Markov chain text generator: Difference between revisions

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<pre>neighbour to tell him. 'A nice muddle their slates'll be in before the trial's over!' thought Alice. One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked. This of course, Alice could not think of any good reason, and as the monster crawls through the forest he seizes an animal with a leg and drags it to his ear. Alice considered a little, and then said 'The fourth.' 'Two days wrong!' sighed the Hatter. 'I deny it!' said the March Hare. 'Sixteenth,' added the Dormouse. 'Write that down,' the King replied. Here the other guinea-pig cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court, all dressed in green clothes and had greenish skins. They looked at Dorothy again. Why should I do this for you? asked the Scarecrow. You are quite welcome to take my head off, as long as the tiger had said, and its body covered with coarse black hair. It had a great longing to have for her own the Silver Shoes had fallen off in her flight through the air, and on the morning of the second day I awoke and found the oil-can, and then she had to stop and untwist it. After a</pre>
<lang Go>package main
import (
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("markov: ")
input := flag.String("in", "alice_oz.txt", "input file")
n := flag.Int("n", 2, "number of words to use as prefix")
runs := flag.Int("runs", 1, "number of runs to generate")
wordsPerRun := flag.Int("words", 300, "number of words per run")
startOnCapital := flag.Bool("capital", false, "start output with a capitalized prefix")
stopAtSentence := flag.Bool("sentence", false, "end output at a sentence ending punctuation mark (after n words)")
m, err := NewMarkovFromFile(*input, *n)
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < *runs; i++ {
err = m.Output(os.Stdout, *wordsPerRun, *startOnCapital, *stopAtSentence)
if err != nil {
// We'd like to use a map of []string -> []string (i.e. list of prefix
// words -> list of possible next words) but Go doesn't allow slices to be
// map keys.
// We could use arrays, e.g. map of [2]string -> []string, but array lengths
// are fixed at compile time. To work around that we could set a maximum value
// for n, say 8 or 16, and waste the extra array slots for smaller n.
// Or we could make the suffix map key just be the full prefix string. Then
// to get the words within the prefix we could either have a separate map
// (i.e. map of string -> []string) for the full prefix string -> the list
// of the prefix words. Or we could use strings.Fields() and strings.Join() to
// go back and forth (trading more runtime for less memory use).
// Markov is a Markov chain text generator.
type Markov struct {
n int
capitalized int // number of suffix keys that start capitalized
suffix map[string][]string
// NewMarkovFromFile initializes the Markov text generator
// with window `n` from the contents of `filename`.
func NewMarkovFromFile(filename string, n int) (*Markov, error) {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close() // nolint: errcheck
return NewMarkov(f, n)
// NewMarkov initializes the Markov text generator
// with window `n` from the contents of `r`.
func NewMarkov(r io.Reader, n int) (*Markov, error) {
m := &Markov{
n: n,
suffix: make(map[string][]string),
sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)
window := make([]string, 0, n)
for sc.Scan() {
word := sc.Text()
if len(window) > 0 {
prefix := strings.Join(window, " ")
m.suffix[prefix] = append(m.suffix[prefix], word)
//log.Printf("%20q -> %q", prefix, m.suffix[prefix])
if isCapitalized(word) {
window = appendMax(n, window, word)
if err := sc.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
// Output writes generated text of approximately `n` words to `w`.
// If `startCapital` is true it picks a starting prefix that is capitalized.
// If `stopSentence` is true it continues after `n` words until it finds
// a suffix ending with sentence ending punctuation ('.', '?', or '!').
func (m *Markov) Output(w io.Writer, n int, startCapital, stopSentence bool) error {
// Use a bufio.Writer both for buffering and for simplified
// error handling (it remembers any error and turns all future
// writes/flushes into NOPs returning the same error).
bw := bufio.NewWriter(w)
var i int
if startCapital {
i = rand.Intn(m.capitalized)
} else {
i = rand.Intn(len(m.suffix))
var prefix string
for prefix = range m.suffix {
if startCapital && !isCapitalized(prefix) {
if i == 0 {
bw.WriteString(prefix) // nolint: errcheck
prefixWords := strings.Fields(prefix)
n -= len(prefixWords)
for {
suffixChoices := m.suffix[prefix]
if len(suffixChoices) == 0 {
i = rand.Intn(len(suffixChoices))
suffix := suffixChoices[i]
//log.Printf("prefix: %q, suffix: %q (from %q)", prefixWords, suffix, suffixChoices)
bw.WriteByte(' ') // nolint: errcheck
if _, err := bw.WriteString(suffix); err != nil {
if n < 0 && (!stopSentence || isSentenceEnd(suffix)) {
prefixWords = appendMax(m.n, prefixWords, suffix)
prefix = strings.Join(prefixWords, " ")
return bw.Flush()
func isCapitalized(s string) bool {
// We can't just look at s[0], which is the first *byte*,
// if we want to support arbitrary Unicode input.
// This still doesn't support combining runes :(.
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return unicode.IsUpper(r)
func isSentenceEnd(s string) bool {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s)
// Unfortunately, Unicode doesn't seem to provide
// a test for sentence ending punctution :(.
//return unicode.IsPunct(r)
return r == '.' || r == '?' || r == '!'
func appendMax(max int, slice []string, value string) []string {
// Often FIFO queues in Go are implemented via:
// fifo = append(fifo, newValues...)
// and:
// fifo = fifo[numberOfValuesToRemove:]
// However, the append will periodically reallocate and copy. Since
// we're dealing with a small number (usually two) of strings and we
// only need to append a single new string it's better to (almost)
// never reallocate the slice and just copy n-1 strings (which only
// copies n-1 pointers, not the entire string contents) every time.
if len(slice)+1 > max {
n := copy(slice, slice[1:])
slice = slice[:n]
return append(slice, value)
{{out|input=-n=3 -runs=3 -words=12 -capital -sentence}}
<pre>Alice could speak again. The Mock Turtle went on at last, more calmly, though still sobbing a little now and then, and holding it to his ear.
Don't you suppose we could rescue them? asked the girl anxiously. Oh, no.
City must wear spectacles night and day. Now they are all set free, and are grateful to you for help.
Anonymous user