Make a backup file: Difference between revisions

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f.write("this task was solved during a talk about rosettacode at the PyCon China in 2011")
f.write("this task was solved during a talk about rosettacode at the PyCon China in 2011")


This version keeps unlimited backups, with <tt>*.bak</tt> being the freshest one, <tt>*.bak1</tt> is an older backup, etc. So each backup moves all existing names up.

<lang Racket>
#lang racket

(define (move-to-backup file)
(define backup
(regexp-replace #rx"^(.*?)(?:\\.bak([0-9]*))?$" file
(λ (_ base num) (~a base ".bak" (add1 (if num (string->number num) 0))))))
(eprintf "~s -> ~s\n" file backup)
(when (file-exists? backup) (move-to-backup backup))
(rename-file-or-directory file backup)

(define (revise path0)
(define path (path->string (normalize-path path0))) ; chase symlinks
(when (file-exists? path) (copy-file (move-to-backup path) path))
(display-to-file "Another line\n" path #:exists 'append))

(revise "fff")