Loops/Downward for: Difference between revisions

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((< n 0)) ; Break condition when negative
((< n 0)) ; Break condition when negative
(print n)) ; On every loop print value
(print n)) ; On every loop print value

=== Using Tagbody and Go ===
<lang lisp>
(let ((count 10)) ; Create local variable count = 10
dec ; Create tag dec
(print count) ; Prints count
(decf count) ; Decreases count
(if (not (< count 0)) ; Ends loop when negative
(go dec)))) ; Loops back to tag dec

=== Using Recursion ===
<lang lisp>
(defun down-to-0 (count)
(print count)
(if (not (zerop count))
(down-to-0 (1- count))))
(down-to-0 10)