Maze generation: Difference between revisions

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(Added solution for Action!)
(Added GNU APL example)
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<lang APL>
This example shows how to use GNU APL scripting.

#!/usr/local/bin/apl --script --
⍝ ⍝
⍝ mazeGen.apl 2022-01-07 19:47:35 (GMT-8) ⍝
⍝ ⍝

⍝⍝ Seed the internal PRNG used by APL ? operator
⎕RL ← +/ ⎕TS ⍝⍝ Not great... but good enough

∇offs ← cellTo dir
⍝⍝ Return the offset (row col) to cell which lies in compass (dir)
offs ← ∊((¯1 0)(0 1)(1 0)(0 ¯1))[('nesw'⍳dir)]

∇doMaze rc
⍝⍝ Main function
0 0 mazeGen rc ⍝⍝ Do the maze gen
m ⍝⍝ output result

∇b ← m isVisited coord;mr;mc
→( ∨/ (coord[1] < 1) (coord[2] < 1) )/yes
→( ∨/ (coord > ⌊(⍴m)÷2) )/yes
b ← ' ' ∊ m[2×coord[1];2×coord[2]]

∇c mazeGen sz ;dirs;c;dir;cell;next
→(c≠(0 0))/gen
c ← ?sz[1],?sz[2]
m ← mazeInit sz
cell ← c
dirs ← 'nesw'[4?4]
m[2×c[1];2×c[2]] ← ' ' ⍝ mark cell as visited
dir ← dirs[1]
next ← cell + cellTo dir
→(m isVisited next)/dir2
m ← m openWall cell dir
next mazeGen sz
dir ← dirs[2]
next ← cell + cellTo dir
→(m isVisited next)/dir3
m ← m openWall cell dir
next mazeGen sz
dir ← dirs[3]
next ← cell + cellTo dir
→(m isVisited next)/dir4
m ← m openWall cell dir
next mazeGen sz
dir ← dirs[4]
next ← cell + cellTo dir
→(m isVisited next)/done
m ← m openWall cell dir
next mazeGen sz

∇m ← mazeInit sz;rows;cols;r
⍝⍝ Init an ASCII grid which
⍝⍝ has all closed and unvisited cells:
⍝⍝ +-+
⍝⍝ |.|
⍝⍝ +-+
⍝⍝ @param sz - tuple (rows cols)
⍝⍝ @return m - ASCII representation of (rows × cols) closed maze cells

(rows cols) ← sz
r ← ∊ (cols ⍴ ⊂"+-" ),"+"
r ← r,∊ (cols ⍴ ⊂"|." ),"|"
r ← (rows,(⍴r))⍴r
r ← ((2×rows),(1+2×cols))⍴r
r ← r⍪ (∊ (cols ⍴ ⊂"+-" ),"+")
m ← r

∇r ← m openWall cellAndDir ;ri;ci;rw;cw;row;col;dir
(row col dir) ← ∊cellAndDir
ri ← 2×row
ci ← 2×col
(rw cw) ← (ri ci) + cellTo dir
m[rw;cw] ← ' ' ⍝ open wall in (dir)
r ← m


doMaze 9 9
~/GNUAPL$ workspaces/mazeGen.apl
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+ + + +-+ +-+-+-+ +
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+ +-+ +-+-+ + +-+-+
| | | | |
+ + + + +-+-+-+-+ +
| | | | | |
+ + + +-+ +-+-+-+-+
| | | | | | |
+ + +-+ + + + + + +
| | | | | | | |
+ +-+ + + +-+-+ + +
| | | | | | |
+ + + +-+-+-+-+-+ +
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+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+-+-+
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