Maze generation: Difference between revisions

(12 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 25:
V hor = [[‘+--’] * w [+] [String(‘+’)]] * (h + 1)
F walk(Int x, Int y) -> NVoid
@vis[y][x] = 1
V d = [(x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1)]
Line 2,150:
<syntaxhighlight lang="chapel">
use Random;
config const rows: int = 9;
config const cols: int = 16;
if rows < 1 || cols < 1 {
writeln("Maze must be at least 1x1 in size.");
enum direction {N = 1, E = 2, S = 3, W = 4};
record Cell {
var spaces: [direction.N .. direction.W] bool;
var visited: bool;
const dirs = [
((-1, 0), direction.N, direction.S), // ((rowDir, colDir), myWall, neighbourWall)
((0, 1), direction.E, direction.W),
((1, 0), direction.S, direction.N),
((0, -1), direction.W, direction.E)
var maze: [1..rows, 1..cols] Cell;
var startingCell = (choose(maze.dim(0)), choose(maze.dim(1)));
checkCell(maze, startingCell);
proc checkCell(ref maze, cell) {
maze[cell].visited = true;
for dir in permute(dirs) {
var (offset, thisDir, neighbourDir) = dir;
var neighbour = cell + offset;
if maze.domain.contains(neighbour) && !maze[neighbour].visited {
maze[cell].spaces[thisDir] = true;
maze[neighbour].spaces[neighbourDir] = true;
checkCell(maze, neighbour);
proc displayMaze(maze) {
for row in maze.dim(0) {
for col in maze.dim(1) {
write(if maze[row, col].spaces[direction.N] then "+ " else "+---");
for col in maze.dim(1) {
write(if maze[row, col].spaces[direction.W] then " " else "| ");
write("+---" * maze.dim(1).size);
| | | | |
+ + + +---+---+ + +---+ + +---+---+ +---+---+ +
| | | | | | | | | |
+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+ + +---+ +---+ + + +---+
| | | | | | |
+---+---+ + +---+---+---+---+---+---+ + +---+---+---+ +
| | | | | | |
+ + +---+---+---+---+---+ + +---+---+---+---+---+ + +
| | | | | | | |
+ +---+---+---+ + +---+---+ + +---+ +---+ +---+ +
| | | | | | | | | | |
+ +---+ + +---+---+ + +---+---+ + + +---+ + +
| | | | | | | | |
+---+---+---+ + + + +---+---+ + +---+---+ +---+ +
| | | | | | | | | | | |
+ + +---+ + + +---+ + + +---+ + +---+ + +
| | | | | | |
Line 5,589 ⟶ 5,673:
In the following, a maze is represented by a matrix, each of whose elements
is in turn a booleanJSON arrayobject representing the bounding box:
$box[$i"N"] is true iff the northern (top) edge $iis open, and similarly for the
other points of the compass.
where $i is:
Note that in the following, the "walk" always starts at the (0,0)
0 for the top (north) side,
cell; this is just to make it clear that walk starts at the top left of the
1 bottom (south)
2 right (east)
3 left (west)
Note that for simplicity, in the following the "walk" always starts at the (0,0) cell.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
# Output: a prn in range(0;$n) where $n is .
Line 5,622 ⟶ 5,703:
| .a
# Arrays wherein `false` and `null` are the only falsey values.
# The input array and $y need not be of the same length.
def lor($y): [., $y] | transpose | map(.[0] or .[1]);
def falsey: all(.[]; IN(false, null) );
# Create an array such that .[$n] is true, and .[$i] is null for $i < $n
def bit($n): [] | .[$n] = true;
# Compass is a JSON object {n,s,e,w} representing the four possible
# directions in which to move, i.e. to open a gate.
# For example, Compass.n corresponds to a move north (i.e. dx is 0, dy is 1),
# and Compass.n.gates[0"N"] is true indicating that the "northern" gate should be opened.
def Compass:
{n: { gates: bit(0){"N": true}, dx: 0, dy: -1},
s: { gates: bit(1){"S": true}, dx: 0, dy: 1},
e: { gates: bit(2){"E": true}, dx: 1, dy: 0},
w: { gates: bit(3){"W": true}, dx:-1, dy: 0} }
| .n.opposite = .s
| .s.opposite = .n
Line 5,648 ⟶ 5,721:
# Produce a matrix representing an $x x $y maze.
# .[$i][$j] represents the box in row $i, column $j.
# Initially, all the gates of all the boxes are closed (falsey).
def MazeMatrix($x; $y):
[range(0;$x) | []{} ] as $v | [range(0;$y) | $v];
# Input: a MazeMatrix
Line 5,662 ⟶ 5,735:
($cx + $v.dx) as $nx
| ($cy + $v.dy) as $ny
| if interior($nx; $x) and interior($ny; $y) and (.[$nx][$ny]|falsey) == {}
then .[$cx][$cy] |+= lor($v.gates)
| .[$nx][$ny] |+= lor($v.opposite.gates)
| generate($nx; $ny)
end );
Line 5,676 ⟶ 5,749:
# draw the north edge
| ([range(0;$x) as $j
| if $maze[$j][$i][0"N"] then "+ " else "+---" end] | join("")) + "+",
# draw the west edge
([range(0;$x) as $j
| if $maze[$j][$i][3"W"] then " " else "| " end] | join("")) + "|" ),
# draw the bottom line
($x * "+---") + "+"
# AlwaysStart startthe walk at (0,0)the top left
def amaze($x;$y):
MazeMatrix($x; $y)
Line 7,204 ⟶ 7,277:
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 11
This POV-Ray solution uses an iterative rather than recursive approach because POV-Ray has a small stack for recursion (about 100 levels) and so the program would crash on even quite small mazes. With the iterative approach it works on very large mazes.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pov">
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
#declare Rows = 15;
#declare Cols = 17;
#declare Seed = seed(2); // A seed produces a fixed sequence of pseudorandom numbers
#declare Wall = prism {
0, 0.8, 7,
<0, -0.5>, <0.05, -0.45>, <0.05, 0.45>, <0, 0.5>,
<-0.05, 0.45>, <-0.05, -0.45>, <0, -0.5>
texture {
pigment {
brick colour rgb 1, colour rgb <0.8, 0.25, 0.1> // Colour mortar, colour brick
brick_size 3*<0.25, 0.0525, 0.125>
mortar 3*0.01 // Size of the mortar
normal { wrinkles 0.75 scale 0.01 }
finish { diffuse 0.9 phong 0.2 }
#macro Fisher_Yates_Shuffle(Stack, Start, Top)
#for (I, Top, Start+1, -1)
#local J = floor(rand(Seed)*I + 0.5);
#if (J != I) // Waste of time swapping an element with itself
#local Src_Row = Stack[I][0];
#local Src_Col = Stack[I][1];
#local Dst_Row = Stack[I][2];
#local Dst_Col = Stack[I][3];
#declare Stack[I][0] = Stack[J][0];
#declare Stack[I][1] = Stack[J][1];
#declare Stack[I][2] = Stack[J][2];
#declare Stack[I][3] = Stack[J][3];
#declare Stack[J][0] = Src_Row;
#declare Stack[J][1] = Src_Col;
#declare Stack[J][2] = Dst_Row;
#declare Stack[J][3] = Dst_Col;
#macro Initialise(Visited, North_Walls, East_Walls)
#for (R, 0, Rows-1)
#for (C, 0, Cols-1)
#declare Visited[R][C] = false;
#declare North_Walls[R][C] = true;
#declare East_Walls[R][C] = true;
#macro Push(Stack, Top, Src_Row, Src_Col, Dst_Row, Dst_Col)
#declare Top = Top + 1;
#declare Stack[Top][0] = Src_Row;
#declare Stack[Top][1] = Src_Col;
#declare Stack[Top][2] = Dst_Row;
#declare Stack[Top][3] = Dst_Col;
#macro Generate_Maze(Visited, North_Walls, East_Walls)
#local Stack = array[Rows*Cols][4]; // 0: from row, 1: from col, 2: to row, 3: to col
#local Row = floor(rand(Seed)*(Rows-1) + 0.5); // Random start row
#local Col = floor(rand(Seed)*(Cols-1) + 0.5); // Random start column
#local Top = -1;
Push(Stack, Top, Row, Col, Row, Col)
#while (Top >= 0)
#declare Visited[Row][Col] = true;
#local Start = Top + 1;
#if (Row < Rows-1) // Add north neighbour
#if (Visited[Row+1][Col] = false)
Push(Stack, Top, Row, Col, Row+1, Col)
#if (Col < Cols-1) // Add east neighbour
#if (Visited[Row][Col+1] = false)
Push(Stack, Top, Row, Col, Row, Col+1)
#if (Row > 0) // Add south neighbour
#if (Visited[Row-1][Col] = false)
Push(Stack, Top, Row, Col, Row-1, Col)
#if (Col > 0) // Add west neighbour
#if (Visited[Row][Col-1] = false)
Push(Stack, Top, Row, Col, Row, Col-1)
Fisher_Yates_Shuffle(Stack, Start, Top)
#local Removed_Wall = false;
#while (Top >= 0 & Removed_Wall = false)
#local Src_Row = Stack[Top][0];
#local Src_Col = Stack[Top][1];
#local Dst_Row = Stack[Top][2];
#local Dst_Col = Stack[Top][3];
#declare Top = Top - 1;
#if (Visited[Dst_Row][Dst_Col] = false)
#if (Dst_Row = Src_Row+1 & Dst_Col = Src_Col) // North wall
#declare North_Walls[Src_Row][Src_Col] = false;
#elseif (Dst_Row = Src_Row & Dst_Col = Src_Col+1) // East wall
#declare East_Walls[Src_Row][Src_Col] = false;
#elseif (Dst_Row = Src_Row-1 & Dst_Col = Src_Col) // South wall
#declare North_Walls[Dst_Row][Src_Col] = false;
#elseif (Dst_Row = Src_Row & Dst_Col = Src_Col-1) // West wall
#declare East_Walls[Src_Row][Dst_Col] = false;
#error "Unknown wall!\n"
#declare Row = Dst_Row;
#declare Col = Dst_Col;
#declare Removed_Wall = true;
#macro Draw_Maze(North_Walls, East_Walls)
merge {
#for (R, 0, Rows-1)
object { Wall translate <1, 0, 0.5> translate <-1, 0, R> } // West edge
#for (C, 0, Cols-1)
#if (R = 0) // South edge
object { Wall rotate y*90 translate <0.5, 0, 1> translate <C, 0, -1> }
#if (North_Walls[R][C])
object { Wall rotate y*90 translate <0.5, 0, 1> translate <C, 0, R> }
#if (East_Walls[R][C])
object { Wall translate <1, 0, 0.5> translate <C, 0, R> }
translate <-0.5*Cols, 0, 0> // Centre maze on x=0
camera {
location <0, 13, -2>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0, 2, 5>
light_source {
<-0.1*Cols, Rows, 0.5*Rows>, colour rgb <1, 1, 1>
x, y, 3, 3
circular orient
box {
<-0.5*Cols, -0.1, 0>, <0.5*Cols, 0, Rows>
texture {
pigment {
checker colour rgb <0, 0.3, 0> colour rgb <0, 0.4, 0>
scale 0.5
finish { specular 0.5 reflection { 0.1 } }
#declare Visited = array[Rows][Cols];
#declare North_Walls = array[Rows][Cols];
#declare East_Walls = array[Rows][Cols];
Initialise(Visited, North_Walls, East_Walls)
Generate_Maze(Visited, North_Walls, East_Walls)
Draw_Maze(North_Walls, East_Walls)
[[File:Povray maze solution 640px.png|640px|frame|none|alt=POV-Ray maze with red brick walls|POV-Ray solution with 15 rows and 17 columns]]
Line 9,801 ⟶ 10,062:
{{works with|Uiua|0.1012.30-dev.1}}
Inspired by the Python algorithm, so will produce identicalvery similar output.
NOTE: this code is extended in [ the Maze Solving page] so please update
that page if you change this code.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Uiua">
# Build and solve a maze.
H ← 8
# Experimental!
W ← 18
Vis ← 2
GetWall ← -:⊡1:÷2/-.
BreakNS ← ⊂Ver⊂⊃(/↥≡⊡0|⊡0_1)
BreakEW ← ⊂Hor⊂⊃(⊡0_0|/↥≡⊡1)
# ([here, next], maze) -> (maze')
BreakWall ← ⍜⊡(0◌)⟨BreakNS|BreakEW⟩=°⊟≡⊢.⋅@ )GetWall
NeighboursNfour ← +⊙¤[12_0 0]2_0 [1 0] [0 1] [00_2 0_¯1]2] # Gives N4
Shuffle ← ⊏⍏[⍥⚂]⧻.
# (pos maze) -> T if it's already a star.
IsVisited ← ¬⊡⊂Vis
IsVisited ← ≠@.⊡
MarkAsVisited ← ⟜(⍜(⊡|1◌)⊂Vis)
MarkAsVisited ← ⟜(⍜⊡⋅@.)
OnlyInBounds ← ▽≡IsVisited ⊙¤,, # (finds the boundary 1's)
# (pos) -> (bool)
InBounds ← ▽⊸≡(↧⊃(/↧≥1_1|/↧< +1 × 2 H_W))
# (here, maze) -> (maze')
Walk ← |2 (
# (here, maze) -> ([[here, next] x(up to)4], maze)
≡⊟¤⟜(Shuffle OnlyInBoundsInBounds NeighboursNfour)
# Update maze for each in turn. For each, if it
# still isn't visited, break the wall, recurse into it.
∧(⟨◌⨬(◌|Walk ⊡1 ⟜BreakWall⟩IsVisited◌Walk⊡1⟜BreakWall)IsVisited◌°⊟,,)
# Generate a maze.
⊂↯H⊂↯W0 1↯+1W1 # vis (added 1's help bounds checks)
Maze ← (
⊂↯H⊂↯W1 1↯+1W 0 # ver
↘¯1☇1↯(+1H)⊟⊂/⊂↯W"+-" @+⊂/⊂↯W"| " @| # Build a filled maze.
↯+1H⊂↯W1 0 # hor
Walk 1_1 # Walk around breaking walls.
# Stack: ([hor, ver, vis])
Walk [0 0]
PP! ← ≡/⊂∵^! # Pretty print using switch.
≡(&p$"_\n_")⊃(PP!⟨"+ "|"+--"⟩⊡Ver|PP!⟨" "|"| "⟩⊡Hor)
╷ "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"
"|.|.|. .|. . . . . .|"
"+ + + + + +-+-+ +-+ +"
"|.|. .|. . .|. .|. .|"
"+ + +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+"
"|.|.|. . . .|.|. . .|"
"+ + + +-+-+ + +-+-+ +"
"|.|.|. .|. .|. .|. .|"
"+ +-+-+ + +-+-+ + +-+"
"|. . .|.|. . . .|. .|"
"+-+-+ + +-+-+-+-+-+ +"
"|. . . .|. . . . . .|"
