Maze solving: Difference between revisions

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(Added emacs lisp example)
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<lang># maze
'n = 51
# n must be odd
'visited = 1
'free = 1
'endpos = 'n * 'n - 'n - 3
'startpos = 2 * 'n + 2
'f# = 100 / 'n
'f2# = 'f# / 2
func square pos . .
if pos = 'startpos
color 900
color 777
x = pos mod 'n
y = pos / 'n
move x * 'f# y * 'f#
rect 'f# * 1.05 'f# * 1.05
func mark pos . .
x = pos mod 'n
y = pos / 'n
color 900
move x * 'f# + 'f2# y * 'f# + 'f2#
circle 'f2# / 2
len m[] 'n * 'n
func make_fence . .
for i range 'n
m[i] = 'visited
m['n * i] = 'visited
m['n * i + 'n - 1] = 'visited
m['n * ('n - 1) + i] = 'visited
offs[] = [ 1 'n -1 (-'n) ]
func visited pos . r .
r = 0
for i range 4
r += m[pos + 2 * offs[i]]
func make_maze pos . .
m[pos] = 'visited
call visited pos res
until res = 4
dir = random 4
posn = pos + 2 * offs[dir]
if m[posn] <> 'visited
m[pos + offs[dir]] = 'free
call make_maze posn
func show_maze . .
color 000
rect 100 100
for i range len m[]
if m[i] = 'free
call square i
func solve dir0 pos . found .
if pos = 'endpos
found = 1
for dir range 4
posn = pos + offs[dir]
if dir <> dir0 and m[posn] = 'free and found = 0
call solve (dir + 2) mod 4 posn found
if found = 1
call mark posn
call make_fence
call make_maze 'startpos
m['endpos] = 'free
call show_maze
sleep 0.5
found = 0
call solve -1 'startpos found
