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(Added zkl)
(Add Nimrod)
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fee fie
<lang nimrod>import strutils, rdstdin
proc menu(xs) =
for i,x in xs: echo " ",i,") ",x
proc ok(reply, count): bool =
let n = parseInt(reply)
return 0 <= n and n < count
except: return false
proc selector(xs, prompt): string =
if xs.len == 0: return ""
var reply = "-1"
while not ok(reply, xs.len):
reply = readLineFromStdin(prompt).strip()
return xs[parseInt(reply)]
const xs = ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"]
let item = selector(xs, "Which is from the three pigs: ")
echo "You chose: ", item</lang>
<pre> 0) fee fie
1) huff and puff
2) mirror mirror
3) tick tock
Which is from the three pigs: foo
0) fee fie
1) huff and puff
2) mirror mirror
3) tick tock
Which is from the three pigs: 4
0) fee fie
1) huff and puff
2) mirror mirror
3) tick tock
Which is from the three pigs: 2
You chose: mirror mirror</pre>