Markov chain text generator: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX computer programming language.
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you're a humbug? asked Dorothy. A balloon, said Oz, for I have no right to command them
you're a humbug? asked Dorothy. A balloon, said Oz, for I have no right to command them

<lang rexx>/*REXX program produces a Markov chain text from a training text using a text generator.*/
parse arg ord fin iFID seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if ord=='' | ord=="," then ord= 3 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if fin=='' | fin=="," then fin= 300 /* " " " " " " */
if iFID=='' |iFID=="," then iFID='alice_oz.txt' /* " " " " " " */
if datatype(seed, 'W') then call random ,,seed /* " " " " " " */
sw = linesize() - 1 /*get usable linesize (screen width). */
$= space( linein(iFID) ) /*elide any superfluous whitespace in $*/
say words($) ' words read from input file: ' iFID
call gTab /*generate the Markov chain text table.*/
call gTxt /*generate the Markov chain text. */
call show /*display formatted output and a title.*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
rand: parse arg ?; return random(1, ?) /*gen a random number from 1 to arg.*/
gTab: @.=; do j=1 for words($)-ord /*keep processing until words exhausted*/
p= subword($, j, ord) /*get the appropriate number of words. */
@.p= @.p word($, j + ord) /*get a prefix & 1 (of sev.?) suffixes.*/
end /*j*/
#= j-1 /*define the number of prefixes. */
gTxt: mc=; do until words(mc)>=fin /*build Markov chain text until enough.*/
y= subword($, rand(#), ord) /*obtain appropriate number of words. */
s= @.y; w= words(s) /*get a suffix for a word set; # wprds.*/
if w>1 then s= word(s, rand(w)) /*pick random word in the set of words.*/
mc= mc y s /*add a prefix and suffix to the output*/
end /*until*/
show: say center('Markov chain text', sw, "═") /*display the title for the output. */
g= word(mc, 1) /*generate lines of Markov chain text. */
do k=2 to words(mc) /*build output lines word by word. */
_= word(mc, k); g_= g _ /*get a word; add it to a temp variable*/
if length(g_)>=sw then do; say g; g= _; end /*line too long ? */
else g= g_ /*line OK so far. */
end /*k*/
if g\=='' then say g /*There any residual? Then display it.*/
return /* [↓] limits G to terminal width.*/</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default inputs:}}
════════════════════════════════════════════════════════Markov chain text════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
took Toto in her but her eyes were puzzled her very much to be ashamed of a Woodman, and made idea what you're talking know. So,
while they And oh, my poor journey. This worried Dorothy wag my tail when cats!' cried the Mouse, like to cry a She did not get
she found to be I do not want truck was all ready the Lion's back. To she might as well and four nights, hammering his leg, and
was dance?' 'Thank you, it's Em, and said, We who lived in the the same when I the gate the Lion down with one elbow he had
seen. They a reasonable pace,' said nearly blunted my claws, next; so she took terrible Beast. It was the Scarecrow, having no
know,' the Mock Turtle his Palace. But first the Scarecrow, What will From the Land of I know. Well, one Land of Oz, how cloth,
and put it both sides of it, those needles and pins was, how to get To their great joy the Mouse was bristling an M, such as not
to make personal we leave her here the King, rubbing his back again, and looking took a great interest she looked back once
smooth, like the surface silk dress she had curious sensation, which puzzled he gave so loud blinded by the glare except Toto,
and taking hill. So he said, and shepherds dressed in her nicked elbow close Oz. First they came indeed, said the man. nor do I
know about it, so she a morsel of the little people so they I am a very the limbs of trees, the Queen, pointing to the Woodman
both shook had happened; and Toto settled down again, the Cap. Willingly! exclaimed Dorothy; on a pole in houses in this country
