Mandelbrot set: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Grondilu (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|UNIX Shell}}: cleaning and try to use COLUMNS and LINES
Grondilu (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Raku}}: simplifying first version and commenting the second one
Line 11,411:
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl6" line>useconstant ColorMAX_ITERATIONS = 1000;
constant MAX_ITERATIONS = 1000;
my $width = my $height = +(@*ARGS[0] // 800);
Line 11,425 ⟶ 11,423:
sub mandelbrot(Complex $z is copy, Complex $c --> Int) {
$z = $z*$z + $c;
return $_ if $z.abs > 2;
return 0;
Line 11,432 ⟶ 11,430:
say "P3";
say "{+@re.elems} {+@im.elems}";
say "255";
my @half-screen = hyper for @im.reverse X+ @re {
use Color;
mandelbrot(0i, $_)
putmy .map({$i = (255 * sqrt(mandelbrot(0i, $_) / (MAX_ITERATIONS + 1))).Int });
(state @)[$i] //= => $i xx 3).rgb
<!-- # Not sure this version is that much modern or faster now.
for @half-screen.rotor(@im.elems) {
put .map({ (255 * sqrt($_/(MAX_ITERATIONS + 1))).Int })
.map(-> $i {
(state @)[$i] //= => $i xx 3).rgb
Alternately, a more modern, faster version.
Line 11,496 ⟶ 11,492: