MD5/Implementation: Difference between revisions

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ok 6 - d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f is MD5 digest of 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
ok 6 - d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f is MD5 digest of 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
ok 7 - 57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a is MD5 digest of '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'</pre>
ok 7 - 57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a is MD5 digest of '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'</pre>

Non-optimised. Originally written by Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo. Included in the distribution as demo\rosetta\md5.exw
<lang Phix>function uxor(atom data1,atom data2)
atom result = xor_bits(data1,data2)
if result<0 then result += #100000000 end if
return result
end function

function uor(atom data1,atom data2)
atom result = or_bits(data1,data2)
if result<0 then result += #100000000 end if
return result
end function

function r32(atom a)
return remainder(a,#100000000)
end function

function rol(atom word,integer bits)
-- left rotate the bits of a 32-bit number by the specified number of bits
return r32(word*power(2,bits))+floor(word/power(2,32-bits))
end function

constant K =
{#d76aa478, #e8c7b756, #242070db, #c1bdceee, #f57c0faf, #4787c62a, #a8304613, #fd469501,
#698098d8, #8b44f7af, #ffff5bb1, #895cd7be, #6b901122, #fd987193, #a679438e, #49b40821,
#f61e2562, #c040b340, #265e5a51, #e9b6c7aa, #d62f105d, #02441453, #d8a1e681, #e7d3fbc8,
#21e1cde6, #c33707d6, #f4d50d87, #455a14ed, #a9e3e905, #fcefa3f8, #676f02d9, #8d2a4c8a,
#fffa3942, #8771f681, #6d9d6122, #fde5380c, #a4beea44, #4bdecfa9, #f6bb4b60, #bebfbc70,
#289b7ec6, #eaa127fa, #d4ef3085, #04881d05, #d9d4d039, #e6db99e5, #1fa27cf8, #c4ac5665,
#f4292244, #432aff97, #ab9423a7, #fc93a039, #655b59c3, #8f0ccc92, #ffeff47d, #85845dd1,
#6fa87e4f, #fe2ce6e0, #a3014314, #4e0811a1, #f7537e82, #bd3af235, #2ad7d2bb, #eb86d391}

constant m_block = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,
2, 7,12, 1, 6,11,16, 5,10,15, 4, 9,14, 3, 8,13,
6, 9,12,15, 2, 5, 8,11,14, 1, 4, 7,10,13,16, 3,
1, 8,15, 6,13, 4,11, 2, 9,16, 7,14, 5,12, 3,10}

constant c_words = {#67452301,#efcdab89,#98badcfe,#10325476}

sequence words

function divide_in_words(sequence message)
-- Divides the string into words (32-bit numbers)
sequence res
res = repeat(0,length(message)/4)
for word=1 to length(message)/4 do
res[word] = bytes_to_int(message[word*4-3..word*4])
end for
return res
end function

procedure process_block(sequence block)
-- Updates the words according to the contents of the block
atom a,b,c,d

block = divide_in_words(block)

a = words[1]
b = words[2]
c = words[3]
d = words[4]

-- Round 1
for step=1 to 16 by 4 do
a = r32(b+rol(r32(a+block[m_block[step ]]+K[step ]+uor(and_bits(b,c),and_bits(not_bits(b),d))), 7))
d = r32(a+rol(r32(d+block[m_block[step+1]]+K[step+1]+uor(and_bits(a,b),and_bits(not_bits(a),c))),12))
c = r32(d+rol(r32(c+block[m_block[step+2]]+K[step+2]+uor(and_bits(d,a),and_bits(not_bits(d),b))),17))
b = r32(c+rol(r32(b+block[m_block[step+3]]+K[step+3]+uor(and_bits(c,d),and_bits(not_bits(c),a))),22))
end for

-- Round 2
for step=17 to 32 by 4 do
a = r32(b+rol(r32(a+block[m_block[step ]]+K[step ]+uor(and_bits(b,d),and_bits(c,not_bits(d)))), 5))
d = r32(a+rol(r32(d+block[m_block[step+1]]+K[step+1]+uor(and_bits(a,c),and_bits(b,not_bits(c)))), 9))
c = r32(d+rol(r32(c+block[m_block[step+2]]+K[step+2]+uor(and_bits(d,b),and_bits(a,not_bits(b)))),14))
b = r32(c+rol(r32(b+block[m_block[step+3]]+K[step+3]+uor(and_bits(c,a),and_bits(d,not_bits(a)))),20))
end for

-- Round 3
for step=33 to 48 by 4 do
a = r32(b+rol(r32(a+block[m_block[step ]]+K[step ]+uxor(b,xor_bits(c,d))), 4))
d = r32(a+rol(r32(d+block[m_block[step+1]]+K[step+1]+uxor(a,xor_bits(b,c))),11))
c = r32(d+rol(r32(c+block[m_block[step+2]]+K[step+2]+uxor(d,xor_bits(a,b))),16))
b = r32(c+rol(r32(b+block[m_block[step+3]]+K[step+3]+uxor(c,xor_bits(d,a))),23))
end for

-- Round 4
for step=49 to 64 by 4 do
a = r32(b+rol(r32(a+block[m_block[step ]]+K[step ]+uxor(c,or_bits(b,not_bits(d)))), 6))
d = r32(a+rol(r32(d+block[m_block[step+1]]+K[step+1]+uxor(b,or_bits(a,not_bits(c)))),10))
c = r32(d+rol(r32(c+block[m_block[step+2]]+K[step+2]+uxor(a,or_bits(d,not_bits(b)))),15))
b = r32(c+rol(r32(b+block[m_block[step+3]]+K[step+3]+uxor(d,or_bits(c,not_bits(a)))),21))
end for

-- Update the words
words[1] = r32(words[1]+a)
words[2] = r32(words[2]+b)
words[3] = r32(words[3]+c)
words[4] = r32(words[4]+d)
end procedure

function pad_message(sequence message)
-- Add bytes to the end of the message so it can be divided
-- in an exact number of 64-byte blocks.
integer bytes_to_add
bytes_to_add = 64-remainder(length(message)+9,64)
if bytes_to_add=64 then bytes_to_add = 0 end if

message = message&#80&repeat(0,bytes_to_add)&

return message
end function

function md5(sequence message)
-- Given a string, returns a 16-byte hash of it.

words = c_words -- Initialize the H words

message = pad_message(message) -- Add bytes to the message

-- Process each 64-byte block
for block=1 to length(message) by 64 do
end for

-- Convert hash into bytes
return int_to_bytes(words[1])& -- Return the hash

end function

constant fmt = "0x%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\n"

printf(1,fmt,md5("message digest"))
