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You won, congratulations!
{{works with|GNU APL}}
<lang APL>#!/usr/local/bin/apl -s -f --
⍝ Define the alphabet
⍝ Make ASCII values upper case
∇n←AscUp c
⍝ Does a list have repeated values?
∇r←Rpts l
⍝ Keyboard input using ⎕ and ⍞ doesn't work well using GNU APL in script mode,
⍝ so you kind of have to write your own.
⍝ Read a line of text from the keyboard
∇l←ReadLine up;k;z;data
data←'' ⋄ csr←0 ⍝ Start out with empty string and cursor at 0
⍝⍝⍝ Keyboard input
in: k←1⎕fio[41]1 ⍝ Read byte from stdin
handle: →(k>127)/skip ⍝ Unicode is not supported (Wumpus doesn't need it)
→(k∊8 127)/back ⍝ Handle backspace
→(k=10)/done ⍝ Newline = Enter key pressed
→(k<32)/in ⍝ For simplicity, disregard terminal control entirely
k←(AscUp⍣up)k ⍝ Make key uppercase if necessary
z←k⎕fio[42]0 ⍝ Echo key to stdout
data←data,k ⍝ Insert key into data
→in ⍝ Go get next key
⍝⍝⍝ Skip UTF-8 input (read until byte ≤ 127)
skip: k←1⎕fio[41]1 ⋄ →(k>127)/skip ⋄ →handle
⍝⍝ Backspace
back: →(0=⍴data)/in ⍝ If already at beginning, ignore
z←k⎕fio[42]0 ⍝ Backspace to terminal
data←¯1↓data ⍝ Remove character
→in ⍝ Get next key
⍝⍝ We are done, return the line as text
done: l←⎕UCS data
⍝ Read a positive number from the keyboard in the range [min...max]
∇n←min ReadNum max;l;z
in: l←ReadLine 0
no: ⍞←'Please enter a number between ',(⍕min),' and ',(⍕max),': '
⍝ Ask a numeric question
∇n←q Question lim;min;max
(min max)←lim
⍞←q,' [',(⍕min),'..',(⍕max),']? '
n←min ReadNum max
⍝ Read a choice from the keyboard
∇c←Choice cs;ks;k;z
ks←AscUp ⎕UCS ↑¨cs ⍝ User should press first letter of choice
in: →(~(k←AscUp 1⎕fio[41]1)∊ks)/in ⍝ Wait for user to make choice
z←(c←⊃cs[↑ks⍳k])⎕fio[42]0 ⍝ Select and output correspoinding choice
⍝ Ask the user for game parameters
⎕←'∘∘∘ MASTERMIND ∘∘∘' ⋄ ⎕←''
clrs←'How many colors' Question 2 20
len←'Code length' Question 4 10
gss←'Maximum amount of guesses' Question 7 20
⍞←'Allow repeated colors in code (Y/N)? '
rpts←'Yes'≡Choice 'Yes' 'No'
parms←clrs len gss rpts
⍝ Generate a code.
∇c←rpts MakeCode parms;clrs;len
(clrs len)←parms
⍝ Let user make a guess and handle errors
∇g←parms Guess code;clrs;rpts;l;right;in
(clrs rpts num)←parms
guess: ⍞←'Guess ',(¯2↑⍕num),': ' ⋄ g←ReadLine 1 ⍝ Read a guess from the keyboard
⍝ Don't count obvously invalid input against the user
→((⍴code)≢⍴g)/len ⍝ Length is wrong
→(~g∧.∊A[⍳clrs])/inv ⍝ Invalid code in input
→((~rpts)∧Rpts g)/rpt ⍝ No repeats allowed
⍝ Give feedback
right←g=code ⍝ Colors in right position
in←g∊code ⍝ Colors not in right position
fb←(+/right)/'X' ⍝ X = amount of matching ones
fb←fb,(+/in∧~right)/'O' ⍝ O = amount of non-matching ones
fb←fb,(+/~in)/'-' ⍝ - = amount of colors not in code
⍞←' --→ ',fb,⎕UCS 10
len: ⎕←'Invalid length.' ⋄ →guess
inv: ⎕←'Invalid color.' ⋄ →guess
rpt: ⎕←'No repeats allowed.' ⋄ →guess
⍝ Play the game
∇ Mastermind;clrs;len;gsmax;rpts;code;gs
⎕rl←(2*32)|×/⎕ts ⍝ initialize random seed
(clrs len gsmax rpts)←InitGame
code←rpts MakeCode clrs len
⎕←2 0⍴''
⎕←'The code consists of: ',A[⍳clrs]
loop: gs←gs+1
→(code≢(clrs rpts gs)Guess code)/loop
⎕←'○○○ Congratulations! ○○○'
⎕←'You won in ',(⍕gs),' guesses.'
lose: ⎕←'Alas, you are out of guesses.'
⎕←'The code was: ',code
