Mastermind: Difference between revisions

Added Prolog implementation
(Added Ada entry.)
(Added Prolog implementation)
Line 2,384:
end procedure
<lang Prolog>mastermind :- mastermind(7, 4, 8, no_duplicates).
mastermind(Colours, Length, Guesses, Duplicates) :-
between(2, 20, Colours),
between(4, 10, Length),
between(7, 20, Guesses),
member(Duplicates, [allow_duplicates, no_duplicates]),
create_board(Colours, Length, Duplicates, Board),
intro(Colours, Length, Duplicates),
play(board(Board, Length, Colours, Guesses), [], 0), !.
intro(Colours, Length, Duplicates) :-
format('Guess the code!~n'),
format('There are ~p character types, and ~p letters to guess~n',
[Colours, Length]),
Duplicates = allow_duplicates
-> format('Duplicates are allowed~n~n')
; format('Duplicates are not allowed~n~n').
/* Create the combination to be guessed */
create_board(Colours, Length, Duplicates, Board) :-
length(Board, Length),
valid_char_list(Colours, CharSet),
maplist(random_alpha(CharSet), Board),
check_for_duplicates(Board, Duplicates).
check_for_duplicates(_, allow_dupicates).
check_for_duplicates(Board, no_duplicates) :- is_set(Board).
/* Main loop - get the player guess and print out status */
play(board(Board,_,_,MaxGuesses), _, MaxGuesses) :-
write('Sorry, You failed to guess in time...!\nThe code was : '),
maplist(write, Board),
play(BoardData, PrevGuesses, GuessNum) :-
BoardData = board(_, Length, Colours, MaxGuesses),
GuessNum < MaxGuesses,
ReportedGuess is GuessNum + 1,
format('Guess #~p of #~p: ', [ReportedGuess, MaxGuesses]),
get_player_guess(Length, Colours, Guess),
NextGuessNum is GuessNum + 1,
evaluate_and_print_result(BoardData, PrevGuesses, NextGuessNum, Guess).
evaluate_and_print_result(board(Board,_,_,_), _, _,Board) :-
format('Well done! You Guessed Correctly.~n').
evaluate_and_print_result(BoardData, PrevGuesses, NextGuessNum, Guess) :-
BoardData = board(Board, _, _, _),
dif(Board, Guess),
match_guess_to_board(Board, Guess, Diffs),
append(PrevGuesses, [guess(NextGuessNum, Guess, Diffs)], Guesses),
maplist(print_guess, Guesses),
play(BoardData, Guesses, NextGuessNum).
/* Get the player guess and validate that it matches the rules */
get_player_guess(Length, Colours, Guess) :-
read_line_to_string(user_input, Line),
string_chars(Line, Guess),
% validate the correct number of items have been entered
length(Guess, Length),
% validate that all the characters are valid for the number of colours
valid_char_list(Colours, ValidCharSet),
subset(Guess, ValidCharSet).
/* Predicates to figure out how many places are correct */
match_guess_to_board(Board, Guess, Matches) :-
maplist(guess_differences(Board), Board, Guess, Differences),
sort(0, @>=, Differences, Matches).
% Same position, same type
guess_differences(_Board, B, B, 'X').
% Same type, different position
guess_differences(Board, B, G, 'O') :- dif(B, G), member(G, Board).
% Type not on board
guess_differences(Board, B, G, '-') :- dif(B, G), \+ member(G, Board).
/* Print out the current progress */
print_guess(guess(NextGuessNumber, Guess, Differences)) :-
format('~w: ', NextGuessNumber),
maplist(format('~w '), Guess),
format(' : '),
maplist(format('~w '), Differences),
/* Utils */
valid_char_list(Colours, CharSet) :-
truncate_list(AllChars, Colours, CharSet).
random_alpha(AllChars, RandomMember) :- random_member(RandomMember, AllChars).
truncate_list(_, 0, []).
truncate_list([A|T], N, [A|R]) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
truncate_list(T, N1, R).</lang>
1 ?- mastermind.
Guess the code!
There are 7 character types, and 4 letters to guess
Duplicates are not allowed
Guess #1 of #8: abcd
1: a b c d : X O O -
Guess #2 of #8: acbe
1: a b c d : X O O -
2: a c b e : X O - -
Guess #3 of #8: fgja
1: a b c d : X O O -
2: a c b e : X O - -
3: f g a b : O O - -
Guess #4 of #8: cdfg
1: a b c d : X O O -
2: a c b e : X O - -
3: f g a b : O O - -
4: c d f g : X X O -
Guess #5 of #8: cdfb
1: a b c d : X O O -
2: a c b e : X O - -
3: f g a b : O O - -
4: c d f g : X X O -
5: c d f b : X X O -
Guess #6 of #8: cdaf
1: a b c d : X O O -
2: a c b e : X O - -
3: f g a b : O O - -
4: c d f g : X X O -
5: c d f b : X X O -
6: c d a f : X O O O
Guess #7 of #8: acdf
1: a b c d : X O O -
2: a c b e : X O - -
3: f g a b : O O - -
4: c d f g : X X O -
5: c d f b : X X O -
6: c d a f : X O O O
7: a c d f : X O O O
Guess #8 of #8: adfc
Well done! You Guess Correctly.
Anonymous user