Memory allocation: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added more verbage in the REXX section header. -- ~~~~)
(Added Racket code)
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x=vector("numeric",10) #same as x=numeric(10), space allocated to list vector above now freed
rm(x) # remove x</lang>
Racket doesn't allow direct memory allocation, although it supports some things
<lang Racket>#lang racket
(collect-garbage) ; This function forces a garbage collection
(current-memory-use) ;Gives an estimate on the memory use based on the last garbage collection
(custodian-require-memory <limit-custodian>
<stop-custodian>) ; Registers a check on required memory for the <limit-custodian>
; If amount of bytes can't be reached, <stop-custodian> is shutdown
(custodian-limit-memory <custodian> <amount>) ; Register a limit on memory for the <custodian></lang>
Custodians manage threads, ports, sockets, etc.
A bit of information about them is available [ here]