Line circle intersection: Difference between revisions

Line 2,149:
[(8.0000, 5.0000)]
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<lang vbnet>Module Module1
Structure Point
Implements IComparable(Of Point)
Public Sub New(mx As Double, my As Double)
X = mx
Y = my
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property X As Double
Public ReadOnly Property Y As Double
Public Function CompareTo(other As Point) As Integer Implements IComparable(Of Point).CompareTo
Dim c = X.CompareTo(other.X)
If c <> 0 Then
Return c
End If
Return Y.CompareTo(other.Y)
End Function
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("({0}, {1})", X, Y)
End Function
End Structure
Structure Line
Public Sub New(mp1 As Point, mp2 As Point, Optional segment As Boolean = False)
If P2.CompareTo(P1) < 0 Then
P1 = mp2
P2 = mp1
P1 = mp1
P2 = mp2
End If
IsSegment = segment
If P1.X = P2.X Then
Slope = Double.PositiveInfinity
YIntercept = Double.NaN
Slope = (P2.Y - P1.Y) / (P2.X - P1.X)
YIntercept = P2.Y - Slope * P2.X
End If
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property P1 As Point
Public ReadOnly Property P2 As Point
Public ReadOnly Property Slope As Double
Public ReadOnly Property YIntercept As Double
Public ReadOnly Property IsSegment As Boolean
Public Function IsVertical() As Boolean
Return P1.X = P2.X
End Function
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("[{0}, {1}]", P1, P2)
End Function
End Structure
Structure Circle
Public Sub New(c As Point, r As Double)
Center = c
Radius = r
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Center As Point
Public ReadOnly Property Radius As Double
Public Function X() As Double
Return Center.X
End Function
Public Function Y() As Double
Return Center.Y
End Function
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{{ C:{0}, R:{1} }}", Center, Radius)
End Function
End Structure
Function Intersection(oc As Circle, ol As Line) As IEnumerable(Of Point)
Dim LineIntersection = Iterator Function(ic As Circle, il As Line) As IEnumerable(Of Point)
Dim m = il.Slope
Dim c = il.YIntercept
Dim p = ic.X
Dim q = ic.Y
Dim r = ic.Radius
If il.IsVertical Then
Dim x = il.P1.X
Dim B = -2 * q
Dim CC = p * p + q * q - r * r + x * x - 2 * p * x
Dim D = B * B - 4 * CC
If D = 0 Then
Yield New Point(x, -q)
ElseIf D > 0 Then
D = Math.Sqrt(D)
Yield New Point(x, (-B - D) / 2)
Yield New Point(x, (-B + D) / 2)
End If
Dim A = m * m + 1
Dim B = 2 * (m * c - m * q - p)
Dim CC = p * p + q * q - r * r + c * c - 2 * c * q
Dim D = B * B - 4 * A * CC
If D = 0 Then
Dim x = -B / (2 * A)
Dim y = m * x + c
Yield New Point(x, y)
ElseIf D > 0 Then
D = Math.Sqrt(D)
Dim x = (-B - D) / (2 * A)
Dim y = m * x + c
Yield New Point(x, y)
x = (-B + D) / (2 * A)
y = m * x + c
Yield New Point(x, y)
End If
End If
End Function
Dim int = LineIntersection(oc, ol)
If ol.IsSegment Then
Return int.Where(Function(p) p.CompareTo(ol.P1) >= 0 AndAlso p.CompareTo(ol.P2) <= 0)
Return int
End If
End Function
Sub Print(c As Circle, lines() As Line)
Console.WriteLine("Circle: {0}", c)
For Each line In lines
If line.IsSegment Then
Console.Write("Segment: ")
Console.Write("Line: ")
End If
Dim points = Intersection(c, line).ToList
Console.Write(vbTab + vbTab)
If points.Count = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("do not intersect")
Console.WriteLine("intersect at {0}", String.Join(" and ", points))
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim c = New Circle(New Point(3, -5), 3)
Dim lines() As Line = {
New Line(New Point(-10, 11), New Point(10, -9)),
New Line(New Point(-10, 11), New Point(-11, 12), True),
New Line(New Point(3, -2), New Point(7, -2))
Print(c, lines)
c = New Circle(New Point(0, 0), 4)
lines = {
New Line(New Point(0, -3), New Point(0, 6)),
New Line(New Point(0, -3), New Point(0, 6), True)
Print(c, lines)
c = New Circle(New Point(4, 2), 5)
lines = {
New Line(New Point(6, 3), New Point(10, 7)),
New Line(New Point(7, 4), New Point(11, 8), True)
Print(c, lines)
End Sub
End Module</lang>
<pre>Circle: { C:(3, -5), R:3 }
Line: [(-10, 11), (10, -9)]
intersect at (3, -2) and (6, -5)
Segment: [(-10, 11), (-11, 12)]
do not intersect
Line: [(3, -2), (7, -2)]
intersect at (3, -2)
Circle: { C:(0, 0), R:4 }
Line: [(0, -3), (0, 6)]
intersect at (0, -4) and (0, 4)
Segment: [(0, -3), (0, 6)]
intersect at (0, 4)
Circle: { C:(4, 2), R:5 }
Line: [(6, 3), (10, 7)]
intersect at (1, -2) and (8, 5)
Segment: [(7, 4), (11, 8)]
intersect at (8, 5)</pre>
