Mandelbrot set: Difference between revisions

Added alternate F# version, including both text and GUI
(Added alternate F# version, including both text and GUI)
Line 2,582:
let f = new Mandel()
do Application.Run(f)</lang>
=== Alternate version, applicable to text and GUI ===
==== Basic generation code ====
<lang fsharp>
let getMandelbrotValues width height maxIter ((xMin,xMax),(yMin,yMax)) =
let mandIter (cr:float,ci:float) =
let next (zr,zi) = (cr + (zr * zr - zi * zi)), (ci + (zr * zi + zi * zr))
let rec loop = function
| step,_ when step=maxIter->0
| step,(zr,zi) when ((zr * zr + zi * zi) > 2.0) -> step
| step,z -> loop ((step + 1), (next z))
loop (0,(0.0, 0.0))
let forPos =
let dx, dy = (xMax - xMin) / (float width), (yMax - yMin) / (float height)
fun y x -> mandIter ((xMin + dx * float(x)), (yMin + dy * float(y)))
[0..height-1] |> y->[0..width-1] |> (forPos y))
==== Text generation ====
<lang fsharp>
getMandelbrotValues 80 25 50 ((-2.0,1.0),(-1.0,1.0))
|> row-> row |> (function | 0 ->" " |_->".") |> String.concat "")
|> List.iter (printfn "%s")
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==== GUI Generation ====
<lang fsharp>
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let showGraphic (colorForIter: int -> Color) (width: int) (height:int) maxIter view =
new Form()
|> fun frm ->
frm.Width <- width
frm.Height <- height
frm.BackgroundImage <-
new Bitmap(width,height)
|> fun bmp ->
getMandelbrotValues width height maxIter view
|> List.mapi (fun y row->row |> List.mapi (fun x v->((x,y),v))) |> List.collect id
|> List.iter (fun ((x,y),v) -> bmp.SetPixel(x,y,(colorForIter v)))
let toColor = (function | 0 -> (0,0,0) | n -> ((31 &&& n) |> fun x->(0, 18 + x * 5, 36 + x * 7))) >> Color.FromArgb
showGraphic toColor 640 480 5000 ((-2.0,1.0),(-1.0,1.0))
Anonymous user