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=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits <br> or android 64 bits with application Termux }}
<syntaxhighlight lang AArch64 Assembly>
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program longmulti64.s */
/* REMARK : this program use factors unsigned to 2 power 127
and the result is less than 2 power 255 */
/* Constantes */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"
.equ BUFFERSIZE, 100
/* structures */
/* Définition multi128 */
.struct 0
multi128_N1: // 63-0
.struct multi128_N1 + 8
multi128_N2: // 127-64
.struct multi128_N2 + 8
multi128_N3: // 128-191
.struct multi128_N3 + 8
multi128_N4: // 192-255
.struct multi128_N4 + 8
/* Initialized data */
szMessFactor: .asciz "Factor = "
szMessResult: .asciz "Result = "
szMessStart: .asciz "Program 64 bits start.\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
i128test1: .quad 0,1,0,0 // 2 power 64
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip BUFFERSIZE // conversion buffer
i128Result1: .skip multi128_end
/* code section */
.global main
main: // entry of program
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStart
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdri128test1 // origin number
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl convertMultiForString // convert multi number to string
mov x2,x0 // insert conversion in message
mov x0,#3 // string number to display
ldr x1,qAdrszMessFactor
ldr x3,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl displayStrings // display message
// multiplication
ldr x0,qAdri128test1 // factor 1
ldr x1,qAdri128test1 // factor 2
ldr x2,qAdri128Result1 // result
bl multiplierMulti128
ldr x0,qAdri128Result1
ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
bl convertMultiForString // conversion multi to string
mov x2,x0 // insert conversion in message
mov x0,#3 // number string to display
ldr x1,qAdrszMessResult
ldr x3,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl displayStrings // display message
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0, #0 // return code
mov x8,EXIT
svc #0 // perform the system call
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv
qAdri128test1: .quad i128test1
qAdri128Result1: .quad i128Result1
qAdrszMessResult: .quad szMessResult
qAdrszMessFactor: .quad szMessFactor
qAdrszMessStart: .quad szMessStart
/* multiplication multi128 by multi128 */
// x0 contains address multi128 1
// x1 contains address multi128 2
// x2 contains address result multi128
// x0 return address result (= x2)
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x9,x0 // factor 1
mov x10,x1 // factor 2
mov x7,x2 // address result
mov x6,#3 // multi128 size
str xzr,[x7,x6,lsl #3] // init result
subs x6,x6,#1
bge 1b
mov x5,#0 // indice loop 1
2: // loop items factor 1
ldr x0,[x9,x5,lsl #3] // load a item
mov x4,#0
mov x8,#0
3: // loop item factor 2
add x6,x4,x5 // compute result indice
ldr x1,[x10,x4,lsl #3] // load a item factor 2
mul x2,x1,x0 // multiply low 64 bits
umulh x3,x1,x0 // multiply high 64 bits
ldr x1,[x7,x6,lsl #3] // load previous item of result
adds x1,x1,x2 // add low part result multiplication
mov x11,1
csel x2,x11,xzr,cs
adds x1,x1,x8 // add high part precedente
adc x8,x3,x2 // new high part with retenue
str x1,[x7,x6,lsl #3] // store the sum in result
add x4,x4,#1
cmp x4,#3
blt 3b // and loop 2
cmp x8,#0 // high part ?
beq 5f
add x6,x6,#1
cmp x6,#2 // on last item ?
ble 4f
adr x0,szMessErrOverflow // yes -> overflow
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#0 // return 0
b 100f
str x8,[x7,x6,lsl #3] // no store high part in next item
add x5,x5,#1
cmp x5,#3
blt 2b // and loop 1
mov x0,x7
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur registers
szMessErrOverflow: .asciz "\033[31mOverflow !!\033[0m \n"
.align 4
/* conversion multi128 unsigned to string */
// x0 contains address multi128
// x1 contains address buffer
// x2 contains buffer length
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registers
sub sp,sp,#multi128_end // reserve place to stack
mov fp,sp // init address to quotient
mov x5,x1 // save address buffer
mov x3,#0 // init indice
ldr x4,[x0,x3,lsl #3] // load one part of number
str x4,[fp,x3,lsl #3] // copy part on stack
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#4
blt 1b
strb wzr,[x5,x2] // store final 0 in buffer
sub x4,x2,#1 // end number storage
mov x0,fp
mov x1,#10
bl calculerModuloMultiEntier // compute modulo 10
add x0,x0,#0x30 // convert result to character
strb w0,[x5,x4] // store character on buffer
subs x4,x4,#1 //
blt 99f // buffer too low
ldr x0,[fp,#multi128_N1] // test if quotient = zero
cmp x0,#0
bne 3b
ldr x0,[fp,#multi128_N2]
cmp x0,#0
bne 3b
ldr x0,[fp,#multi128_N3]
cmp x0,#0
bne 3b
ldr x0,[fp,#multi128_N4]
cmp x0,#0
bne 3b
add x0,x5,x4 // return begin number in buffer
add x0,x0,#1
b 100f
99: // display error if buffer est toop low
adr x0,szMessErrBuffer
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
add sp,sp,#multi128_end // stack alignement
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur registers
szMessErrBuffer: .asciz "\033[31mBuffer de conversion trop petit !!\033[0m \n"
.align 4
/* modulo compute unsigned */
// x0 contains address multi128
// x1 contains modulo (positive)
// x0 return modulo
// ATTENTION : le multientier origine est modifié et contient le quotient
calculerModuloMultiEntier: // INFO: calculerModuloMultiEntier
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registers
cmp x1,#0
ble 99f
mov x4,x1 // save modulo
mov x3,#3
mov x5,x0 // multi128 address
ldr x0,[x5,x3,lsl 3] // load last part of number in low part of 128 bits
mov x1,#0 // init higt part 128 bits
cmp x3,#0 // end part ?
ble 2f
mov x2,x4 // modulo
bl division64R // divide x0,x1 by x2 in x0,x1 and remainder in x2
str x0,[x5,x3,lsl #3] // store result part low
sub x3,x3,#1 // other part ?
ldr x0,[x5,x3,lsl #3] // load prev part
mov x1,x2 // store remainder on high part of 128 bits
b 1b
mov x2,x4 // modulo
bl division64R
str x0,[x5] // stockage dans le 1er chunk
mov x0,x2 // return remainder
b 100f
adr x0,szMessNegatif
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
100: // fin standard de la fonction
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur registers
szMessNegatif: .asciz "\033[31mLe diviseur doit être positif !\033[0m\n"
.align 4
/* division 128 bits number in 2 registers by 64 bits number */
/* x0 contains dividende low part */
/* x1 contains dividende high part */
/* x2 contains divisor */
/* x0 return quotient low part */
/* x1 return quotient high part */
/* x2 return remainder */
stp x3,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]! // save registers
mov x6,#0 // init high high part of remainder !!
// x1 = high part of number in high part of remainder
mov x7,x0 // low part of number in low part of remainder
mov x3,#0 // init high part quotient
mov x4,#0 // init low part quotient
mov x5,#64
1: // begin loop
lsl x6,x6,#1 // left shift high high part of remainder
cmp x1,0 // if negative ie bit 63 = 1
orr x8,x6,1
csel x6,x8,x6,lt // add left bit high part on high high part
lsl x1,x1,#1 // left shift high part of remainder
cmp x7,0
orr x8,x1,1
csel x1,x8,x1,lt // add left bit low part on high part
lsl x7,x7,#1 // left shift low part of remainder
cmp x4,0
lsl x4,x4,#1 // left shift low part quotient
lsl x3,x3,#1 // left shift high part quotient
orr x8,x3,1
csel x3,x8,x3,lt // add left bit low part on high part
// sub divisor to high part remainder
subs x1,x1,x2
sbcs x6,x6,xzr // sub restr.quad (retenue in french)
bmi 2f // result negative ?
// positive or equal
orr x4,x4,#1 // right bit quotient to 1
b 3f
2: // negative
orr x4,x4,xzr // right bit quotient to 0
adds x1,x1,x2 // and restaure the remainder to precedent value
adc x6,x6,xzr // and restr.quad
subs x5,x5,#1 // decrement indice
bgt 1b // and loop
mov x0,x4 // low part quotient
mov x2,x1 // remainder
mov x1,x3 // high part quotient
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x3,lr,[sp],16 // restaur registers
/* display multi strings */
/* new version 24/05/2023 */
/* x0 contains number strings address */
/* x1 address string1 */
/* x2 address string2 */
/* x3 address string3 */
/* x4 address string4 */
/* x5 address string5 */
/* x6 address string5 */
displayStrings: // INFO: displayStrings
stp x7,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x2,fp,[sp,-16]! // save registers
add fp,sp,#32 // save paraméters address (4 registers saved * 8 bytes)
mov x7,x0 // save strings number
cmp x7,#0 // 0 string -> end
ble 100f
mov x0,x1 // string 1
bl affichageMess
cmp x7,#1 // number > 1
ble 100f
mov x0,x2
bl affichageMess
cmp x7,#2
ble 100f
mov x0,x3
bl affichageMess
cmp x7,#3
ble 100f
mov x0,x4
bl affichageMess
cmp x7,#4
ble 100f
mov x0,x5
bl affichageMess
cmp x7,#5
ble 100f
mov x0,x6
bl affichageMess
ldp x2,fp,[sp],16 // restaur registers
ldp x7,lr,[sp],16 // restaur registers
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
Program 64 bits start.
Factor = 18446744073709551616
Result = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456
Line 1,103 ⟶ 1,476:
⎕←longmul⍨input ⍝ calculate 2*128
3 4 0 2 8 2 3 6 6 9 2 0 9 3 8 4 6 3 4 6 3 3 7 4 6 0 7 4 3 1 7 6 8 2 1 1 4 5 6</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi <br> or android 32 bits with application Termux}}
<syntaxhighlight lang ARM Assembly>
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program longmulti.s */
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess conversion10
see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* REMARK 2 : this program use factors unsigned to 2 power 95
and the result is less than 2 power 159 */
/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */
/* Constantes */
.include "../constantes.inc"
/* structures */
/* Définition multi128 */
.struct 0
multi128_N1: // 31-0
.struct multi128_N1 + 4
multi128_N2: // 63-32
.struct multi128_N2 + 4
multi128_N3: // 95-64
.struct multi128_N3 + 4
multi128_N4: // 127-96
.struct multi128_N4 + 4
multi128_N5: // 159-128
.struct multi128_N5 + 4
/* Initialized data */
szMessFactor: .asciz "Factor = "
szMessResult: .asciz "Result = "
szMessStart: .asciz "Program 32 bits start.\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
i128test1: .int 0,0,1,0,0 // 2 power 64
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip BUFFERSIZE // conversion buffer
i128Result1: .skip multi128_end
/* code section */
.global main
main: @ entry of program
ldr r0,iAdrszMessStart
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,iAdri128test1 @ origin number
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl convertMultiForString @ convert multi number to string
mov r2,r0 @ insert conversion in message
mov r0,#3 @ string number to display
ldr r1,iAdrszMessFactor
ldr r3,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl displayStrings @ display message
@ multiplication
ldr r0,iAdri128test1 @ factor 1
ldr r1,iAdri128test1 @ factor 2
ldr r2,iAdri128Result1 @ result
bl multiplierMulti128
ldr r0,iAdri128Result1
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl convertMultiForString @ conversion multi to string
mov r2,r0 @ insert conversion in message
mov r0,#3 @ number string to display
ldr r1,iAdrszMessResult
ldr r3,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl displayStrings @ display message
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc #0 @ perform the system call
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrsZoneConv: .int sZoneConv
iAdri128test1: .int i128test1
iAdri128Result1: .int i128Result1
iAdrszMessResult: .int szMessResult
iAdrszMessFactor: .int szMessFactor
iAdrszMessStart: .int szMessStart
/* multiplication multi128 by multi128 */
// r0 contains address multi128 1
// r1 contains address multi128 2
// r2 contains address result multi128
// r0 return address result (= r2)
push {r1-r10,lr} @ save registers
mov r9,r0 @ factor 1
mov r10,r1 @ factor 2
mov r7,r2 @ address result
mov r6,#4 @ multi128 size
mov r5,#0
str r5,[r7,r6,lsl #2] @ init result
subs r6,r6,#1
bge 1b
mov r5,#0 @ indice loop 1
2: @ loop items factor 1
ldr r0,[r9,r5,lsl #2] @ load a item
mov r4,#0
mov r8,#0
3: @ loop item factor 2
add r6,r4,r5 @ compute result indice
ldr r1,[r10,r4,lsl #2] @ oad a item factor 2
umull r2,r3,r1,r0 @ multiply long 32 bits
ldr r1,[r7,r6,lsl #2] @ load previous item of result
adds r1,r1,r2 @ add low part result multiplication
movcc r2,#0 @ high retain
movcs r2,#1
adds r1,r1,r8 @ add high part precedente
adc r8,r3,r2 @ new high part with retenue
str r1,[r7,r6,lsl #2] @ store the sum in result
add r4,r4,#1
cmp r4,#3
blt 3b @ and loop 2
cmp r8,#0 @ high part ?
beq 4f
add r6,r6,#1
cmp r6,#4 @ on last item ?
strle r8,[r7,r6,lsl #2] @ no store high part in next item
ble 4f
adr r0,szMessErrOverflow @ yes -> overflow
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#0 @ return 0
b 100f
add r5,r5,#1
cmp r5,#3
blt 2b @ and loop 1
mov r0,r7
pop {r1-r10,pc} @ restaur registers
szMessErrOverflow: .asciz "\033[31mOverflow !!\033[0m \n"
.align 4
/* display multi strings */
/* r0 contains number strings address */
/* r1 address string1 */
/* r2 address string2 */
/* r3 address string3 */
/* other address on the stack */
/* thinck to add number other address * 4 to add to the stack */
displayStrings: @ INFO: displayStrings
push {r1-r4,fp,lr} @ save des registres
add fp,sp,#24 @ save paraméters address (6 registers saved * 4 bytes)
mov r4,r0 @ save strings number
cmp r4,#0 @ 0 string -> end
ble 100f
mov r0,r1 @ string 1
bl affichageMess
cmp r4,#1 @ number > 1
ble 100f
mov r0,r2
bl affichageMess
cmp r4,#2
ble 100f
mov r0,r3
bl affichageMess
cmp r4,#3
ble 100f
mov r3,#3
sub r2,r4,#4
1: @ loop extract address string on stack
ldr r0,[fp,r2,lsl #2]
bl affichageMess
subs r2,#1
bge 1b
pop {r1-r4,fp,pc}
/* conversion multi128 unsigned to string */
// r0 contains address multi128
// r1 contains address buffer
// r2 contains buffer length
push {r1-r5,fp,lr} @ save des registres
sub sp,sp,#multi128_end @ reserve place to stack
mov fp,sp @ init address to quotient
mov r5,r1 @ save address buffer
mov r3,#0 @ init indice
ldr r4,[r0,r3,lsl #2] @ load one part of number
str r4,[fp,r3,lsl #2] @ copy part on stack
add r3,#1
cmp r3,#5
blt 1b
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r5,r2] @ store final 0 in buffer
sub r4,r2,#1 @ end number storage
mov r0,fp
mov r1,#10
bl calculerModuloMultiEntier @ compute modulo 10
add r0,r0,#0x30 @ convert result to character
strb r0,[r5,r4] @ store character on buffer
subs r4,r4,#1 @
blt 99f @ buffer too low
ldr r0,[fp,#multi128_N1] @ test if quotient = zero
cmp r0,#0
bne 3b
ldr r0,[fp,#multi128_N2]
cmp r0,#0
bne 3b
ldr r0,[fp,#multi128_N3]
cmp r0,#0
bne 3b
ldr r0,[fp,#multi128_N4]
cmp r0,#0
bne 3b
ldr r0,[fp,#multi128_N5]
cmp r0,#0
bne 3b
add r0,r5,r4 @ return begin number in buffer
add r0,r0,#1
b 100f
99: @ display error if buffer est toop low
adr r0,szMessErrBuffer
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
add sp,sp,#multi128_end @ stack alignement
pop {r1-r5,fp,pc} @ restaur registers
szMessErrBuffer: .asciz "\033[31mBuffer de conversion trop petit !!\033[0m \n"
.align 4
/* modulo compute unsigned */
// r0 contains address multi128
// r1 contains modulo (positive)
// r0 return modulo
// ATTENTION : le multientier origine est modifié et contient le quotient
calculerModuloMultiEntier: @ INFO: calculerModuloMultiEntier
push {r1-r5,lr} @ save des registres
cmp r1,#0
ble 99f
mov r4,r1 @ save modulo
mov r3,#4
mov r5,r0 @ multi128 address
ldr r0,[r5,r3,lsl #2] @ load last part of number in low part of 64 bits
mov r1,#0 @ init higt part 64 bits
cmp r3,#0 @ end part ?
ble 2f
mov r2,r4 @ modulo
bl division32R @ divide r0,r1 by r2 in r0,r1 and remainder in r2
str r0,[r5,r3,lsl #2] @ store result part low
sub r3,r3,#1 @ other part ?
ldr r0,[r5,r3,lsl #2] @ load prev part
mov r1,r2 @ store remainder un high part of 64 bits
b 1b
mov r2,r4 @ modulo
bl division32R
str r0,[r5] @ stockage dans le 1er chunk
mov r0,r2 @ return remainder
b 100f
adr r0,szMessNegatif
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
100: @ fin standard de la fonction
pop {r1-r5,pc} @ restaur des registres
szMessNegatif: .asciz "\033[31mLe diviseur doit être positif !\033[0m\n"
.align 4
/* division 64 bits number in 2 registers by 32 bits number */
/* r0 contains dividende low part */
/* r1 contains dividende high part */
/* r2 contains divisor */
/* r0 return quotient low part */
/* r1 return quotient high part */
/* r2 return remainder */
push {r3-r7,lr} @ save registers
mov r6,#0 @ init high high part of remainder !!
@ r1 = high part of number in high part of remainder
mov r7,r0 @ low part of number in low part of remainder
mov r3,#0 @ init high part quotient
mov r4,#0 @ init low part quotient
mov r5,#32
1: @ begin loop
lsl r6,#1 @ left shift high high part of remainder
lsls r1,#1 @ left shift high part of remainder
orrcs r6,#1 @ add left bit high part on high high part
lsls r7,#1 @ left shift low part of remainder
orrcs r1,#1 @ add left bit low part on high part
lsls r4,#1 @ left shift low part quotient
lsl r3,#1 @ left shift high part quotient
orrcs r3,#1 @ add left bit low part on high part
@ sub divisor to high part remainder
subs r1,r2
sbcs r6,#0 @ sub restraint (retenue in french)
bmi 2f @ result negative ?
@ positive or equal
orr r4,#1 @ right bit quotient to 1
b 3f
2: @ negative
orr r4,#0 @ right bit quotient to 0
adds r1,r2 @ and restaure the remainder to precedent value
adc r6,#0 @ and restraint
subs r5,#1 @ decrement indice
bgt 1b @ and loop
mov r0,r4 @ low part quotient
mov r2,r1 @ remainder
mov r1,r3 @ high part quotient
100: @
pop {r3-r7,pc} @ restaur registers
.include "../affichage.inc"
Program 32 bits start.
Factor = 18446744073709551616
Result = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456
Line 3,056 ⟶ 3,780:
<syntaxhighlight lang="easylang">
func$ mult a$ b$ .
a[] = number strchars a$
b[] = number strchars b$
len r[] len a[] + len b[]
for ib = len b[] downto 1
h = 0
for ia = len a[] downto 1
h += r[ia + ib] + b[ib] * a[ia]
r[ia + ib] = h mod 10
h = h div 10
r[ib] += h
r$ = ""
for i = 1 to len r[]
if r$ <> "" or r[i] <> 0 or i = len r[]
r$ &= r[i]
return r$
print mult "18446744073709551616" "18446744073709551616"
Line 3,546 ⟶ 4,296:
* <code>buildDecimal</code> (translates a list of decimal digits - possibly including "carry" - to the corresponding extended precision number):
<syntaxhighlight lang="j"> (+ 10x&*)/|. 1 4 10 12 9
<syntaxhighlight lang="j"> 10 #. 1 4 10 12 9
Line 6,184 ⟶ 6,937:
To solve the task, we need to develop part of a BigInt library which to handle very long integers as strings. Addition has been optimized with a 10-digit batch size, but multiplication is long (and slow), as required.
{| class="wikitable"
! RPL code
Line 6,231 ⟶ 6,984:
≫ ≫ ‘<span style="color:blue">MULbig’ STO
<span style="color:blue">NoZero</span> ''( "0..0xyz" "xyz" ) ''
count leading zeros
keep the rest
<span style="color:blue">ZeroFill</span> ''( "xyz" n "0..0xyz" ) ''
<span style="color:blue">Swap→Zero</span> ''( a b →aa b Δlength ) ''
swap a and b if length(a) < length(b)
return length difference
<span style="color:blue">ADDbig</span> ''( "a" "b" "a+b" ) ''
res = "" ; carry = 0
for j = length(a) downto 1 step 10
Line 6,251 ⟶ 7,004:
if b > 1E10 then digits -= 1E10 ; carry = 1
convert digits to 10-char string with leading zeros
next j
prepend carry and remove leading zeros
<span style="color:blue">DigitMul</span> ''( "a" d "a*d" ) ''
res = "" ; carry = 0
for j = length(a) downto 1
Line 6,261 ⟶ 7,014:
carry = digit // 10
digit %= 10
next j
prepend carry
<span style="color:blue">MULbig</span> ''( "a" "b" "a*b" ) ''
sum = "0" ; for j = length(b) downto 1
tmp = a * b[j]
shift left tmp length(b)-j times, then add to sum
next j
Line 6,277 ⟶ 7,030:
1: "340282366920938463463374607431768211456"
Line 6,932 ⟶ 7,686:
{{Trans|Liberty BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">' now, count 2^64
Print "2^64"
a := "1"
For i = 1 To 64
a = FUNC(_multByD (a, 2))
Print Show (a)
Print "(check with known value)"
Print "18446744073709551616"
Print "(looks OK)"
' now let's do b*a stuff
Print "2^64*2^64"
Print Show (FUNC (_longMult (a, a)))
Print "(check with known value)"
Print "340282366920938463463374607431768211456"
Print "(looks OK)"
' ---------------------------------------
Param (2)
Local (7)
c@ = 1
If Peek (a@, 0) = Ord ("-") Then a@ = Chop (a@, 1) : c@ = -1
d@ = 1
If Peek (b@, 0) = Ord ("-") Then b@ = Chop (b@, 1) : d@ = -1
e@ := ""
f@ := ""
g@ := ""
For h@ = Len(a@)-1 To 0 Step -1
i@ = Peek (a@, h@) - Ord ("0")
f@ = FUNC(_multByD (b@, i@))
e@ = FUNC(_addLong (e@, Join (f@, g@)))
g@ = Join (g@, "0")
Next ' print i@, f@, e@
' print e@
If c@*d@ < 0 Then e@ = Join ("-", e@)
Return (e@)
Param (2) ' multiply a@ by digit b@
Local (5)
c@ := ""
d@ = 0
For e@ = Len (a@)-1 To 0 Step -1
f@ = Peek (a@, e@) - Ord ("0")
g@ = f@*b@ + d@
d@ = g@ / 10)
g@ = g@ % 10
' print f@, g@
c@ = Join (Str (g@), c@)
If d@ > 0 Then c@ = Join (Str (d@), c@)
Return (c@) ' print c@
_addLong ' add a@ + b@, for now only positive
Param (2)
Local (7)
c@ = Max (Len(a@), Len(b@))
a@ = FUNC(_Pad (a@, c@))
b@ = FUNC(_Pad (b@, c@))
d@ := "" ' result
e@ = 0
For f@ = c@-1 To 0 Step -1
g@ = Peek (a@, f@) - Ord ("0")
h@ = Peek (b@, f@) - Ord ("0")
i@ = g@ + h@ + e@
e@ = i@ / 10
i@ = i@ % 10
' print g@, h@, i@
d@ = Join (Str (i@), d@)
' print d@
If e@ > 0 Then d@ = Join (Str (e@), d@)
Return (d@)
_Pad ' pad from right with 0 to length n
Param (2)
Do While Len (a@) < b@
a@ = Join("0", a@)
Return (a@)</syntaxhighlight>
(check with known value)
(looks OK)
(check with known value)
(looks OK)
0 OK, 0:478</pre>
=={{header|UNIX Shell}}==
Line 7,107 ⟶ 7,972:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./fmt" for Fmt
// argument validation
