MD5/Implementation: Difference between revisions

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Grondilu (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: use native types where possible
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=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{works with|rakudo|2015-09-22}}
<lang perl6>sub infix:<⊞>(uint32 $a, uint32 $b --> uint32) { ($a + $b) +& 0xffffffff }
<lang perl6>use Test;
sub infix:«<<<»(\xuint32 $a, \UInt $n) --> uint32) { (x$a +< $n) %+& 2**320xffffffff +| (x$a +> (32-$n)) }
subconstant prefix:<¬>(\x)FGHI = { ($^a +& $^b) { +| (+^$a x)+& % 2**32$^c) },
sub infix:<⊞>(\x, \y) { { (x$^a +& y$^c) %+| 2**32($^b +& +^$c) },
($A, $B, { $^a +^ $^b +^ $^c $C}, $D)
sub infix:«<<<»(\x, \n) { (x +< n) % 2**32 +| (x +> (32-n)) }
{ $^b +^ ($^a +| +^$^c) };
constant FGHI_S = ->flat \X(7, \Y12, \Z17, { (X +& Y22) +| (¬X +& Z)xx }4,
-> \X, \Y(5, \Z {9, (X14, +& Z20) +| (Y +& ¬Z)xx }4,
-> \X (4, \Y11, \Z { X +^ Y +^ Z 16, 23) xx }4,
-> \X (6, \Y10, \Z15, { Y +^ (X +| ¬Z21) xx }4;
constant S = flat (7, 12, 17, 22) xx 4,
(5, 9, 14, 20) xx 4,
(4, 11, 16, 23) xx 4,
(6, 10, 15, 21) xx 4;
constant T = (floor(abs(sin($_ + 1)) * 2**32) for ^64);
constant k = flat ( $_ for ^16),
((5*$_ + 1) % 16 for ^16),
((3*$_ + 5) % 16 for ^16),
((7*$_ ) % 16 for ^16);
sub little-endian($w, $n, *@v) {
Line 2,255 ⟶ 2,252:
sub md5-block(@H is rw, @X)
my uint32 ($A, $B, $C, $D) = @H;
($A, $B, $C, $D) = ($D, $B ⊞ (($A ⊞ fFGHI[$_ div 16]($B, $C, $D) ⊞ T[i$_] ⊞ @X[k[i$_]]) <<< S_S[i$_]), $B, $C) for ^64;
for ^64 -> \i {
my \f = FGHI[i div 16]($B, $C, $D);
($A, $B, $C, $D)
= ($D, $B ⊞ (($A ⊞ f ⊞ T[i] ⊞ @X[k[i]]) <<< S[i]), $B, $C);
@H «⊞=» ($A, $B, $C, $D);
sub md5(Blob $msg --> Blob)
my uint32 @M = md5-pad($msg);
my uint32 @H = 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476;
md5-block(@H, @M[$_ .. $_+15]) for 0, 16 ...^ +@M; little-endian(8, 4, @H);
<lang perl6>use Test;
plan 7;
for 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', '',
Line 2,287 ⟶ 2,283:
<pre>ok 1 - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is MD5 digest of ''
ok 2 - 0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661 is MD5 digest of 'a'
ok 3 - 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 is MD5 digest of 'abc'