Maze generation: Difference between revisions

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This solution use Php Gd for graphical randering.
Source code :
Demo online :
<lang PHP>
// Convert Hex Color to RGB
function hexrgb(&$h)
// Allocate a color for an image from RGB
function rgbc(&$i, &$c)
return(imagecolorallocate($i, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]));
class Maze
H : horizontal walls
V : vertical walls
x : number of rows
y : numbers of cols
r : resolve the maze
b : walls thickness
c : cell size
f : background color
m : walls color
e : entrance color
s : exit color
i : gd image identifier
private $H, $V, $x, $y, $r, $b, $c, $f, $m, $e, $s, $i;
// Initialize Maze class
function __construct($x, $y, $r, $b, $c, $f, $m, $e, $s)
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
$this->r = $r;
$this->b = $b;
$this->c = $c;
$this->f = hexrgb($f);
$this->m = hexrgb($m);
$this->e = hexrgb($e);
$this->s = hexrgb($s);
// Checks if cell is a closed room
function isroom($x, $y)
&& empty($this->V[$x][$y])
&& empty($this->H[$x][$y+1])
&& empty($this->V[$x+1][$y])) ? true : false);
// Save the stack as solution path
function save(&$x, &$y, &$m)
if ($this->r == 1 && $x == $this->x - 1 && $y == $this->y - 1)
$this->r = $m;
array_push($this->r, array($x, $y));
// Dig the maze
function dig()
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$cc = $this->x * $this->y;
$v = 1;
$m = array();
while ($v < $cc)
$c = '';
if ($y > 0 && $this->isroom($x, $y - 1))
$c .= 'N';
if ($y < $this->y - 1 && $this->isroom($x, $y + 1))
$c .= 'S';
if ($x < $this->x - 1 && $this->isroom($x + 1, $y))
$c .= 'E';
if ($x > 0 && $this->isroom($x - 1, $y))
$c .= 'W';
if ($c)
array_push($m, array($x, $y));
$d = $c[rand(0, strlen($c) - 1)];
if ($d == 'N')
$this->H[$x][$y--] = true;
if ($d == 'S')
$this->H[$x][$y++ + 1] = true;
if ($d == 'E')
$this->V[$x++ + 1][$y] = true;
if ($d == 'W')
$this->V[$x--][$y] = true;
list($x, $y) = array_pop($m);
$this->save($x, $y, $m);
$this->save($x, $y, $m);
$this->V[0][0] = 1;
$this->V[$this->x][$this->y - 1] = 1;
// Draw the maze full grid
function grid(&$m)
for ($y = 0; $y <= $this->y; ++$y)
imagefilledrectangle($this->i, 0, $y * ($this->c + $this->b),
$this->b + $this->x * ($this->c + $this->b) - 1,
$this->b + $y * ($this->c + $this->b) - 1,
for ($x = 0; $x <= $this->x; ++$x)
imagefilledrectangle($this->i, $x * ($this->c + $this->b), 0,
$this->b + $x * ($this->c + $this->b) - 1,
$this->b + $this->y * ($this->c + $this->b) - 1,
// Breaks the horizontal walls
function line($x, $y, &$f)
$x * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b,
$y * ($this->c + $this->b),
$x * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b + $this->c - 1,
$y * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b,
// Breaks the vertical walls
function col($x, $y, &$f)
$x * ($this->c + $this->b),
$y * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b,
$x * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b,
$y * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b + $this->c - 1,
// Breaks the walls
function dot(&$f)
for ($x = 0; $x <= $this->x; ++$x)
for ($y = 0; $y <= $this->y; ++$y)
if (isset($this->H[$x][$y]))
$this->line($x, $y, $f);
if (isset($this->V[$x][$y]))
$this->col($x, $y, $f);
// Fill color cell
function cellfill(&$x, &$y, &$c)
$x * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b,
$y * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b,
$x * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b + $this->c - 1,
$y * ($this->c + $this->b) + $this->b + $this->c - 1,
// Draw solution
function path()
$l = count($this->r);
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; ++$i)
list($x, $y) = $this->r[$i];
$r = ($this->e[0] * ($l - $i) + $this->s[0] * $i) / $l;
$g = ($this->e[1] * ($l - $i) + $this->s[1] * $i) / $l;
$b = ($this->e[2] * ($l - $i) + $this->s[2] * $i) / $l;
if (!isset($c[$r][$g][$b]))
$c[$r][$g][$b] = imagecolorallocate($this->i, $r, $g, $b);
$this->cellfill($x, $y, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
if (isset($ox, $oy))
if ($ox - $x == -1)
$this->col($x, $y, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
if ($oy - $y == -1)
$this->line($x, $y, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
if ($ox - $x == 1)
$this->col($ox, $oy, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
if ($oy - $y == 1)
$this->line($ox, $oy, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
if ($i == 0)
$this->col(0, 0, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
if ($i == $l - 1)
$this->col($x + 1, $y, $c[$r][$g][$b]);
$ox = $x;
$oy = $y;
// Call digger and make rendering
function __destruct()
$this->i = imagecreatetruecolor(
$this->b + $this->x * ($this->c + $this->b),
$this->b + $this->y * ($this->c + $this->b));
$f = rgbc($this->i, $this->f);
$m = rgbc($this->i, $this->m);
unset($this->f, $this->m);
imagefill($this->i, 0, 0, $f);
unset($f, $m, $this->H, $this->V);
if ($this->r)
unset($this->r, $this->e, $this->s);
imagepng($this->i, NULL, 9, PNG_ALL_FILTERS);