Loading animated 3D data/OCaml
<lang ocaml>(* loading the libraries *)
- directory "+xml-light" (* or maybe "+site-lib/xml-light" *)
- load "xml-light.cma"
- directory "+glMLite"
- load "GL.cma"
- load "Glu.cma"
- load "Glut.cma"
(* types, and scene graph *)
type time = float (* in seconds *)
type 'a anim = At of time * 'a | Change of time * time * 'a * 'a
type 'a timed = Static of 'a | Animated of 'a anim list
type float1 = float timed type float3 = (float * float * float) timed type float4 = (float * float * float * float) timed
type scene = scene_elem list and scene_elem =
| Viewpoint of float3 * float4 (* position, orientation *) | PointLight of float3 * float3 (* location, color *) | Transform of transform_attr list
and transform_attr = Translation of float3 | Scale of float3
| Rotation of float4 | Contents of shape list
and shape = geom * appearance and appearance = appearance_attr list and appearance_attr = DiffuseColor of float3 and geom =
| Box of float3 | Sphere of float1 (* radius *) | Cylinder of float1 * float1 (* radius, height *) | Cone of float1 * float1 (* bottomRadius, height *)
(* parsing functions *)
let scan_float3 s =
Scanf.sscanf s "%f %f %f" (fun x y z -> x,y,z) ;;
let scan_float4 s =
Scanf.sscanf s "%f %f %f %f" (fun a x y z -> a,x,y,z) ;;
let scan_time s =
Scanf.sscanf s "%fs" (fun sec -> sec) ;;
let mk_float3 v = Static(scan_float3 v)
let mk_float4 v = Static(scan_float4 v)
let assoc_opt v li =
try Some(List.assoc v li) with Not_found -> None
let find_opt f li =
try Some(List.find f li) with Not_found -> None
let get_anim scan attr_name childs =
List.fold_left (fun acc -> function Xml.Element ("animate", attrs, _) -> let this_attr_name = List.assoc "attributeName" attrs in if this_attr_name <> attr_name then (acc) else let from = scan(List.assoc "from" attrs) and to_ = scan(List.assoc "to" attrs) and begin_ = scan_time(List.assoc "begin" attrs) and dur = scan_time(List.assoc "dur" attrs) in Change(begin_, begin_ +. dur, from, to_) :: acc
| _ -> (acc) ) [] childs
let to_param scan attr_name attrs default childs =
match assoc_opt attr_name attrs, get_anim scan attr_name childs with | None, [] -> Static(default) | Some v, [] -> Static(scan v) | None, anim -> Animated(anim) | Some v, anim -> Animated(At(0.0, scan v)::anim)
let to_float3 = to_param scan_float3 ;; let to_float4 = to_param scan_float4 ;; let to_float1 = to_param float_of_string ;;
let parse_geom = function
| Xml.Element ("Box", attrs, childs) -> Box(to_float3 "size" attrs (2., 2., 2.) childs)
| Xml.Element ("Sphere", attrs, childs) -> Sphere(to_float1 "radius" attrs (1.0) childs)
| Xml.Element ("Cylinder", attrs, childs) -> let radius = (to_float1 "radius" attrs (1.0) childs) and height = (to_float1 "height" attrs (2.0) childs) in Cylinder(radius, height)
| Xml.Element ("Cone", attrs, childs) -> let botRad = (to_float1 "bottomRadius" attrs (1.0) childs) and height = (to_float1 "height" attrs (2.0) childs) in Cone(botRad, height)
| _ -> assert false
let appearance_fold acc = function
| Xml.Element ("Appearance", [], [ Xml.Element ("Material", attrs, childs)]) -> DiffuseColor(to_float3 "diffuseColor" attrs (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) childs)::acc | _ -> (acc)
let filter_geom = function
| Xml.Element ("Box",_,_) | Xml.Element ("Sphere",_,_) | Xml.Element ("Cylinder",_,_) | Xml.Element ("Cone",_,_) -> true | _ -> false
let parse_shape_contents c =
let geom = parse_geom(List.find filter_geom c) and appearance = List.fold_left appearance_fold [] c in let shape = (geom, appearance) in (shape)
let parse_shape = function
| Xml.Element("Shape", [], contents) -> (parse_shape_contents contents) | _ -> assert false
let filter_shape = function Xml.Element("Shape",_,_) -> true | _ -> false
let map_scene_elem = function
| Xml.Element ("Viewpoint", attrs, childs) -> let position = (to_float3 "position" attrs (0., 0., 10.) childs) and orientation = (to_float4 "orientation" attrs (0.,0.,1.,0.) childs) in Viewpoint(position, orientation)
| Xml.Element ("PointLight", attrs, childs) -> let location = (to_float3 "location" attrs (0., 0., 0.) childs) and color = (to_float3 "color" attrs (1., 1., 1.) childs) in PointLight(location, color)
| Xml.Element ("Transform", attrs, contents) -> let transform_attrs = [] in let transform_attrs = match assoc_opt "translation" attrs with | Some translation -> Translation(mk_float3 translation)::transform_attrs | None -> (transform_attrs) in let transform_attrs = match assoc_opt "scale" attrs with | Some scale -> Scale(mk_float3 scale)::transform_attrs | None -> (transform_attrs) in let transform_attrs = match assoc_opt "rotation" attrs with | Some rotation -> Rotation(mk_float4 rotation)::transform_attrs | None -> (transform_attrs) in let shapes = List.filter filter_shape contents in let shapes = List.map parse_shape shapes in let transform_attrs = (Contents shapes)::transform_attrs in
(* TODO animate (translation, rotation, scale) from childs *)
| _ -> assert false
let parse_scene = function
| Xml.Element ("smil", [], [ Xml.Element ("X3D", [], [ Xml.Element ("Scene", [], scene_elems)])])
| Xml.Element ("X3D", [], [ Xml.Element ("Scene", [], scene_elems)]) -> List.map map_scene_elem scene_elems
| _ -> assert false
(* end of parsing the datas *)
(* timeline functions *)
let inter1 t t1 t2 v1 v2 =
v1 +. ((t -. t1) /. (t2 -. t1) *. (v2 -. v1))
let inter3 t t1 t2 (a1,b1,c1) (a2,b2,c2) =
let m = (t -. t1) /. (t2 -. t1) in ( a1 +. (m *. (a2 -. a1)), b1 +. (m *. (b2 -. b1)), c1 +. (m *. (c2 -. c1)) )
let inter4 t t1 t2 (a1,b1,c1,d1) (a2,b2,c2,d2) =
let m = (t -. t1) /. (t2 -. t1) in ( a1 +. (m *. (a2 -. a1)), b1 +. (m *. (b2 -. b1)), c1 +. (m *. (c2 -. c1)), d1 +. (m *. (d2 -. d1)) )
let rec val_at inter t = function
| At(t1, v) :: At(t2,_) :: _ | At(t1, v) :: Change(t2,_,_,_) :: _ when t1 <= t && t < t2 -> (v) | At(t, v) :: [] -> (v) | Change(_,t2,_,v2) :: [] when t >= t2 -> (v2) | Change(t1,t2,v1,v2) :: _ when t1 <= t && t <= t2 -> inter t t1 t2 v1 v2 | _ :: tl -> val_at inter t tl | [] -> assert false
let get_val inter t = function
| Static v -> v | Animated anim -> val_at inter t anim
let get_val1 = get_val inter1 ;; let get_val3 = get_val inter3 ;; let get_val4 = get_val inter4 ;;
(* OpenGL rendering *)
open GL open Glu open Glut
let t = ref 0.0
let neg_vec (x, y, z) = (-. x, -. y, -. z)
let display scene = function () ->
glClear [GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT]; glLoadIdentity ();
List.iter (function | Viewpoint (position, orientation) -> let position = get_val3 !t position and orientation = get_val4 !t orientation in let angle, x, y, z = orientation in glRotate ~angle ~x ~y ~z; glTranslatev (neg_vec position)
| PointLight (location, color) -> let location = get_val3 !t location and color = get_val3 !t color in ignore(location, color)
| Transform cl -> List.iter (function | Scale scale -> let v = get_val3 !t scale in glScalev v | Translation vec -> let v = get_val3 !t vec in glTranslatev v | _ -> () ) cl; List.iter (function | Contents cl -> List.iter (function | (Box size, appearance) -> List.iter (function | DiffuseColor color -> glColor3v (get_val3 !t color) ) appearance; glPushMatrix (); glScalev (get_val3 !t size); glutSolidCube ~size:1.0; glPopMatrix ();
| _ -> () (* TODO other primitives *) ) cl | _ -> () ) cl;
) scene;
glFlush (); glutSwapBuffers ();
let reshape ~width ~height =
glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION; glLoadIdentity (); gluPerspective 30. (float width /. float height) 2. 30.; glViewport 0 0 width height; glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW; glutPostRedisplay ();
let keyboard ~key ~x ~y =
match key with | '\027' | 'q' -> exit(0) | _ -> ()
(* main *) let () =
ignore(glutInit Sys.argv); glutInitDisplayMode [GLUT_RGBA; GLUT_DOUBLE; GLUT_DEPTH]; glutInitWindowPosition ~x:200 ~y:200; glutInitWindowSize ~width:400 ~height:300; ignore(glutCreateWindow ~title:Sys.argv.(0));
let my_scene = parse_scene (Xml.parse_file Sys.argv.(1)) in
let rec timer ~value = t := !t +. 0.01; glutTimerFunc ~msecs:value ~timer ~value; in let msecs = 10 in glutTimerFunc ~msecs ~timer ~value:msecs; glutIdleFunc ~idle:glutPostRedisplay; glutDisplayFunc ~display:(display my_scene); glutReshapeFunc ~reshape; glutKeyboardFunc ~keyboard; glutMainLoop ();
- </lang>