MD5/Implementation: Difference between revisions

add Ada
(md5 is a checksum method (not an encryption method))
(add Ada)
Line 26:
{{alertbox|#f99|'''<big>Warning</big>'''<br/>Rosetta Code is '''not''' a place you should rely on for examples of code in critical roles, including security.<br/>Also, please note that MD5 is no longer considered fully secure and should not be used in high security applications. For these consider [[wp:SHA1|SHA1]] or [[wp:SHA2|SHA2]].<br/> A competition is currently underway to find an algorithm to become [[wp:SHA3|SHA3]] in 2012.}}
<lang Ada>package MD5 is
type Int32 is mod 2 ** 32;
type MD5_Hash is array (1 .. 4) of Int32;
function MD5 (Input : String) return MD5_Hash;
-- 32 hexadecimal characters + '0x' prefix
subtype MD5_String is String (1 .. 34);
function To_String (Item : MD5_Hash) return MD5_String;
end MD5;</lang>
<lang Ada>with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
package body MD5 is
type Int32_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Int32;
function Rotate_Left (Value : Int32; Count : Int32) return Int32 is
Bit : Boolean;
Result : Int32 := Value;
for I in 1 .. Count loop
Bit := (2 ** 31 and Result) = 2 ** 31;
Result := Result * 2;
if Bit then
Result := Result + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return Result;
end Rotate_Left;
function Pad_String (Item : String) return Int32_Array is
-- always pad positive amount of Bytes
Padding_Bytes : Positive := 64 - Item'Length mod 64;
subtype String4 is String (1 .. 4);
function String4_To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => String4,
Target => Int32);
if Padding_Bytes <= 2 then
Padding_Bytes := Padding_Bytes + 64;
end if;
Result : Int32_Array (1 .. (Item'Length + Padding_Bytes) / 4);
Current_Index : Positive := 1;
for I in 1 .. Item'Length / 4 loop
Result (I) :=
String4_To_Int32 (Item (4 * (I - 1) + 1 .. 4 * I));
Current_Index := Current_Index + 1;
end loop;
Last_String : String4 := (others => Character'Val (0));
Chars_Left : constant Natural := Item'Length mod 4;
Last_String (1 .. Chars_Left) :=
Item (Item'Last - Chars_Left + 1 .. Item'Last);
Last_String (Chars_Left + 1) := Character'Val (2#1000_0000#);
Result (Current_Index) := String4_To_Int32 (Last_String);
Current_Index := Current_Index + 1;
Result (Current_Index .. Result'Last) := (others => 0);
-- append length as bit count
Result (Result'Last - 1) := Item'Length * 2 ** 3; -- mod 2 ** 32;
Result (Result'Last) := Item'Length / 2 ** (32 - 3);
return Result;
end Pad_String;
function Turn_Around (X : Int32) return Int32 is
Result : Int32 := 0;
for Byte in 1 .. 4 loop
Result := Result * 16#100#;
Result := Result + (X / (2 ** (8 * (Byte - 1)))) mod 16#100#;
end loop;
return Result;
end Turn_Around;
function MD5 (Input : String) return MD5_Hash is
function F (X, Y, Z : Int32) return Int32 is
return Z xor (X and (Y xor Z));
end F;
function G (X, Y, Z : Int32) return Int32 is
return (X and Z) or (Y and (not Z));
end G;
function H (X, Y, Z : Int32) return Int32 is
return X xor Y xor Z;
end H;
function I (X, Y, Z : Int32) return Int32 is
return Y xor (X or (not Z));
end I;
T : constant Int32_Array :=
(16#d76aa478#, 16#e8c7b756#, 16#242070db#, 16#c1bdceee#,
16#f57c0faf#, 16#4787c62a#, 16#a8304613#, 16#fd469501#,
16#698098d8#, 16#8b44f7af#, 16#ffff5bb1#, 16#895cd7be#,
16#6b901122#, 16#fd987193#, 16#a679438e#, 16#49b40821#,
16#f61e2562#, 16#c040b340#, 16#265e5a51#, 16#e9b6c7aa#,
16#d62f105d#, 16#02441453#, 16#d8a1e681#, 16#e7d3fbc8#,
16#21e1cde6#, 16#c33707d6#, 16#f4d50d87#, 16#455a14ed#,
16#a9e3e905#, 16#fcefa3f8#, 16#676f02d9#, 16#8d2a4c8a#,
16#fffa3942#, 16#8771f681#, 16#6d9d6122#, 16#fde5380c#,
16#a4beea44#, 16#4bdecfa9#, 16#f6bb4b60#, 16#bebfbc70#,
16#289b7ec6#, 16#eaa127fa#, 16#d4ef3085#, 16#04881d05#,
16#d9d4d039#, 16#e6db99e5#, 16#1fa27cf8#, 16#c4ac5665#,
16#f4292244#, 16#432aff97#, 16#ab9423a7#, 16#fc93a039#,
16#655b59c3#, 16#8f0ccc92#, 16#ffeff47d#, 16#85845dd1#,
16#6fa87e4f#, 16#fe2ce6e0#, 16#a3014314#, 16#4e0811a1#,
16#f7537e82#, 16#bd3af235#, 16#2ad7d2bb#, 16#eb86d391#);
A : Int32 := 16#67452301#;
B : Int32 := 16#EFCDAB89#;
C : Int32 := 16#98BADCFE#;
D : Int32 := 16#10325476#;
Padded_String : constant Int32_Array := Pad_String (Input);
for Block512 in 1 .. Padded_String'Length / 16 loop
Words : constant Int32_Array (1 .. 16) :=
Padded_String (16 * (Block512 - 1) + 1 .. 16 * Block512);
AA : constant Int32 := A;
BB : constant Int32 := B;
CC : constant Int32 := C;
DD : constant Int32 := D;
-- round 1
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + F (B, C, D) + Words (1) + T (1)), 7);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + F (A, B, C) + Words (2) + T (2)), 12);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + F (D, A, B) + Words (3) + T (3)), 17);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + F (C, D, A) + Words (4) + T (4)), 22);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + F (B, C, D) + Words (5) + T (5)), 7);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + F (A, B, C) + Words (6) + T (6)), 12);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + F (D, A, B) + Words (7) + T (7)), 17);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + F (C, D, A) + Words (8) + T (8)), 22);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + F (B, C, D) + Words (9) + T (9)), 7);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + F (A, B, C) + Words (10) + T (10)), 12);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + F (D, A, B) + Words (11) + T (11)), 17);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + F (C, D, A) + Words (12) + T (12)), 22);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + F (B, C, D) + Words (13) + T (13)), 7);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + F (A, B, C) + Words (14) + T (14)), 12);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + F (D, A, B) + Words (15) + T (15)), 17);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + F (C, D, A) + Words (16) + T (16)), 22);
-- round 2
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + G (B, C, D) + Words (2) + T (17)), 5);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + G (A, B, C) + Words (7) + T (18)), 9);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + G (D, A, B) + Words (12) + T (19)), 14);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + G (C, D, A) + Words (1) + T (20)), 20);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + G (B, C, D) + Words (6) + T (21)), 5);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + G (A, B, C) + Words (11) + T (22)), 9);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + G (D, A, B) + Words (16) + T (23)), 14);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + G (C, D, A) + Words (5) + T (24)), 20);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + G (B, C, D) + Words (10) + T (25)), 5);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + G (A, B, C) + Words (15) + T (26)), 9);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + G (D, A, B) + Words (4) + T (27)), 14);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + G (C, D, A) + Words (9) + T (28)), 20);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + G (B, C, D) + Words (14) + T (29)), 5);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + G (A, B, C) + Words (3) + T (30)), 9);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + G (D, A, B) + Words (8) + T (31)), 14);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + G (C, D, A) + Words (13) + T (32)), 20);
-- round 3
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + H (B, C, D) + Words (6) + T (33)), 4);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + H (A, B, C) + Words (9) + T (34)), 11);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + H (D, A, B) + Words (12) + T (35)), 16);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + H (C, D, A) + Words (15) + T (36)), 23);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + H (B, C, D) + Words (2) + T (37)), 4);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + H (A, B, C) + Words (5) + T (38)), 11);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + H (D, A, B) + Words (8) + T (39)), 16);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + H (C, D, A) + Words (11) + T (40)), 23);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + H (B, C, D) + Words (14) + T (41)), 4);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + H (A, B, C) + Words (1) + T (42)), 11);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + H (D, A, B) + Words (4) + T (43)), 16);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + H (C, D, A) + Words (7) + T (44)), 23);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + H (B, C, D) + Words (10) + T (45)), 4);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + H (A, B, C) + Words (13) + T (46)), 11);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + H (D, A, B) + Words (16) + T (47)), 16);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + H (C, D, A) + Words (3) + T (48)), 23);
-- round 4
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + I (B, C, D) + Words (1) + T (49)), 6);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + I (A, B, C) + Words (8) + T (50)), 10);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + I (D, A, B) + Words (15) + T (51)), 15);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + I (C, D, A) + Words (6) + T (52)), 21);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + I (B, C, D) + Words (13) + T (53)), 6);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + I (A, B, C) + Words (4) + T (54)), 10);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + I (D, A, B) + Words (11) + T (55)), 15);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + I (C, D, A) + Words (2) + T (56)), 21);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + I (B, C, D) + Words (9) + T (57)), 6);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + I (A, B, C) + Words (16) + T (58)), 10);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + I (D, A, B) + Words (7) + T (59)), 15);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + I (C, D, A) + Words (14) + T (60)), 21);
A := B + Rotate_Left ((A + I (B, C, D) + Words (5) + T (61)), 6);
D := A + Rotate_Left ((D + I (A, B, C) + Words (12) + T (62)), 10);
C := D + Rotate_Left ((C + I (D, A, B) + Words (3) + T (63)), 15);
B := C + Rotate_Left ((B + I (C, D, A) + Words (10) + T (64)), 21);
-- increment
A := A + AA;
B := B + BB;
C := C + CC;
D := D + DD;
end loop;
(Turn_Around (A),
Turn_Around (B),
Turn_Around (C),
Turn_Around (D));
end MD5;
function To_String (Item : MD5_Hash) return MD5_String is
Hex_Chars : constant array (0 .. 15) of Character :=
('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
Result : MD5_String := (1 => '0',
2 => 'x',
others => '0');
Temp : Int32;
Position : Natural := Result'Last;
for Part in reverse Item'Range loop
Temp := Item (Part);
while Position > Result'Last - (5 - Part) * 8 loop
Result (Position) := Hex_Chars (Natural (Temp mod 16));
Position := Position - 1;
Temp := Temp / 16;
end loop;
end loop;
return Result;
end To_String;
end MD5;</lang>
<lang Ada>with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with MD5;
procedure Tester is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
type String_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Unbounded_String;
Sources : constant String_Array :=
(To_Unbounded_String (""),
To_Unbounded_String ("a"),
To_Unbounded_String ("abc"),
To_Unbounded_String ("message digest"),
To_Unbounded_String ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),
Digests : constant String_Array :=
(To_Unbounded_String ("0xd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"),
To_Unbounded_String ("0x0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661"),
To_Unbounded_String ("0x900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"),
To_Unbounded_String ("0xf96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0"),
To_Unbounded_String ("0xc3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b"),
To_Unbounded_String ("0xd174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f"),
To_Unbounded_String ("0x57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a"));
for I in Sources'Range loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("MD5 (""" & To_String (Sources (I)) & """):");
(MD5.To_String (MD5.MD5 (To_String (Sources (I)))));
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (To_String (Digests (I)) & " (correct value)");
end loop;
end Tester;</lang>
<pre>MD5 (""):
0xd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (correct value)
MD5 ("a"):
0x0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661 (correct value)
MD5 ("abc"):
0x900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 (correct value)
MD5 ("message digest"):
0xf96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0 (correct value)
MD5 ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
0xc3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b (correct value)
MD5 ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"):
0xd174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f (correct value)
MD5 ("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"):
0x57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a (correct value)</pre>
=={{header|C sharp}}==
