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=={{header|Z80 Assembly}}==
{{works with|CP/M 3.1|YAZE-AG-2.51.2 Z80 emulator}}
{{works with|ZSM4 macro assembler|YAZE-AG-2.51.2 Z80 emulator}}
Use the /S8 switch on the ZSM4 assembler for 8 significant characters for labels and names<br><br>
No attempt is made to check for and handle incomplete triangles, and the number of elements must be defined in code.<br>
<syntaxhighlight lang="z80">
; Find maximum triangle path sum using Z80 assembly language
; Runs under CP/M 3.1 on YAZE-AG-2.51.2 Z80 emulator
; Assembled with zsm4 on same emulator/OS, uses macro capabilities of said assembler
; Created with vim under Windows
; Thanks to for the idea for the conversion routine hl -> decimal ASCII
; 2023-04-28 Xorph

; Useful definitions

bdos equ 05h ; Call to CP/M BDOS function
strdel equ 6eh ; Set string delimiter
wrtstr equ 09h ; Write string to console

nul equ 00h ; ASCII control characters
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah

cnull equ '0' ; ASCII character constants

trisize equ 171 ; Number of elements in triangle, must be counted manually - elements are 16 bit words

; Macros for BDOS calls

setdel macro char ; Set string delimiter to char
ld c,strdel
ld e,char
call bdos

print macro msg ; Output string to console
ld c,wrtstr
ld de,msg
call bdos

newline macro ; Print newline
ld c,wrtstr
ld de,crlf
call bdos

pushall macro ; Save all registers to stack
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
push ix
push iy

popall macro ; Recall all registers from stack
pop iy
pop ix
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af

; =====================
; Start of main program
; =====================


; The total number of elements in a triangle with N rows is the sum of the numbers 1..N, and we need to
; determine N for the given number of elements (trisize from above).
; Since the Z80 has no multiplication instruction, we can not use the Gauss formula N * (N + 1) / 2. Instead, we
; just sum up all the numbers beginning with 1, until we exceed the number of elements.

ld a,trisize ; a holds number of elements for comparison
ld de,1 ; de is the counter from 1..N
ld hl,0 ; hl holds the accumulated sum. Since a must be used for comparison, we need hl as accumulator

add hl,de ; Add next number to hl
cp l ; Comparison is only 8 bit! The maximum number of elements is limited to 255
jr c,foundN ; If l exceeds trisize, we are finished and need to reduce de again
inc de ; Otherwise, increase de and repeat
jr sum1toN

dec de ; We overshot the target and need to reduce de again. de now holds N, the number of rows = elements in last row
ld b,e ; Our actual counters will be b and c

ld ix,triangle ; Set ix to LSB of very last element (16 bit word) of triangle
ld de,2*trisize-2
add ix,de ; Everything is 0-based! Here we need the bytes instead of the number of elements

push ix ; Set iy to last element of penultimate row
pop hl ; Need to use hl for subtraction of number of bytes in last row
ld c,b ; Get number of bytes in c, b shall keep the number of elements
sla c ; bytes = 2 * elements
ld d,0 ; Use de for 16 bit subtraction of c from hl
ld e,c
sbc hl,de
push hl ; and then move it to iy via stack, no direct load
pop iy

dec b ; b runs over the penultimate row, which has 1 element less
ld c,b ; c is the row counter, b the element counter - each row contains as many elements as is its number

loop: ; Loop entry point is the same for inner and outer loop
push bc ; Save bc to stack, it will hold the maximum of right and left successor
ld l,(ix) ; Right successor of iy
ld h,(ix+1)
ld e,(ix-2) ; Left successor of iy
ld d,(ix-1)
push hl ; Save hl, it is modified by the comparison/subtraction
or a ; Clear carry flag
sbc hl,de ; 16 bit comparison by subtracting left from right
pop hl ; Restore hl
jr c,delarger ; If carry, then the left successor in de is larger

push hl ; hl is larger, move it to bc
pop bc
jr addmax

push de ; de is larger, move it to bc
pop bc

ld l,(iy) ; Get "parent" element into hl and add maximum of its two successors
ld h,(iy+1)
add hl,bc ; Add maximum, which is in bc
ld (iy),l ; Store hl back to triangle
ld (iy+1),h
pop bc ; Restore bc with loop counters

dec ix ; Decrement element pointers (by 2 bytes)
dec ix
dec iy
dec iy

dec b ; Decrement element counter
jp nz,loop ; Check if penultimate row finished - this is the inner loop

ld b,c ; Restore inner loop counter, check if more rows above current
dec ix ; Decrement element pointer of row below again (by 2 bytes), skip leftmost element
dec ix
dec b ; Decrement loop counters, first the element counter
dec c ; ...then the row counter
jp nz,loop ; Check if triangle finished - this is the outer loop

ld hl,(triangle) ; Root element now contains maximum sum
ld ix,buffer ; Set ix to output buffer
call dispHL ; Create decimal representation

setdel nul ; Set string delimiter to 00h
print buffer ; Display result

ret ; Return to CP/M

; ===================
; End of main program
; ===================

; Helper routines - notice that the Z80 does not have a divide instruction
; Notice further that CP/M does not have any support for pretty-printing
; formatted numbers and stuff like that. So we have to do all this by hand...

; Converts the value (unsigned int) in register hl to its decimal representation
; Register ix has memory address of target for converted value
; String is terminated with nul character (\0)

ld b,1 ; Flag for leading '0'
irp x,<-10000,-1000,-100,-10,-1>
ld de,x ; Subtract powers of 10 and determine digit
call calcdig

ld a,nul ; Terminate result string with nul
ld (ix+0),a

ret ; End of conversion routine

ld a,cnull-1 ; Determine the digit character
inc a ; Start with '0'
add hl,de ; As long as subtraction is possible, increment digit character
jr c,incrdig

sbc hl,de ; If negative, undo last subtraction and continue with remainder
cp cnull ; Check for leading '0', these are ignored
jr nz,adddig
bit 0,b ; Use bit instruction for check if flag set, register a contains digit
ret nz ; If '0' found and flag set, it is a leading '0' and we return
ld b,0 ; Reset flag for leading '0', we are now outputting digits
ld (ix+0),a ; Store character in memory and set ix to next location
inc ix

ret ; End of conversion helper routine

; ================
; Data definitions
; ================


crlf: defb cr,lf,nul ; Generic newline
buffer: defs 10 ; Buffer for conversion of number to text

triangle: ; Triangle data, number of elements is "trisize" equ further above
defw 55
defw 94
defw 48
defw 95
defw 30
defw 96
defw 77
defw 71
defw 26
defw 67
defw 97
defw 13
defw 76
defw 38
defw 45
defw 07
defw 36
defw 79
defw 16
defw 37
defw 68
defw 48
defw 07
defw 09
defw 18
defw 70
defw 26
defw 06
defw 18
defw 72
defw 79
defw 46
defw 59
defw 79
defw 29
defw 90
defw 20
defw 76
defw 87
defw 11
defw 32
defw 07
defw 07
defw 49
defw 18
defw 27
defw 83
defw 58
defw 35
defw 71
defw 11
defw 25
defw 57
defw 29
defw 85
defw 14
defw 64
defw 36
defw 96
defw 27
defw 11
defw 58
defw 56
defw 92
defw 18
defw 55
defw 02
defw 90
defw 03
defw 60
defw 48
defw 49
defw 41
defw 46
defw 33
defw 36
defw 47
defw 23
defw 92
defw 50
defw 48
defw 02
defw 36
defw 59
defw 42
defw 79
defw 72
defw 20
defw 82
defw 77
defw 42
defw 56
defw 78
defw 38
defw 80
defw 39
defw 75
defw 02
defw 71
defw 66
defw 66
defw 01
defw 03
defw 55
defw 72
defw 44
defw 25
defw 67
defw 84
defw 71
defw 67
defw 11
defw 61
defw 40
defw 57
defw 58
defw 89
defw 40
defw 56
defw 36
defw 85
defw 32
defw 25
defw 85
defw 57
defw 48
defw 84
defw 35
defw 47
defw 62
defw 17
defw 01
defw 01
defw 99
defw 89
defw 52
defw 06
defw 71
defw 28
defw 75
defw 94
defw 48
defw 37
defw 10
defw 23
defw 51
defw 06
defw 48
defw 53
defw 18
defw 74
defw 98
defw 15
defw 27
defw 02
defw 92
defw 23
defw 08
defw 71
defw 76
defw 84
defw 15
defw 52
defw 92
defw 63
defw 81
defw 10
defw 44
defw 10
defw 69
defw 93
