Maze generation: Difference between revisions

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(Updated D code)
Line 729: Line 729:
return 0;
return 0;

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Uses unicode line drawing chars. Assumes they are single width on console. Code pretty horribly unreadable.
<lang lisp>(defmacro !and= (a b) `(setf ,a (logand ,a (lognot ,b))))
(defmacro wipe (y x v) `(!and= (aref arr ,y ,x) ,v))

(defun make-maze (w h)
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
(let ((arr (make-array (list (+ h h 2) (+ w w 2))
:initial-element 0)))

(loop for i below (+ h h 1) do
(loop for j below (+ w w 1) do
(setf (aref arr i j) 15)))

;; initial clean up
(loop for i to h do
;(wipe (+ i i) 0 4)
;(wipe (+ i i) (+ w w) 8)
(loop for j to w do
(setf (aref arr (+ i i 1) (+ j j 1)) 0)
;(wipe 0 (+ j j) 1)
;(wipe (+ h h) (+ j j) 2)
(wipe (+ i i) (+ j j 1) 3)
(wipe (+ i i 1) (+ j j) 12)))

(labels ((walk (y x)
(setf (aref arr y x) 16)
(loop (let (xx yy)
(loop with cnt = 0 with x1 with y1
;; find a random neighbor
for (dx dy) in '((-2 0) (0 2) (2 0) (0 -2))
do (let ((x1 (+ dx x)) (y1 (+ dy y)))
(when (and (<= 0 y1 (+ h h))
(<= 0 x1 (+ w w))
(zerop (logand (aref arr y1 x1) 16))
(zerop (random (incf cnt))))
(setf xx x1 yy y1))))

(if (not (and xx yy)) (return-from walk))

;; break walls along the walk
(if (= x xx)
(let ((yy (/ (+ y yy) 2)))
(wipe yy (1+ x) 4)
(wipe yy (1- x) 8)
(setf (aref arr yy x) 0)))

(if (= y yy)
(let ((xx (/ (+ x xx) 2)))
(wipe (1+ y) xx 1)
(wipe (1- y) xx 2)
(setf (aref arr y xx) 0)))

(walk yy xx)))))

(walk (1+ (* 2 (random h))) (1+ (* 2 (random w)))))

(defun show-maze (m)
(let ((g " │││─┘┐┤─└┌├─┴┬┼"))
(loop for i below (1- (array-dimension m 0)) do
(loop for j below (1- (array-dimension m 1)) do
(loop repeat (if (oddp j) 3 1) do
(format t "~c" (char g (!and= (aref m i j) 16)))))
(write-line ""))))

(show-maze (make-maze 8 8))</lang>output<lang>┼───┴───┼───┴───┴───┼───┴───┴───┼
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