Maze generation: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
<lang Icon>link printf

procedure main(A) # generate rows x col maze
/mh := \A[1] | 12 # or take defaults 12 x 16
/mw := \A[2] | 16
mz := DisplayMaze(GenerateMaze(mh,mw))
WriteImage(mz.filename) # save file
WAttrib(mz.window,"canvas=normal") # show it
Event() & close(mz.window) # done after any event

$define SEEN 16 # bread crumbs for generator
$define NORTH 8 # sides ...
$define EAST 4
$define SOUTH 2
$define WEST 1
$define EMPTY 0

procedure GenerateMaze(r,c) #: Depth First Maze Generation
static maze,h,w,rd
if /maze then { # BEGING - No maze yet
/h := integer(0 < r) | runerr(r,205) # valid size ?
/w := integer(0 < c) | runerr(r,205)
every !(maze := list(h)) := list(w,EMPTY) # shinny new empty maze
r := ?h # choose random row,
c := ?w # ... col, and
case 2 ^(?4 - 1) of { # ... side for openings
maze[r := 1,c] +:= NORTH
maze[h,w-c+1] +:= SOUTH
EAST : {
maze[r, c := w] +:= EAST
maze[h-r+1,1] +:= WEST
maze[r := h,c] +:= SOUTH
maze[1,w-c+1] +:= NORTH
WEST : {
maze[r,c := 1] +:= WEST
maze[h-r+1,w] +:= EAST
rd := [NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST] # initial list of all directions
GenerateMaze(r,c) # recurse through maze
return 1(.maze,maze := &null) # return maze and reset for next
else { # ----------------------- recursed to clear insize of maze
if iand(maze[r,c],SEEN) = 0 then { # in bounds and not SEEN yet ?
maze[r,c] +:= SEEN # Mark the current cell as visited
every !rd :=: ?rd # randomize list of directions
every d := !rd do
case d of { # try all, clearing wall on success
NORTH : maze[r,c] +:= ( GenerateMaze(r-1,c), NORTH)
EAST : maze[r,c] +:= ( GenerateMaze(r,c+1), EAST)
SOUTH : maze[r,c] +:= ( GenerateMaze(r+1,c), SOUTH)
WEST : maze[r,c] +:= ( GenerateMaze(r,c-1), WEST)
return # signal success to caller

$define CELL 20 # cell size in pixels
$define BORDER 30 # border size in pixels

record mazeinfo(window,maze,filename) # keepers

procedure DisplayMaze(maze) #: show it off
if CELL < 8 then runerr(205,CELL) # too small

wh := (ch := (mh := *maze ) * CELL) + 2 * BORDER # win, cell, maze height
ww := (cw := (mw := *maze[1]) * CELL) + 2 * BORDER # win, cell, maze width

wparms := [ "Maze","g","bg=white","canvas=hidden",

&window := open!wparms | stop("Unable to open Window")

Fg("black") # Draw full grid
every DrawLine(x := 0 to cw by CELL,0,x,ch+1) # . verticals
every DrawLine(0,y := 0 to ch by CELL,cw+1,y) # . horizontals

Fg("white") # Set to erase lines
every y := CELL*((r := 1 to mh)-1) & x := CELL*((c := 1 to mw)-1) do {
WAttrib("dx="||x+BORDER,"dy="||y+BORDER) # position @ cell r,c
if iand(maze[r,c],NORTH) > 0 then DrawLine(2,0,CELL-1,0)
if iand(maze[r,c],EAST) > 0 then DrawLine(CELL,2,CELL,CELL-1)
if iand(maze[r,c],SOUTH) > 0 then DrawLine(2,CELL,CELL-1,CELL)
if iand(maze[r,c],WEST) > 0 then DrawLine(0,2,0,CELL-1)

return mazeinfo(&window,maze,sprintf("maze-%dx%d-%d.gif",r,c,&now))

{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}}
[ printf.icn provides formatting]
