1) = 618970019642...0137449562111 (27 digits) is probable prime (0.016 seconds)
2^(97-1) = 158456325028...5187087900671 (30 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(107-1) = 162259276829...1578010288127 (33 digits) is probable prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(113-1) = 103845937170...0992658440191 (35 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(127-1) = 170141183460...3715884105727 (39 digits) is probable prime (0.016 seconds)
2^(131-1) = 272225893536...9454145691647 (40 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^(521-1) = 686479766013...8291115057151 (157 digits) is probable prime (0.453 seconds)
2^(607-1) = 531137992816...3219031728127 (183 digits) is probable prime (0.765 seconds)
2^(1279-1) = 104079321946...5703168729087 (386 digits) is probable prime (9.407 seconds)
2^(2203-1) = 147597991521...7686697771007 (664 digits) is probable prime (36.527 seconds)
2^(2281-1) = 446087557183...2418132836351 (687 digits) is probable prime (37.575 seconds)
2^(2293-1) = 182717463422...4672097697791 (691 digits) is not prime (16.324 seconds)
2^(3217-1) = 259117086013...7362909315071 (969 digits) is probable prime (111.373 seconds)
2^(3221-1) = 414587337621...7806549041151 (970 digits) is not prime (36.390 seconds)
Line 7,076 ⟶ 7,009:
4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909393 is composite
=={{header|X86-64 Assembly}}==
===WINDOW MASM 64 bits===
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
; test miller rabin
; assembly X86 window
; download and install visual studio 2022 free site mtcrosoft
; search and open X64 native tools command prompt
; compil and link program with this command :
; ml64 <pgmname>.asm /link /ENTRY:main /SUBSYSTEM:console kernel32.lib user32.lib Shell32.lib
; this program respects the 64-bit calling convention :
; registers arguments : rcx rdx r8 r9 and stack
; registers saved : rbx,rbp,rdi,rsi, r12-r15
; ATTENTION les registres rax,rcx,rdx,r8-r11 peuvent être
; perdus lors d'un appel de fonction
; constantes
NBLOOP equ 5 ; loop number change this if necessary
afficherLib MACRO messa
local mess1,LGMESS1C
mess1 db messa,10,0
LGMESS1C equ $ - mess1
push rax
push rcx
push rdx
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
mov rcx, offset mess1
mov rdx,LGMESS1C
call afficherConsole
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rax
; user data
sBuffer db BUFFERSIZE dup (' ')
szRetourLigne db 10,0
sZoneConv db 24 dup (' ')
align 8
qgraine dq 123456789
qNbDep1 dq 0019660dh
qNbDep2 dq 3c6ef35fh
hConsole dq 0
; user code fonction principale
extern WriteFile : proc, GetStdHandle : proc, ExitProcess : proc
extern GetLastError : proc
main PROC public
afficherLib "Program start."
;mov rcx,5107
;mov rcx,199
;mov rcx, 1707 ; compose
;mov rcx,-1 ; composé
mov rcx,2305843009213693951 ; prime
mov rdx,NBLOOP
call isPrimeMiller
afficherLib "Resultat ="
mov rcx,rax
mov rdx, offset sZoneConv
call conversion10
mov rdx,rax ; result length
mov rcx, offset sZoneConv
call afficherConsole
mov rcx, offset szRetourLigne
mov rdx,1
call afficherConsole
afficherLib "Programm end."
sub rsp,28h ; stack alignement
mov rcx,0 ; return code
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
;* test miller rabin algorithme wikipedia */
;* unsigned */
;* rcx contains number */
;* rdx contains parameter loop number */
;* rax return 1 if prime 0 if composite */
push rbx
push rdi
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
cmp rcx,0
je composite
cmp rcx,3
jbe primeok
bt rcx,0
jc prime2
afficherLib "pair"
mov rax,0
jmp finprime
afficherLib "impair"
mov rdi,rdx ; loop number maxi
mov r11,rcx ; number
mov r9,rcx
dec r9 ; D
mov r10,0 ; S
shr r9,1 ; D/2
inc r10
bt r9,0
jnc prime3
mov rbx ,0 ; loop counter
mov r12,r11 ; number
sub r12,3
mov r13,3
mov rcx,r13
mov rdx,r9 ; exposant = d
mov r8,r11 ; modulo
call moduloPui64
cmp rax,1
je prime8
mov r15,r11
dec r15 ; N - 1
cmp r15,rax
je prime8
mov r15,r10
dec r15 ; s - 1
mov rdx,0
mul rax ; compute square
div r11
cmp rdx,1 ; remainder = 1 ?
je composite
mov r14,r11
dec r14
cmp r14,rdx
je prime8
dec r15 ; S - 1
jge prime5
jmp composite
add r13,2
cmp r13,r11 ; pour les petits nombres
je primeok
inc rbx
cmp rbx,rdi ; loop maxi ?
jl prime4
mov rax,1 ; prime
jmp finprime
mov rax,0
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rdi
pop rbx
;* Calcul modulo de b puissance e modulo m */
;* Exemple 4 puissance 13 modulo 497 = 445 */
;* rcx nombre */
;* rdx exposant */
;* r8 modulo */
push r12
push r11
push r10
push r9
mov rax,0
cmp rcx,0
je finmod
cmp rdx,0
je finmod
cmp r8,0
je finmod
mov r10,r8 ; modulo
mov r8,rdx ;exposant
mov rax,rcx ; number
mov r9,1 ; result
mov rdx,0
div r10
mov rax,rdx ; remainder
mov r12,rdx
mov r11,r8
shr r11,1
jnc expnonnul
mov rdx,0
mul r9 ; ltiplie par resultat
div r10
mov r9,rdx ; resultat = reste
mov rax,r12
mul r12
div r10
mov r12,rdx
mov rax,rdx
shr r8,1
cmp r8,0
jne boucleexp
mov rax,r9
pop r9
pop r10
pop r11
pop r12
; console display
; rcx : string address
; rdx : length string
afficherConsole PROC public
push rbx
push r12
sub rsp,28h ; 40 bytes on stack (shadow variables)
mov rbx,rcx ; string address
mov r12,rdx ; size string
cmp QWORD ptr hConsole,0 ; console handle ?
jne @B3
call GetStdHandle ; load console handle
mov hConsole, rax ; save in data
mov rcx,hconsole ; handle
mov rdx,rbx ; string address
mov r8,r12 ; string length
mov r9,0 ;
sub rsp,8 ; stack alignement (one push)
push 0
sub rsp,20h ; stack for shadow variable
call WriteFile ; winapi function
add rsp,20h
add rsp,10h ; 1 push and alignement
add rsp,28h ; stack alignement
pop r12
pop rbx
afficherConsole ENDP
;conversion to unsigned base 10
;with removal of unnecessary zeros
;and left shift
; rcx : value to convert
; rdx : conversion area address length > 22
push rbx
push rdi
mov rdi,rdx ; conversion area address
mov BYTE ptr [rdi+LONGUEUR],0 ; 0 final conversion area
mov rax,rcx ; value
mov rcx,LONGUEUR-1
mov rbx ,10
CA1: ; loop begin
mov rdx,0 ; division rax by 10
div rbx
add rdx,'0' ; remainder conversion ascii
mov byte ptr [rdi+rcx],dl
dec rcx
cmp rax,0 ; end ?
jne CA1
xor rax,rax
inc rcx
CA5: ; copy loop
mov dl,[rdi+rcx] ; load a result character
mov byte ptr [rdi+rax],dl ; and store at conversion area begin
inc rcx
inc rax
cmp rcx,LONGUEUR ; loop if not zero final
jle CA5
pop rdi
pop rbx
; generate random number
; rcx number limit
mov rax,0
cmp rcx,0
je randfin
mov rax, qGraine ; load seed
mov r8,qNbDep1
mov rdx,qNbDep2
mul r8
add rax,rdx
mov qGraine,rax ; store new seed
inc rcx
mov rdx,0
div rcx
mov rax,rdx ; result = remainder
; string concatenation
; rcx destination area address
; rdx destination area length
; r8 strings number
; r9 0
; on stack address and length of each string
; in order of insertion
enter 0,0
push rbx
push r12
push r13
cmp r8,0
je fingrp
mov r12,rdx
mov r9,0 ; indice strings
mov r10,0 ; number of characters inserted
mov r13,r8
shl r13,1
mov rbx,[rbp+8+(r13 * 8)] ; string address
mov rax,[rbp+(r13 * 8)] ; sring length
mov r11,0
bouclecopie: ; loop string copy
mov dl,byte ptr[rbx+r11]
mov byte ptr[rcx+r10],dl
inc r11
cmp r11,rax
jg finbouclecopie
inc r10 ;number of characters inserted
cmp r10,r12 ; max?
jge erreur
jmp bouclecopie
dec r8 ; other string
jnz bouclezone
mov rax,r10 ; return size final string
jmp fingrp
afficherLib "reception area too small"
mov rax,0
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
Program start.
Resultat =
Programm end.
Using the Miller-Rabin primality test in GMP: