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As a structured script.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">#!/usr/local/bin/spar
pragma annotate( summary, "mandel" )
@( description, "Create a color image of the Mandelbrot set" )
@( author, "Ken O. Burtch" );
pragma license( unrestricted );

pragma restriction( no_external_commands );

procedure mandel is

mandel_limit : constant long_float := 4.0; -- reach this? it's the set
max_iterations : constant integer := 128; -- quit if looped this amt

center_r : constant long_float := -0.75; -- center of set (x=real)
center_i : constant long_float := 0.0; -- center of set (i=imag.)

c_r : long_float; -- current point (x=real)
c_i : long_float; -- current point (i=imag.)

loop_count : integer; -- number of iterations

z_r : long_float; -- mandelbot set formula
z_i : long_float; -- variables
z_r2 : long_float;
z_i2 : long_float;

c : pen.canvas_id; -- bush drawing canvas
plot : limited pen.rect; -- rectangle to draw with
s : string;

bits : integer; -- for determining color
red : pen.rgbcomponent;
green: pen.rgbcomponent;
blue : pen.rgbcomponent;

-- create the drawing canvas

pen.new_window_canvas( 200, 200, 32, c );
pen.set_title( c, "Mandelbrot" );

-- loop for the size of the canvas (-50% to +50%)

for i in -50..50 loop
c_i := center_i - long_float(i)*0.025;
pen.wait_to_reveal( c );
for r in -50..50 loop
c_r := center_r - long_float(r)*0.025;

-- Evaluatuate how close point (c_z, c_i ) in complex number space
-- is to the Mandelbrot set. Return a number between 0 and
-- max_iterations. A value of max_iterations implies that the point
-- is probably a member of the Mandelbrot set.

z_r := c_r;
z_i := c_i;
loop_count := 1;
z_i2 := z_i*z_i;
z_r2 := z_r*z_r;
z_i := 2.0 * z_r * z_i + c_i;
z_r := z_r2 - z_i2 + c_r;
loop_count := @+1;
exit when not ( (z_r2 + z_i2 < mandel_limit) and (loop_count /= max_iterations) );
end loop;

-- pick a color based on loop_count (mandelbrot set is black)

if loop_count = max_iterations then
red := 0.0;
green := 0.0;
blue := 0.0;
bits := (loop_count and 3 );
red := 100.0-pen.rgbcomponent((100*bits/3));
bits := (loop_count / 3 ) and 3;
green := 100.0-pen.rgbcomponent((100*bits/3));
bits := (loop_count / 27 ) and 2;
blue := 100.0-pen.rgbcomponent((100*bits)/2);
end if;
pen.set_pen_ink( c, red, green, blue );

-- Draw the point, reversing the X axis

pen.set_rect( plot, 100-(r+50),i+50, 100-(r+49), i+51 );
pen.paint_rect( c, plot );
end loop;
pen.reveal( c );
end loop;

? "Press return";
s := get_line;

end mandel;</syntaxhighlight>
