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found a cockerel. Monica L. decided to take it home.</pre>
There is no search&replace function made available, nor provision for reading text into a workspace wherein inspection and a mass adjustment could be made. So, some programming. For large stories, the obvious method would be to use a temporary file to save the story, as the specification states that the modified text is to be written out after all the lines of the story have been read. Otherwise, they could be written to an output file as the input file is read. Turbo Pascal offers a "string" variable of up to 255 characters plus a not entirely rigid type matching requirement for parameters (whereby the length of a parameter is a part of its type, so an array or string of ''n'' elements differs in type from one with ''m'' elements: official Pascal is strict about this) so there is some relief. Later systems such as Delphi allow much longer "string" type variables. Thus, no line may exceed 255 characters in length. The table of target texts could of course be sorted (via an index) and a binary search used to find entries, but that would worthwhile only for larger applications.
Because a replacement text could in principle be lengthy (<name> = Monsieur Creosote, the well-known gourmand who ate three suckling pigs in one sitting and called for more) adjusting the stored strings is risky. Instead, the texts are written out piecemeal. There is no attempt to re-flow the resulting output into (say) neat 60-character lines.
A particular feature of Pascal strings is that text[i] gets the i'th character of a string variable ''text'' but copy(text,start,count) is needed for two or more characters.
<lang Pascal>
Program Madlib; Uses DOS, crt; {See, for example,}
{Reads the lines of a story but which also contain <xxx> sequences. For each value of xxx,
found as the lines of the story are read, a request is made for a replacement text.
The story is then written out with the corresponding replacements made.}
{Concocted by R.N.McLean (whom God preserve), Victoria university, NZ.}
Procedure Croak(gasp: string); {A dying message.}
Writeln(' Eurghfff...');
var inf: text; {Drivelstuff.}
const StoryLimit = 66;TableLimit = 65; {Big enough.}
var Story: array[1..StoryLimit] of string; {Otherwise, use a temporary disc file.}
var Target,Replacement: array[1..TableLimit] of string;
var StoryLines,TableCount: integer; {Usage.}
Function Reading(var inf: text;var Aline: string): boolean;
if eoln(inf) then Reading:=false {Agh! Why can't the read statemet return true/false?}
else ReadLn(inf,Aline);
if Aline = '' then Reading:=false; {Specified that a blank line ends the story.}
Procedure Table(it: string); {Check it as a targer, and obtain its replacement.}
var i: integer; {A stepper.}
for i:=1 to TableCount do if it = Target[i] then exit; {Already in the table?}
if TableCount >= TableLimit then Croak('Too many table entries!'); {No. Room for another?}
inc(TableCount); {Yes.}
Target[TableCount]:=it; {Include the < and > to preclude partial matches.}
write('Enter your text for ',it,': '); {Pretty please?}
readln(Replacement[TableCount]); {Thus.}
End; {of Table.}
Procedure Swallow(Aline: string); {Add a line to the story, and inspect it for <...>.}
var i: integer; {A stepper.}
var mark: integer; {Fingers the latest < in Aline.}
if TableCount >= TableLimit then Croak('Too many lines in the story!'); {Suspicion forever.}
inc(StoryLines); {Otherwise, this is safe.}
Story[StoryLines]:=Aline; {So save another line.}
for i:=1 to Length(Aline) do {Now scan the line for trouble.}
if Aline[i] = '<' then mark:=i {Trouble starts here? Just mark its place.}
else if Aline[i] = '>' then {Trouble ends here?}
Table(copy(Aline,mark,i - mark + 1)); {Deal with it.}
End; {of Swallow.}
Procedure Roll(bumf: string); {Write a line, with amendments.}
var last,mark: integer; {Fingers for the scan.}
var hit: string; {Copied once.}
var i,it: integer; {Steppers.}
label hic; {Oh dear.}
last:=0; {Where the previous text ended.}
for i:=1 to Length(bumf) do {Scan the text.}
if bumf[i] = '<' then mark:=i {Remember where a <...> starts.}
else if bumf[i] = '>' then {So that when the stopper is found,}
begin {It can be recognised.}
Write(copy(bumf,last + 1,mark - last - 1)); {Text up to the <.}
hit:=copy(bumf,mark,i - mark + 1); {Grab this once.}
for it:=1 to TableCount do {Search my table.}
if Target[it] = hit then {A match?}
begin {Yes!}
write(Replacement[it]); {Write this instead.}
goto hic; {There is no "exit loop" style statement.}
end; {"Exit" exits the procedure or function.}
hic:last:=i; {Advance the trailing finger.}
end; {On to the next character.}
WriteLn(copy(bumf,last + 1,Length(bumf) - last)); {Text after the last >.}
End; {of Roll.}
var inname: string; {For a file name.}
var Aline: string; {A scratchpad.}
var i: integer; {A stepper.}
inname:=ParamStr(1); {Perhaps the file name is specified as a run-time parameter.}
if inname = '' then inname:='Madlib.txt'; {If not, this will do.}
Assign(inf,inname); Reset(inf); {Open the input file.}
StoryLines:=0; TableCount:=0; {Prepare the counters.}
while reading(inf,Aline) do Swallow(Aline); {Read and inspect the story.}
close(inf); {Finished with input.}
for i:=1 to StoryLines do Roll(Story[i]); {Write the amended story.}
Use the name of the file with a story as the parameter to the programme.