Matrix transposition: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Ruby}}: Remove phantom category 'matrix.rb'.)
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return 0;
{{improve|C|Unnecessarily complicated, probably lost all benefit from the algorithm. Can use cleaner coding (and malloc(item_size) does not violate O(1))}}
Transpose a matrix of size w x h in place with only O(1) space and without moving any element more than once. See the [[wp:In-place_matrix_transposition|Wikipedia article]] for more information.
Playing more to C's strengths, the following implementation transposes a matrix of any type and dimensions
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
in place with only O(1) space. See the [[wp:In-place_matrix_transposition|Wikipedia article]] for more information.
<lang c>void *transpose_matrix(void *matrix, int rows, int cols, size_t item_size)
void transpose(double *m, int w, int h)
int start, next, i;
#define ALIGNMENT 16 /* power of 2 >= minimum array boundary alignment; maybe unnecessary but machine dependent */
double tmp;
for (start = 1; start < w * h - 2; start++) {
next = start;
do { next = (next % h) * w + next / h; } while (next > start);
if (next < start) continue;
tmp = m[next = start];
do {
i = (next % h) * w + next / h;
m[next] = (i == start) ? tmp : m[i];
next = i;
} while (next > start);
void show_matrix(double *m, int w, int h)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < w; j++)
printf("%2g ", m[i * w + j]);
int main(void)
int i;
double m[15];
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) m[i] = i + 1;
puts("before transpose:");
show_matrix(m, 3, 5);
transpose(m, 3, 5);
puts("\nafter transpose:");
show_matrix(m, 5, 3);
return matrix0;
char *cursor;
}</lang>output<lang>before transpose:
char carry[ALIGNMENT];
1 2 3 {
size_t block_size, remaining_size;
4 5 6 }
int nadir, lag, orbit, ents;
7 8 9 {
10 11 12
13 14 15
after transpose:
if (rows == 1 || cols == 1)
1 4 return7 10 13 matrix;
2 ents5 = rows8 *11 14 cols;
3 6 9 12 15 </lang>
cursor = (char *) matrix;
remaining_size = item_size;
while ((block_size = ALIGNMENT < remaining_size ? ALIGNMENT : remaining_size))
nadir = 1; /* first and last entries are always fixed points so aren't visited */
while (nadir + 1 < ents)
memcpy(carry, &cursor[(lag = nadir) * item_size], block_size);
while ((orbit = lag / rows + cols * (lag % rows)) > nadir) /* follow a complete cycle */
memcpy(&cursor[lag * item_size], &cursor[orbit * item_size], block_size);
lag = orbit;
memcpy(&cursor[lag * item_size], carry, block_size);
orbit = nadir++;
while (orbit < nadir && nadir + 1 < ents) /* find the next unvisited index by an exhaustive search */
orbit = nadir;
while ((orbit = orbit / rows + cols * (orbit % rows)) > nadir);
if (orbit < nadir) nadir++;
cursor += block_size;
remaining_size -= block_size;
return matrix;
No extra storage allocation is required by the caller. Here are
usage examples for an array of doubles and an array of complex numbers.
<lang c>a = (double *) transpose_matrix((void *) a, n, m, sizeof(double));
b = (complex *) transpose_matrix((void *) b, n, m, sizeof(complex));</lang>
After execution, the memory maps of a and b will be those of m by n arrays instead
of n by m.
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