Mayan numerals: Difference between revisions

added Arturo
m (→‎{{header|jq}}: simplify)
(added Arturo)
Line 796:
<syntaxhighlight lang="arturo">UL: "╔"
UC: "╦"
UR: "╗"
LL: "╚"
LC: "╩"
LR: "╝"
HB: "═"
VB: "║"
Mayan: [" ", " ∙ ", " ∙∙ ", "∙∙∙ ", "∙∙∙∙"]
M0: " Θ "
M5: "────"
toMayan: function [digit][
result: array.of:4 Mayan\0
if digit = 0 [
result\3: M0
return result
d: digit
loop 3..0 'i [
if? d >= 5 [
result\[i]: M5
d: d - 5
else [
result\[i]: Mayan\[d]
return result
draw: function [mayans][
idx: dec size mayans
prints UL
loop 0..idx 'i [
loop 0..3 'j [
prints HB
prints (i < idx)? -> UC -> UR ++ `\n`
loop 1..4 'i [
prints VB
loop 0..idx 'j ->
prints mayans\[j]\[dec i] ++ VB
print ""
prints LL
loop 0..idx 'i [
loop 0..3 'j ->
prints HB
prints (i < idx)? -> LC -> LR ++ `\n`
loop [4005, 8017, 326205, 886205, 1081439556] 'n [
print ["Converting" n "to Mayan:"]
digs: digits.base:20 n
mayans: map digs => toMayan
draw mayans
print ""
<pre>Converting 4005 to Mayan:
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║────║ ║ ║
║────║ Θ ║────║
Converting 8017 to Mayan:
║ ║ ║ ║ ∙∙ ║
║ ║ ║ ║────║
║ ║ ║ ║────║
║ ∙ ║ Θ ║ Θ ║────║
Converting 326205 to Mayan:
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║────║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║────║────║ ║
║ ∙∙ ║ Θ ║────║────║────║
Converting 886205 to Mayan:
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║────║ ║ ║
║ ║────║────║────║ ║
Converting 1081439556 to Mayan:
║ ∙ ║ ∙∙ ║∙∙∙ ║∙∙∙∙║∙∙∙ ║ ∙∙ ║ ∙ ║
