Matrix digital rain: Difference between revisions

Added Rust code example
m (→‎{{header|J}}: describe things a bit better)
(Added Rust code example)
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<lang rust>
#![warn(clippy::pedantic)] // make sure that clippy is even more annoying
use rand::prelude::ThreadRng;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use termion::{color::Rgb};
use termion::input::TermRead;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, TryRecvError};
use std::thread;
use std::{io::{Write, stdout, stdin}, iter::repeat, time::Duration};
/// convert a brightness value to a green-ish gradient color
fn color(brightness: u8) -> Rgb {
let v = f32::from(brightness) / 255.0;
let r = v.powi(7);
let g = v.powi(1);
let b = v.powi(4);
// r, g, b will be in 0.0..=1.0 so there's no risk of exceeding the u8's range
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss)]
Rgb ((r * 255.0).round() as u8, (g * 255.0).round() as u8, (b * 255.0).round() as u8)
/// A single character on the screen with its current brightness
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Symbol {
char: char,
brightness: u8,
/// Start with a black space by default
impl Default for Symbol {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { char: ' ', brightness: 0 }
impl Symbol {
/// output the colored symbol at the current cursor position
fn print<W: Write>(self, out: &mut W) {
write!(out, "{}{}", termion::color::Fg(color(self.brightness)), self.char).unwrap();
/// reduce the brightness of the symbol by a certain amount and make sure the value doesn't underrun
fn darken(&mut self) {
self.brightness = self.brightness.saturating_sub(10);
/// replace the character for this symbol and bring it to full brightness
fn set(&mut self, char: char) {
self.char = char;
self.brightness = 255;
/// a single column of symbols
struct Column {
symbols: Vec<Symbol>,
impl Column {
/// create a new column with a given height
fn new(height: usize) -> Self {
Self {
symbols: vec![Symbol::default(); height],
/// print out a single colored symbol of this column
fn print_symbol<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut W, row: usize) {
/// reduce the brightness of the entire column
fn darken(&mut self) {
fn set(&mut self, row: usize, char: char) {
/// Current position of a _falling symbol_
struct Droplet {
/// For the start of the animation we want to be able to place the symbol _above_ the screen,
/// that's we need negative row values as well.
row: isize,
col: usize,
impl Droplet {
/// create a new Droplet at a random location somewhere above the actual screen
fn new_random(rng: &mut ThreadRng, width: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
// the height of the terminal is expected lie within a sane range of this type
Self {
row: -(rng.gen_range(0..height) as isize),
col: rng.gen_range(0..width),
/// move the droplet down by one row
/// if it hits the bottom row, move it back up to a random column
fn update(&mut self, width: usize, height: usize) {
self.row += 1;
// the height of the terminal is expected lie within a sane range of this type
if self.row >= height as isize {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
self.col = rng.gen_range(0..width);
self.row = 0;
/// The entire screen filled with colored symbols
struct Screen {
width: usize,
height: usize,
columns: Vec<Column>,
droplets: Vec<Droplet>,
impl Screen {
/// create a new empty screen with the given dimensions
fn new(width: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
Self {
columns: repeat(Column::new(height)).take(width).collect(),
droplets: (0..width).map(|_| Droplet::new_random(&mut rng, width, height)).collect(),
/// print the entire screen to the terminal
fn print<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut W) {
for row in 0..self.height {
for column in &self.columns {
column.print_symbol(out, row);
write!(out, "\r\n").unwrap();
// make all droplets fall down by one row
fn update_droplets(&mut self) {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
for droplet in &mut self.droplets {
droplet.update(self.width, self.height);
if let Ok(row) = droplet.row.try_into() {
self.columns[droplet.col].set(row, rng.gen_range('A'..='Z'));
// reduce the brightness of all symbols in this screen
fn darken(&mut self) {
fn main() {
// create the screen with the terminal's dimensions (omit the last row to prevent auto-scrolling)
let (width, height) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap();
let mut screen = Screen::new(width as usize, height as usize - 1);
// create a channel which allows to send stuff between thread boundaries
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// spawn a new thread which will blockingly wait for a key to be pressed
thread::spawn(move || {
// send something down the channel to notify the main thread that a key has been pressed
tx.send(()).expect("Could not send signal on channel.");
// get write access to the terminal
let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap();
// clear the screen and hide the cursor
write!(stdout, "{}{}", termion::clear::All, termion::cursor::Hide).unwrap();
// continue while no key has been pressed (i.e. the notification channel is empty)
while rx.try_recv() == Err(TryRecvError::Empty) {
// move cursor to the top left and set background color to black
write!(stdout, "{}{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1), termion::color::Bg(termion::color::Rgb(0, 0, 0))).unwrap();
// screen update
screen.print(&mut stdout);
// make sure the terminal updates _now_
// slow down animation
// reset Terminal back to normal
write!(stdout, "{}", termion::style::Reset).unwrap();
write!(stdout, "{}", termion::clear::All).unwrap();
write!(stdout, "{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1)).unwrap();
write!(stdout, "{}", termion::cursor::Show).unwrap();
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