Maze solving: Difference between revisions

added AutoHotkey
(added AutoHotkey)
Line 127:
Generator and solver combined.
<lang AutoHotkey>Width := 10, Height := 10 ; set grid size
SleepTime := 0
gosub, Startup
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, font, s12, consolas
Gui, add, edit, vEditGrid x10, % maze
Gui, add, button, xs gStartup Default, Generate maze
Gui, add, button, x+10 gSolve, Solve
Gui, show,, maze
GuiControl,, EditGrid, % maze ; show maze
oMaze := [] ; initialize
Solved := false
loop, % Height
row := A_Index
loop, % Width ; create oMaze[row,column] borders
col := A_Index, oMaze[row,col] := "LRTB" ; i.e. oMaze[2,5] := LRTB (add all borders)
Random, row, 1, % Height ; random row
Random, col, 1, % Width ; random col
grid := maze2text(oMaze) ; object to text
GuiControl,, EditGrid, % Grid ; show Grid
row := col := 1 ; reset to 1,1
oMaze := Generate_maze(row, col, oMaze) ; generate maze starting from random row/column
oMaze[1,1] .= "X" ; start from 1,1
maze := maze2text(oMaze) ; object to text
GuiControl,, EditGrid, % maze ; show maze
GuiControl,, EditRoute ; clear route
GuiControl, Enable, Solve
GuiControl, Disable, Generate maze
GuiControl, Disable, Solve
loop % oRoute.MaxIndex()
oSolution := Solve(1, 1, oMaze) ; solve starting from 1,1
oMaze := oSolution.1
oRoute := oSolution.2
Update(oMaze, oRoute)
Solved := true
GuiControl, Enable, Generate maze
Update(oMaze, oRoute){
global SleepTime
GuiControl,, EditGrid, % maze2text(oMaze)
Sleep, % SleepTime
width := oMaze.1.MaxIndex()
BLK := "█"
for row, objRow in oMaze
for col, val in objRow ; add ceiling
ceiling := InStr(oMaze[row, col] , "x") && InStr(oMaze[row-1, col] , "x") ? "+ " BLK " " : "+ "
grid .= (InStr(val, "T") ? "+---" : ceiling) (col = Width ? "+`n" : "")
for col, val in objRow ; add left wall
wall := SubStr(val, 0) = "X" ? BLK : " "
grid .= (InStr(val, "L") ? "| " : " ") wall " " (col = Width ? "|`n" : "") ; add left wall if needed then outer right border
Loop % Width
Grid .= "+---" ; add bottom floor
Grid .= "+" ; add right bottom corner
return RegExReplace(grid , BLK " (?=" BLK ")" , BLK BLK BLK BLK) ; fill gaps
Generate_maze(row, col, oMaze) {
neighbors := row+1 "," col "`n" row-1 "," col "`n" row "," col+1 "`n" row "," col-1
Sort, neighbors, random ; randomize neighbors list
Loop, parse, neighbors, `n ; for each neighbor
rowX := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ",").1 ; this neighbor row
colX := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ",").2 ; this neighbor column
if !instr(oMaze[rowX,colX], "LRTB") || !oMaze[rowX, colX] ; if visited (has a missing border) or out of bounds
continue ; skip
; remove borders
if (row > rowX) ; Cell is below this neighbor
oMaze[row,col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row,col], "T") , oMaze[rowX,colX] := StrReplace(oMaze[rowX,colX], "B")
else if (row < rowX) ; Cell is above this neighbor
oMaze[row,col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row,col], "B") , oMaze[rowX,colX] := StrReplace(oMaze[rowX,colX], "T")
else if (col > colX) ; Cell is right of this neighbor
oMaze[row,col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row,col], "L") , oMaze[rowX,colX] := StrReplace(oMaze[rowX,colX], "R")
else if (col < colX) ; Cell is left of this neighbor
oMaze[row,col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row,col], "R") , oMaze[rowX,colX] := StrReplace(oMaze[rowX,colX], "L")
Generate_maze(rowX, colX, oMaze) ; recurse for this neighbor
return, oMaze
Solve(row, col, oMaze){
static oRoute := []
oNeighbor := [], targetrow := oMaze.MaxIndex(), targetCol := oMaze.1.MaxIndex()
;~ Update(oMaze, oRoute)
oRoute.push(row ":" col) ; push current cell address to oRoute
oMaze[row, col] .= "X" ; mark it visited "X"
if (row = targetrow) && (Col = targetCol) ; if solved
return true ; return ture
; create list of Neighbors
oNeighbor[row, col] := []
if !InStr(oMaze[row, col], "R") ; if no Right border
oNeighbor[row, col].push(row "," col+1) ; add neighbor
if !InStr(oMaze[row, col], "B") ; if no Bottom border
oNeighbor[row, col].push(row+1 "," col) ; add neighbor
if !InStr(oMaze[row, col], "T") ; if no Top border
oNeighbor[row, col].push(row-1 "," col) ; add neighbor
if !InStr(oMaze[row, col], "L") ; if no Left border
oNeighbor[row, col].push(row "," col-1) ; add neighbor
; recurese for each oNeighbor
for each, neighbor in oNeighbor[row, col] ; for each neighbor
Update(oMaze, oRoute)
startrow := StrSplit(neighbor, ",").1 ; this neighbor
startCol := StrSplit(neighbor, ",").2 ; becomes starting point
if !InStr(oMaze[startrow, startCol], "X") ; if it was not visited
if Solve(startrow, startCol, oMaze) ; recurse for current neighbor
return [oMaze, oRoute] ; return solution if solved
oRoute.pop() ; no solution found, back track
oMaze[row, Col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row, Col], "X") ; no solution found, back track
;~ Update(oMaze, oRoute)
#IfWinActive, maze
if Solved
if (A_ThisHotkey="Right") && (!InStr(oMaze[row,col], "R"))
oMaze[row, col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row, col], "X") , col++
if (A_ThisHotkey="Left") && (!InStr(oMaze[row,col], "L"))
oMaze[row, col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row, col], "X") , col--
if (A_ThisHotkey="Up") && (!InStr(oMaze[row,col], "T"))
oMaze[row, col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row, col], "X") , row--
if (A_ThisHotkey="Down") && (!InStr(oMaze[row,col], "B"))
oMaze[row, col] := StrReplace(oMaze[row, col], "X") , row++
oMaze[row, col] .= "X"
GuiControl,, EditGrid, % maze2text(oMaze)
if (col = Width) && (row = Height)
Solved := true
oMaze[height, width] := StrReplace(oMaze[height, width], "X")
SleepTime := 0
gosub, solve
| ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ |
+---+ ¦ +---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+ ¦ +---+---+ ¦ +
| | ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ |
+ + ¦ + ¦ +---+---+---+---+ ¦ + ¦ + ¦ +
| ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ |
+ ¦ +---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+---+
| ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | |
+ ¦ +---+---+---+ ¦ +---+---+---+ ¦ + +
| ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ |
+---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+---+ +---+---+---+ ¦ +
| ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | | ¦¦¦¦¦ | | ¦ |
+ ¦ +---+---+---+ ¦ +---+ ¦ + ¦ + + ¦ +
| ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ |
+---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+---+ ¦ +---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+
| ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ | |
+ ¦ +---+ ¦ + ¦ +---+---+ ¦ +---+ ¦ + +
| ¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦ | | ¦¦¦¦¦ |
+ ¦ +---+---+---+---+ ¦ +---+ +---+ ¦ +
| ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦ |
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