Matrix multiplication: Difference between revisions

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In ISO Fortran 90 or later, use the SIZE and MATMUL intrinsic functions:
real, dimension(n,m) :: a = reshape( (/ (i, i=1, n*m) /), (/ n, m /) )
real, dimension(m,k) :: b = reshape( (/ (i, i=1, m*k) /), (/ m, k /) )
real, dimension(size(a,1), size(b,2)) :: c ! C is an array whose first dimension (row) size is the same
! is the same as A's first dimension size, and whose second dimension
! whose second dimension (column) size is the same as B's second dimension size.
! as B's second dimension size.
c = matmul( a, b )
print *, 'A'
do i = 1, n
print *, a(i,:)
end do
print *,
print *, 'B'
do i = 1, m
print *, b(i,:)
end do
print *,
print *, 'C = AB'
do i = 1, n
print *, c(i,:)
end do
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