Mayan calendar: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor tidy)
Line 864:
2071-05-16 1 Ok 18 Sip G9
2020-02-02 3 Kawak 7 Pax G7
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
In this entry, the functions for converting Gregorian dates to dates
in the Mayan calendar take the form of zero-arity filters that expect,
as input, strings of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" or JSON Date objects of the
form {"year", "month", "day"}.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
### General utilities
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
def rpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | . + (" " * $l);
# days_between("2020-01-01"; "2020-01-02") #=> 1
# days_between("2020-01-02"; "2020-01-01") #=> -1
def days_between($yyyymmddBefore; $yyyymmddAfter):
(yyyymmddBefore | strptime("%Y-%m-%d") | mktime) as $before
| (yyyymmddAfter | strptime("%Y-%m-%d") | mktime) as $after
# leap seconds are always inserted
| (($after - $before) / (24*60*60) | floor) ;
### `Date` objects
def Date($year; $month; $day): {$year, $month, $day};
# Convert a Date object to a string yyyy-mm-dd
# Other inputs are (currently) unscathed.
def yyyymmdd:
if type == "object" then "\(.year)-\(.month)-\(.day)"
else .
### Mayan Calendar
def sacred:
"Imix’ Ik’ Ak’bal K’an Chikchan Kimi Manik’ Lamat Muluk Ok Chuwen Eb Ben Hix Men K’ib’ Kaban Etz’nab’ Kawak Ajaw"
| split(" ");
def civil:
"Pop Wo’ Sip Sotz’ Sek Xul Yaxk’in Mol Ch’en Yax Sak’ Keh Mak K’ank’in Muwan’ Pax K’ayab Kumk’u Wayeb’"
| split(" ");
def CREATION_TZOLKIN: "2012-12-21";
# Input: Date or yyyy-mm-dd
def tzolkin:
(days_between(CREATION_TZOLKIN; yyyymmdd)) as $diff
| {rem: ($diff % 13)}
| if .rem < 0 then .rem += 13 end
| .num = (if .rem <= 9 then .rem + 4 else .rem - 9 end)
| .rem = $diff % 20
| if .rem <= 0 then .rem += 20 end
| [.num, sacred[.rem-1] ] ;
# Input: Date or yyyy-mm-dd
def haab:
def ZERO_HAAB: "2019-04-02";
(days_between(ZERO_HAAB; yyyymmdd)) as $diff
| {rem: ($diff % 365)}
| if .rem < 0 then .rem += 365 end
| .month = civil[((.rem+1)/20)|floor]
| .last = (if .month == "Wayeb'" then 5 else 20 end)
| .d = .rem%20 + 1
| if .d < .last then [(.d|tostring), .month]
else ["Chum", .month]
# Input: Date or yyyy-mm-dd
def longCount:
{diff: days_between(CREATION_TZOLKIN; yyyymmdd)}
| .diff += 13*400*360
| .baktun = ((.diff/(400*360)) | floor)
| .diff = .diff % (400*360)
| .katun = ((.diff/(20 * 360))|floor)
| .diff = .diff % (20*360)
| .tun = ((.diff/360)|floor)
| .diff = .diff % 360
| .winal = ((.diff/20)|floor)
| .kin = .diff % 20
| [.baktun, .katun, .tun, .winal, .kin]
| join(".");
# Input: Date or yyyy-mm-dd
def lord:
{diff: days_between(CREATION_TZOLKIN; yyyymmdd)}
| .rem = .diff % 9
| if .rem <= 0 then .rem += 9 end
| "G\(.rem)";
def dates: [
" Gregorian Tzolk’in Haab’ Long Lord of",
" Date # Name Day Month Count the Night",
"---------- -------- ------------- -------------- ---------",
# Date.default = Date.isoDate
| tzolkin as [$n, $s]
| haab as [$d, $m]
| [., ($n | lpad(4)), ($s | rpad(8)), ($d|lpad(4)), ($m|rpad(8)), (longCount|lpad(20)), (lord|lpad(6))]
| join(" ")
Gregorian Tzolk’in Haab’ Long Lord of
Date # Name Day Month Count the Night
---------- -------- ------------- -------------- ---------
1961-10-06 7 K’ib’ 14 Ch’en G7
1963-11-21 3 Eb Chum Keh G9
2004-06-19 4 Ben 16 Sotz’ G7
2012-12-18 1 Kaban Chum K’ank’in G6
2012-12-21 4 Ajaw 3 K’ank’in G9
2019-01-19 1 Ajaw 13 Muwan’ G6
2019-03-27 3 Manik’ Chum Wayeb’ G1
2020-02-29 4 Kimi 14 K’ayab G7
2020-03-01 5 Manik’ 15 K’ayab G8
2071-05-16 1 Ok 18 Sip G9
Line 921 ⟶ 1,057:
rpad(haab(date), 15), nightlord(date))
Gregorian Long Count Tzolk´in Haab´ Nightlord
