MD5/Implementation: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Raku}}: minor simplification
m (→‎{{header|Raku}}: minor simplification)
(14 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
Line 42:
[((UInt32, UInt32, UInt32) -> UInt32)] functions
functions [+]= (b, c, d) -> (b [&] c) [|] ((-)~b [&] d)
functions [+]= (b, c, d) -> (d [&] b) [|] ((-)~d [&] c)
functions [+]= (b, c, d) -> b (+) c (+) d
functions [+]= (b, c, d) -> c (+) (b [|] (-)~d)
[(Int -> Int)] index_functions
Line 1,602:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
len md5k[] 64
proc md5init . .
len md5s[] 64.
for i = 1 to 64
func md5init . .
s[] = [ 7 12md5k[i] 17= 22floor 5(0x100000000 9* 14abs 20sin 4(i 11* 16180 23/ 6 10 15 21 ]pi))
for i = 1 to 64
md5k[i] = floor (0x100000000 * abs sin (i * 180 / pi))
for i = 0 to 3
for j = 0 to 3
for k = 0 to 3
md5s[i * 16 + j * 4 + k + 1] = s[i * 4 + k + 1]
call md5init
funcproc md5 inp$ . s$ .
subr addinp
if inp4 = 1
inp[] &= 0
inp[len inp[]] += b * inp4
inp4 *= 0x100
if inp4 = 0x100000000
inp4 = 1
inp[] = [ ]
inp4 = 1
for i = 1 to len inp$
b = strcode substr inp$ i 1
call addinp
b = 0x80
call addinp
while len inp[] mod 16 <> 14 or inp4 <> 1
b = 0
call addinp
h = len inp$ * 8
for i range0 4
b = h mod 0x100
call addinp
h = h div 0x100
inp[] &= 0
a0 = 0x67452301
b0 = 0xefcdab89
c0 = 0x98badcfe
d0 = 0x10325476
for chunk = 1 step 16 to len inp[] - 15
a = a0 ; b = b0 ; c = c0 ; d = d0
for i = 1 to 64
if i <= 16
h1 = bitand b c
h2 = bitand bitnot b d
f = bitor h1 h2
g = i - 1
elif i <= 32
h1 = bitand d b
h2 = bitand bitnot d c
f = bitor h1 h2
g = (5 * i - 4) mod 16
elif i <= 48
h1 = bitxor b c
f = bitxor h1 d
g = (3 * i + 2) mod 16
h1 = bitor b bitnot d
f = bitxor c h1
g = (7 * i - 7) mod 16
finp[len = (f + a + md5kinp[i]] += inp[chunkb +* g])inp4
ainp4 *= d0x100
dif inp4 = c0x100000000
c inp4 = b1
h1 = bitshift f md5s[i]
h2 = bitshift f (md5s[i] - 32)
b = (b + h1 + h2)
a0 += a ; b0 += b ; c0 += c ; d0 += d
s$ = ""
for a in [ a0 b0 c0 d0 ]
for i range0 4
b = a mod 256
a = a div 256
for h in [ b div 16 b mod 16 ]
h += 48
if h > 57
h += 39
s$ &= strchar h
s[] = [ 7 12 17 22 7 12 17 22 7 12 17 22 7 12 17 22 5 9 14 20 5 9 14 20 5 9 14 20 5 9 14 20 4 11 16 23 4 11 16 23 4 11 16 23 4 11 16 23 6 10 15 21 6 10 15 21 6 10 15 21 6 10 15 21 ]
inp[] = [ ]
inp4 = 1
for i = 1 to len inp$
b = strcode substr inp$ i 1
b = 0x80
while len inp[] mod 16 <> 14 or inp4 <> 1
b = 0
h = len inp$ * 8
for i = 1 to 4
b = h mod 0x100
h = h div 0x100
inp[] &= 0
a0 = 0x67452301
b0 = 0xefcdab89
c0 = 0x98badcfe
d0 = 0x10325476
for chunk = 1 step 16 to len inp[] - 15
a = a0 ; b = b0 ; c = c0 ; d = d0
for i = 1 to 64
if i <= 16
h1 = bitand b c
h2 = bitand bitnot b d
f = bitor h1 h2
g = i - 1
elif i <= 32
h1 = bitand d b
h2 = bitand bitnot d c
f = bitor h1 h2
g = (5 * i - 4) mod 16
elif i <= 48
h1 = bitxor b c
f = bitxor h1 d
g = (3 * i + 2) mod 16
h1 = bitor b bitnot d
f = bitxor c h1
g = (7 * i - 7) mod 16
f = (f + a + md5k[i] + inp[chunk + g])
a = d
d = c
c = b
h1 = bitshift f s[i]
h2 = bitshift f (s[i] - 32)
b = (b + h1 + h2)
a0 += a ; b0 += b ; c0 += c ; d0 += d
s$ = ""
for a in [ a0 b0 c0 d0 ]
for i = 1 to 4
b = a mod 256
a = a div 256
for h in [ b div 16 b mod 16 ]
h += 48
if h > 57
h += 39
s$ &= strchar h
s$ = input
until error = 1
call md5 s$ h$
print h$
Line 4,031 ⟶ 4,022:
{{works with|ooRexx|4.2.0 (and later)}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="oorexx">
#!/usr/bin/env rexx
/* Expected results:
Line 4,105 ⟶ 4,096:
index = 65
-- Only procesprocess completely filled buffer
do while index=65
A = a0
Line 4,162 ⟶ 4,153:
-- A convenience class to encapsulate operations on non OORexx-like
-- things such as little-endian 32-bit words
::class int32 public
Line 4,215 ⟶ 4,206:
bstring = bstring~substr(bits+1)~left(bstring~length,'0')
return .int32~new(bstring~b2x~x2d)
-- For those who like to code the shift operation in a traditional way
::method '<<'
forward to (self) message("bitleft")
::method bitright -- OORexx shift (>>) implementation
Line 4,224 ⟶ 4,219:
bstring = bstring~left(bstring~length-bits)~right(bstring~length,fill)
return .int32~new(bstring~b2x~x2d)
-- For those who like to code the shift operation in a traditional way
::method '>>'
forward to (self) message("bitright")
::method bitnot -- OORexx not implementation
Line 4,286 ⟶ 4,285:
sub rotate_left($$) {
($_[0] << $_[1]) | (( $_[0] >> (32 - $_[1]) ) & ((1 << $_[1]) - 1));
Line 4,813 ⟶ 4,812:
(formerly Perl 6)
{{works with|rakudo|20222024-0702}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>proto md5($msg) returns Blob is export {*}
multi md5(Str $msg) { md5 $msg.encode }
multi md5(Blob $msg) {
my buf8 $buf .= new;
sub rotl(uint32 \x, \n) returns uint32 { (x +< n) +| (x +> (32-n)) }
$buf.write-uint32: $buf.elems, $_, LittleEndian for
sub little-endian($w, $n, *@v) { (@v X+> flat ($w X* ^$n)) X% (2 ** $w) }
reduce -> Blob $blob, blob32 $X {
my \bits = 8 * $msg.elems; little-endian 8, 4,
|reduce -> Blob $blob, blob32 $X { $blob Z+
reduce -> $b, $i {
$b[1] + rotl(
$b[0]-> uint32 \x, \n { (x +< n) +| (BEGINx> (32-n)) }(
($b[0] + (BEGIN
{ ($^x +& $^y) +| (+^$x +& $^z) },
{ ($^x +& $^z) +| ($^y +& +^$z) },
Line 4,834 ⟶ 4,832:
)[$i div 16](|$b[1..3]) +
(BEGIN map &floor ∘ * * 2**32 ∘ &abs ∘ &sin ∘ * + 1, ^64)[$i] +
$X[(BEGIN 16 X[R%] flat ($++, 5*$++ + 1, 3*$++ + 5, 7*$++) Xxx 16)[$i]],
) mod 2**32,
(BEGIN flat < 7 12 17 22 5 9 14 20 4 11 16 23 6 10 15 21 >.rotor(4) Xxx 4)[$i]
Line 4,843 ⟶ 4,842:
(BEGIN 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476),
|map { @$_ },
{$msg, 0x80, 0x00 xx (-(bits div 8 + 1 + 8) % 64))
$^b.push($_).read-uint32(0)) for (@$msg, 0x80, 0x00 xx (-($msg.elems + 1 + 8) % 64))
.rotor(4).map({ :256[@^a.reverse] }), little-endian(32, 2, bits)
$b.write-uint64: $b.elems, 8*$msg.elems, LittleEndian;
use Test;
Line 5,522 ⟶ 5,525:
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">object MD5 extends App {
def hash(s: String) = {
def b = s.getBytes("UTF-8")
def m ="MD5").digest(b)
Based on RFC-1321.
BigInt(1, m).toString(16).reverse.padTo(32, "0").reverse.mkString
<syntaxhighlight lang="Scala">
import java.lang.Math
object MD5 {
private val INIT_A = 0x67452301
private val INIT_B = 0xEFCDAB89
private val INIT_C = 0x98BADCFE
private val INIT_D = 0x10325476
private val SHIFT_AMTS = Array(
7, 12, 17, 22,
5, 9, 14, 20,
4, 11, 16, 23,
6, 10, 15, 21
private val TABLE_T = Array.tabulate(64)(i => (Math.abs(Math.sin(i + 1)) * (1L << 32)).toLong.toInt)
def computeMD5(message: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val messageLenBytes = message.length
val numBlocks = ((messageLenBytes + 8) >>> 6) + 1
val totalLen = numBlocks << 6
val paddingBytes = Array.fill[Byte](totalLen - messageLenBytes)(0)
paddingBytes(0) = 0x80.toByte
var messageLenBits = messageLenBytes.toLong << 3
for (i <- 0 until 8) {
paddingBytes(paddingBytes.length - 8 + i) = messageLenBits.toByte
messageLenBits >>>= 8
var a = INIT_A
var b = INIT_B
var c = INIT_C
var d = INIT_D
val buffer = new Array[Int](16)
for (i <- 0 until numBlocks) {
var index = i << 6
for (j <- 0 until 64) {
buffer(j >>> 2) = (((if (index < messageLenBytes) message(index) else paddingBytes(index - messageLenBytes)) << 24) | (buffer(j >>> 2) >>> 8)).toInt
index += 1
val originalA = a
val originalB = b
val originalC = c
val originalD = d
for (j <- 0 until 64) {
val div16 = j >>> 4
val bufferIndex = j match {
case j if j < 16 => j
case j if j < 32 => (j * 5 + 1) & 0x0F
case j if j < 48 => (j * 3 + 5) & 0x0F
case j => (j * 7) & 0x0F
val f = div16 match {
case 0 => (b & c) | (~b & d)
case 1 => (b & d) | (c & ~d)
case 2 => b ^ c ^ d
case 3 => c ^ (b | ~d)
val temp = b + Integer.rotateLeft(a + f + buffer(bufferIndex) + TABLE_T(j), SHIFT_AMTS((div16 << 2) | (j & 3)))
a = d
d = c
c = b
b = temp
a += originalA
b += originalB
c += originalC
d += originalD
val md5 = new Array[Byte](16)
var count = 0
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
var n = i match {
case 0 => a
case 1 => b
case 2 => c
case 3 => d
for (j <- 0 until 4) {
md5(count) = n.toByte
n >>>= 8
count += 1
def toHexString(b: Array[Byte]): String = => f"$byte%02X").mkString
assert("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" == hash(""))
assert("0000045c5e2b3911eb937d9d8c574f09" == hash("iwrupvqb346386"))
assert("0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661" == hash("a"))
assert("900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" == hash("abc"))
assert("f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0" == hash("message digest"))
assert("c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b" == hash("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
assert("d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f" == hash("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"))
assert("57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a" == hash("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val testStrings = Array("", "a", "abc", "message digest", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890")
testStrings.foreach { s =>
println(s"0x${toHexString(computeMD5(s.getBytes))} <== \"$s\"")
0xD41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E <== ""
0x0CC175B9C0F1B6A831C399E269772661 <== "a"
0x900150983CD24FB0D6963F7D28E17F72 <== "abc"
0xF96B697D7CB7938D525A2F31AAF161D0 <== "message digest"
0xC3FCD3D76192E4007DFB496CCA67E13B <== "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
0xD174AB98D277D9F5A5611C2C9F419D9F <== "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
0x57EDF4A22BE3C955AC49DA2E2107B67A <== "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
Line 5,576 ⟶ 5,682:
const array integer: k is createMd5Table;
var integer: length is 0;
var integer: chunkIndexwordIndex is 01;
var integer: index is 0;
var array bin32: m is 16 times bin32.value;
Line 5,597 ⟶ 5,703:
message &:= "\0;" mult 63 - (length + 8) mod 64;
# Append length of message (before pre-processing), in bits, as 64-bit little-endian integer.
message &:= int64AsEightBytesLebytes(8 * length, UNSIGNED, LE, 8);
# Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks:
forwhile chunkIndexwordIndex range 1 to<= length(message) step 64 do
# Break chunk into sixteen 32-bit little-endian words.
for index range 1 to 16 do
m[index] := bin32(bytes2Int(message[chunkIndexwordIndex + 4 * pred(index) lenfixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
wordIndex +:= 4;
end for;
Line 5,617 ⟶ 5,724:
elsif index <= 32 then
f := c >< (d & (b >< c));
g := succ((5 * index - 4) mod 16 + 1);
elsif index <= 48 then
f := b >< c >< d;
g := succ((3 * index + 2) mod 16 + 1);
f := c >< (b | (bin32(16#ffffffff) >< d));
g := succ((7 * pred(index)) mod 16 + 1);
end if;
Line 5,640 ⟶ 5,747:
c0 +:= ord(c);
d0 +:= ord(d);
end forwhile;
# Produce the final hash value:
digest := int32AsFourBytesLebytes(a0 mod 16#100000000, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
int32AsFourBytesLebytes(b0 mod 16#100000000, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
int32AsFourBytesLebytes(c0 mod 16#100000000, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
int32AsFourBytesLebytes(d0 mod 16#100000000, UNSIGNED, LE, 4);
end func;
Line 5,760 ⟶ 5,867:
for i in (range(0, M.end, 16)) {
md5_block(H, M.ftslice(i, i+15).first(16))
Line 6,302 ⟶ 6,409:
This is a translation of the C code [ here]. In the interests of brevity, the original comments have been omitted.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
var k = [
