Miller–Rabin primality test: Difference between revisions

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add task to arm assembly raspberry pi
Zeddicus (talk | contribs)
(10 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 63:
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits <br> or android 64 bits with application Termux }}
<syntaxhighlight lang AArch64 Assembly>
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program testmiller64B.s */
// optimisation : one routine
/* Constantes */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
.equ NBLOOP, 5 // loop number change this if necessary
// if modify, thinck to add test to little prime value
// in routine
//.include "../../" // use for developper debugging
/* Initialized data */
szMessStartPgm: .asciz "Program 64 bits start \n"
szMessEndPgm: .asciz "Program normal end.\n"
szMessPrime: .asciz " is prime !!!.\n"
szMessNotPrime: .asciz " is not prime !!!.\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
/* UnInitialized data */
.align 4
sZoneConv: .skip 24
/* code section */
.global main
main: // program start
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStartPgm // display start message
bl affichageMess
ldr x4,iStart // start number
ldr x5,iLimit // end number
tst x4,#1
cinc x4,x4,eq // start with odd number
mov x0,x4
bl isPrimeMiller // test miller rabin
cmp x0,#0
beq 2f
mov x0,x4
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 // decimal conversion
ldr x0,qAdrsZoneConv
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessPrime
bl affichageMess
b 3f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessNotPrime
// bl affichageMess
add x4,x4,#2
cmp x4,x5
blo 1b
ldr x0,qAdrszMessEndPgm // display end message
bl affichageMess
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0, #0 // return code
mov x8, #EXIT // request to exit program
svc 0 // perform system call
qAdrszMessStartPgm: .quad szMessStartPgm
qAdrszMessEndPgm: .quad szMessEndPgm
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv
qAdrszMessPrime: .quad szMessPrime
qAdrszMessNotPrime: .quad szMessNotPrime
//iStart: .quad 0x0
//iLimit: .quad 0x100
iStart: .quad 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00
iLimit: .quad 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0
//iStart: .quad 341550071728360
//iLimit: .quad 341550071728380
/* test miller rabin algorithme wikipedia */
/* unsigned */
/* x0 contains number */
/* x1 contains parameter */
/* x0 return 1 if prime 0 if composite */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // TODO: save à completer
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
cmp x0,#1 // control 0 or 1
csel x0,xzr,x0,ls
bls 100f
cmp x0,#2 // control = 2
mov x1,1
csel x0,x1,x0,eq
beq 100f
cmp x0,#3 // control = 3
csel x0,x1,x0,eq
beq 100f
cmp x0,#5 // control = 5
csel x0,x1,x0,eq
beq 100f
cmp x0,#7 // control = 7
csel x0,x1,x0,eq
beq 100f
cmp x0,#11 // control = 11
csel x0,x1,x0,eq
beq 100f
tst x0,#1
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq // even
beq 100f
mov x4,x0 // N
sub x3,x0,#1 // D
mov x2,#2
mov x6,#0 // S
1: // compute D * 2 power S
lsr x3,x3,#1 // D= D/2
add x6,x6,#1 // increment S
tst x3,#1 // D even ?
beq 1b
mov x8,#0 // loop counter
sub x5,x0,#3
mov x7,3
mov x0,x7
mov x1,x3 // exposant = D
mov x2,x4 // modulo N
bl moduloPur64
cmp x0,#1
beq 5f
sub x1,x4,#1 // n -1
cmp x0,x1
beq 5f
sub x9,x6,#1 // S - 1
mov x2,x0
mul x0,x2,x2 // compute square lower
umulh x1,x2,x2 // compute square upper
mov x2,x4 // and compute modulo N
bl division64R2023
mov x0,x2
cmp x0,#1
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq // composite
beq 100f
sub x1,x4,#1 // n -1
cmp x0,x1
beq 5f
subs x9,x9,#1
bge 4b
mov x0,#0 // composite
b 100f
add x7,x7,2
add x8,x8,#1
cmp x8,NBLOOP
blt 3b
mov x0,#1 // prime
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // TODO: retaur à completer
/* Calcul modulo de b puissance e modulo m */
/* Exemple 4 puissance 13 modulo 497 = 445 */
/* x0 nombre */
/* x1 exposant */
/* x2 modulo */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x3,x4,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x7,x8,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x9,x10,[sp,-16]! // save registres
cbz x0,100f
cbz x1,100f
mov x8,x0
mov x7,x1
mov x10,x2 // modulo
mov x6,1 // resultat
udiv x4,x8,x10
msub x9,x4,x10,x8 // contient le reste
tst x7,1
beq 2f
mul x4,x9,x6
umulh x5,x9,x6
mov x6,x4
mov x0,x6
mov x1,x5
mov x2,x10
bl division64R2023
mov x6,x2
mul x8,x9,x9
umulh x5,x9,x9
mov x0,x8
mov x1,x5
mov x2,x10
bl division64R2023
mov x9,x2
lsr x7,x7,1
cbnz x7,1b
mov x0,x6 // result
cmn x0,0 // clear carry not error
ldp x9,x10,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x7,x8,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x5,x6,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x3,x4,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ret // retour adresse lr x30
/* division number 128 bits in 2 registers by number 64 bits */
/* unsigned */
/* x0 contains lower part dividende */
/* x1 contains upper part dividende */
/* x2 contains divisor */
/* x0 return lower part quotient */
/* x1 return upper part quotient */
/* x2 return remainder */
stp x3,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
mov x4,x2 // save divisor
mov x5,#0 // init upper part divisor
mov x2,x0 // save dividende
mov x3,x1
mov x0,#0 // init result
mov x1,#0
mov x6,#0 // init shift counter
1: // loop shift divisor
cmp x5,#0 // upper divisor <0
blt 2f
cmp x5,x3
bhi 2f
blo 11f
cmp x4,x2
bhi 2f // new divisor > dividende
lsl x5,x5,#1 // shift left one bit upper divisor
tst x4,#0x8000000000000000
lsl x4,x4,#1 // shift left one bit lower divisor
orr x7,x5,#1
csel x5,x7,x5,ne // move bit 63 lower on upper
add x6,x6,#1 // increment shift counter
b 1b
2: // loop 2
lsl x1,x1,#1 // shift left one bit upper quotient
tst x0,#0x8000000000000000
lsl x0,x0,#1 // shift left one bit lower quotient
orr x7,x1,#1
csel x1,x7,x1,ne // move bit 63 lower on upper
cmp x5,x3 // compare divisor and dividende
bhi 3f
blo 21f
cmp x4,x2
bhi 3f
subs x2,x2,x4 // < sub divisor from dividende lower
sbc x3,x3,x5 // and upper
orr x0,x0,#1 // move 1 on quotient
lsr x4,x4,#1 // shift right one bit upper divisor
tst x5,1
lsr x5,x5,#1 // and lower
orr x7,x4,#0x8000000000000000 // move bit 0 upper to 31 bit lower
csel x4,x7,x4,ne // move bit 0 upper to 63 bit lower
subs x6,x6,#1 // decrement shift counter
bge 2b // if > 0 loop 2
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x3,lr,[sp],16
.include "../"
Program 64 bits start
18446744073709551427 is prime !!!.
18446744073709551437 is prime !!!.
18446744073709551521 is prime !!!.
18446744073709551533 is prime !!!.
18446744073709551557 is prime !!!.
Program normal end.
Line 5,367 ⟶ 5,680:
>>> </pre>
Translated from the current (22 Sept 2023) pseudocode from [[wp:Miller-Rabin primality test#Miller–Rabin_test|Wikipedia]], which is:
'''Input #1''': ''n'' > 2, an odd integer to be tested for primality
'''Input #2''': ''k'', the number of rounds of testing to perform
'''Output''': “''composite''” if ''n'' is found to be composite, “''probably prime''” otherwise
'''let''' ''s'' > 0 and ''d'' odd > 0 such that ''n'' − 1 = 2<sup>''s''</sup>''d'' <u># by factoring out powers of 2 from ''n'' − 1</u>
'''repeat''' ''k'' '''times''':
''a'' ← random(2, ''n'' − 2) # ''n'' is always a probable prime to base 1 and ''n'' − 1
''x'' ← ''a''<sup>''d''</sup> mod ''n''
'''repeat''' ''s'' '''times''':
''y'' ← ''x''<sup>2</sup> mod ''n''
'''if''' ''y'' = 1 and ''x'' ≠ 1 and ''x'' ≠ ''n'' − 1 '''then''' <u># nontrivial square root of 1 modulo ''n''</u>
'''return''' “''composite''”
''x'' ← ''y''
'''if''' ''y'' ≠ 1 '''then'''
'''return''' “''composite''”
'''return''' “''probably prime''”
As Quackery does not have variables, I have included a "builder" (i.e. a compiler extension) to provide basic global variables, in order to facilitate comparison to the pseudocode.
<code>var myvar</code> will create a variable called <code>myvar</code> initialised with the value <code>0</code>, and additionally the words <code>->myvar</code> and <code>myvar-></code>, which assign a value to <code>myvar</code> and return the value of <code>myvar</code> respectively.
The variable <code>c</code> is set to <code>true</code> if the number being tested is composite. This is included as Quackery does not have a <code>break</code> that can exit nested iterative loops.
<code>eratosthenes</code> and <code>isprime</code> are defined at [[Sieve of Eratosthenes#Quackery]].
<code>**mod</code> is defined at [[Modular exponentiation#Quackery]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="Quackery"> [ nextword
dup $ "" = if
[ $ "var needs a name"
message put bail ]
$ " [ stack 0 ] is "
over join
$ " [ "
join over join
$ " replace ] is ->"
join over join
$ " [ "
join over join
$ " share ] is "
join swap join
$ "-> " join
swap join ] builds var ( [ $ --> [ $ )
10000 eratosthenes
[ 1 & not ] is even ( n --> b )
var n var d var s var a
var t var x var y var c
[ dup 10000 < iff isprime done
dup even iff
[ drop false ] done
dup ->n
[ 1 - 0 swap
[ dup even while
1 >> dip 1+ again ] ]
->d ->s
false ->c
20 times
[ n-> 2 - random 2 + ->a
s-> ->t
a-> d-> n-> **mod ->x
s-> times
[ x-> 2 n-> **mod ->y
y-> 1 =
x-> 1 !=
x-> n-> 1 - !=
and and iff
[ true ->c conclude ]
y-> ->x ]
c-> iff conclude done
y-> 1 != if
[ true ->c conclude ] ]
c-> not ] is prime ( n --> b )
say "Primes < 100:" cr
100 times [ i^ prime if [ i^ echo sp ] ]
cr cr
[] 1000 times
[ i^ 9223372036854774808 + dup
prime iff join else drop ]
say "There are "
dup size echo
say " primes between 9223372036854774808 and 9223372036854775808:"
cr cr
witheach [ echo i^ 1+ 4 mod iff sp else cr ]
cr cr
4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909489 dup echo
prime iff
[ say " is prime." ]
[ say " is not prime." ]
cr cr
4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909393 dup echo
prime iff
[ say "is prime." ]
[ say " is not prime." ]</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Primes < 100:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
There are 23 primes between 9223372036854774808 and 9223372036854775808:
9223372036854774893 9223372036854774917 9223372036854774937 9223372036854774959
9223372036854775057 9223372036854775073 9223372036854775097 9223372036854775139
9223372036854775159 9223372036854775181 9223372036854775259 9223372036854775279
9223372036854775291 9223372036854775337 9223372036854775351 9223372036854775399
9223372036854775417 9223372036854775421 9223372036854775433 9223372036854775507
9223372036854775549 9223372036854775643 9223372036854775783
4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909489 is prime.
4547337172376300111955330758342147474062293202868155909393 is not prime.</pre>
Line 5,532 ⟶ 5,969:
for 1──►10000, K=10, Miller─Rabin primality test found 1229 primes {out of 1229}.
Above program has 2 issues:
1) The REXX BIF '''random()''' is limited to the range 1 to 99999. Thus the statement '''?= random(2, nL)''' runs into trouble very soon.
2) In the statement '''x= ?**d // n''' (meaning ?^d mod n) the part '''?**d''' overflows already on modest values of ? and d. REXX does not have 'modular exponentation'.
These two issues prevent the testing of bigger primes.
Below version implements the full Miller-Rabin primality test included witnesses for deterministic test for x < 3317044064679887385961981. Improved functions '''Rand''' and '''Powermod''' (see elsewhere on RosettaCode) are added. Also some small functions '''Floor''' and '''Whole''' are included.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">
parse version version
say version
glob. = ''
numeric digits 1000
say '25 numbers of the form 2^n-1, mostly Mersenne primes'
say 'Up to about 25 digits deterministic, above probabilistic'
mm = '2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 31 61 89 97 107 113 127 131 521 607 1279 2203 2281 2293 3217 3221'
do nn = 1 to 25
a = Word(mm,nn); b = 2**a-1; l = Length(b)
call time('r'); p = Prime(b); e = time('e')
if l > 25 then
b = Left(b,12)'...'Right(b,13)
when p = 0 then
p = 'not'
when l < 26 then
p = 'for sure'
p = 'probable'
say '2^('a'-1)' '=' b '('l' digits) is' p 'prime' '('format(e,,3) 'seconds)'
/* Is a number prime? */
procedure expose glob.
arg x
/* Validity */
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if x < 2 then
return 'X'
/* Low primes also used as deterministic witnesses */
w1 = ' 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 '
/* Fast values */
w = x
if Pos(' 'w' ',w1) > 0 then
return 1
if x//2 = 0 then
return 0
if x//3 = 0 then
return 0
if Right(x,1) = 5 then
return 0
/* Miller-Rabin primality test */
numeric digits 2*Length(x)
d = x-1; e = d
/* Reduce n-1 by factors of 2 */
do s = -1 while d//2 = 0
d = d%2
/* Thresholds deterministic witnesses */
w2 = ' 2047 1373653 25326001 3215031751 2152302898747 3474749660383 341550071728321 0 ',
|| ' 3825123056546413051 0 0 318665857834031151167461 3317044064679887385961981 '
w = Words(w2)
/* Up to 13 deterministic trials */
if x < Word(w2,w) then do
do k = 1 to w
if x < Word(w2,k) then
/* or 3 probabilistic trials */
else do
w1 = ' '
do k = 1 to 3
r = Rand(2,e)/1; w1 = w1||r||' '
k = k-1
/* Algorithm using generated witnesses */
do k = 1 to k
a = Word(w1,k); y = powermod(a,d,x)
if y = 1 then
if y = e then
do s
y = (y*y)//x
if y = 1 then
return 0
if y = e then
if y <> e then
return 0
return 1
/* Floor */
procedure expose glob.
arg x
/* Formula */
if Whole(x) then
return x
return Trunc(x)-(x<0)
/* Power modulus function x^y mod z */
procedure expose glob.
arg x,y,z
/* Validity */
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if x < 0 then
return 'X'
if y < 0 then
return 'X'
if z < 1 then
return 'X'
/* Special values */
if z = 1 then
return 0
/* Binary method */
numeric digits Max(Length(Format(x,,,0)),Length(Format(y,,,0)),2*Length(Format(z,,,0)))
b = x//z; r = 1
do while y > 0
if y//2 then
r = r*x//z
x = x*x//z; y = y%2
return r
/* Random number 12 digits precision */
procedure expose glob.
arg x,y
/* Validity */
if x <> '' then do
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if \ Whole(x) then
return 'X'
if x >= y then
return 'X'
/* Fixed precision */
p = Digits(); numeric digits 30
/* Get and save first seed from system Date and Time */
if glob.rand = '' then do
a = Date('s'); b = Time('l')
glob.rand = Substr(b,10,3)||Substr(b,7,2)||Substr(b,4,2)||Substr(b,1,2)||Substr(a,7,2)||Substr(a,5,2)||Substr(a,3,2)
/* Calculate next random number method HP calculators */
glob.rand = Right((glob.rand*2851130928467),15)
/* Uniform deviate [0,1) */
z = '0.'Left(glob.rand,Length(glob.rand)-3)
numeric digits 12
if x = '' then
return z/1
return Floor(z*(y+1-x)+x)
/* Is a number integer? */
procedure expose glob.
arg x
/* Formula */
return Datatype(x,'w')
As in the previous version, k = 3 was hard coded and seems good enough for this test. A higher k gives more confidence on the probable primes, but also a longer running time.
This version will produce output (Windows 11, Intel i7, 4.5Ghz, 16G):
REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 23 Dec 2022
25 numbers of the form 2^n-1, mostly Mersenne primes
Up to about 25 digits deterministic, above probabilistic
2^2-1 = 3 (1 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^3-1 = 7 (1 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^5-1 = 31 (2 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^7-1 = 127 (3 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^11-1 = 2047 (4 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^13-1 = 8191 (4 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^17-1 = 131071 (6 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^19-1 = 524287 (6 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^23-1 = 8388607 (7 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^31-1 = 2147483647 (10 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^61-1 = 2305843009213693951 (19 digits) is for sure prime (0.000 seconds)
2^89-1 = 618970019642...0137449562111 (27 digits) is probable prime (0.016 seconds)
2^97-1 = 158456325028...5187087900671 (30 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^107-1 = 162259276829...1578010288127 (33 digits) is probable prime (0.000 seconds)
2^113-1 = 103845937170...0992658440191 (35 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^127-1 = 170141183460...3715884105727 (39 digits) is probable prime (0.016 seconds)
2^131-1 = 272225893536...9454145691647 (40 digits) is not prime (0.000 seconds)
2^521-1 = 686479766013...8291115057151 (157 digits) is probable prime (0.453 seconds)
2^607-1 = 531137992816...3219031728127 (183 digits) is probable prime (0.765 seconds)
2^1279-1 = 104079321946...5703168729087 (386 digits) is probable prime (9.407 seconds)
2^2203-1 = 147597991521...7686697771007 (664 digits) is probable prime (36.527 seconds)
2^2281-1 = 446087557183...2418132836351 (687 digits) is probable prime (37.575 seconds)
2^2293-1 = 182717463422...4672097697791 (691 digits) is not prime (16.324 seconds)
2^3217-1 = 259117086013...7362909315071 (969 digits) is probable prime (111.373 seconds)
2^3221-1 = 414587337621...7806549041151 (970 digits) is not prime (36.390 seconds)
Above 1000 digits it becomes very slow.
Line 6,397 ⟶ 7,052:
I've therefore used this method to check the same numbers as in my Kotlin entry.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./big" for BigInt
var iters = 10