Levenshtein distance: Difference between revisions

Add Zig example
(Add Zig example)
Line 6,465:
'''Works with:''' 0.11.x, 0.12.0-dev.1381+61861ef39
For 0.10.x, replace @min(a, b, c) with std.math.min3(a, b, c).
Recursive method without memoization.
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">const std = @import("std");
fn levenshtein(s: []const u8, t: []const u8) usize {
// If either string is empty, difference is inserting all chars
// from the other
if (s.len == 0) return t.len;
if (t.len == 0) return s.len;
// If last letters are the same, the difference is whatever is
// required to edit the rest of the strings
if (s[s.len - 1] == t[t.len - 1])
return levenshtein(s[0 .. s.len - 1], t[0 .. t.len - 1]);
// Else try:
// changing last letter of s to that of t; or
// remove last letter of s; or
// remove last letter of t,
// any of which is 1 edit plus editing the rest of the strings
const a = levenshtein(s[0 .. s.len - 1], t[0 .. t.len - 1]);
const b = levenshtein(s, t[0 .. t.len - 1]);
const c = levenshtein(s[0 .. s.len - 1], t);
return @min(a, b, c) + 1;
pub fn main() std.fs.File.WriteError!void {
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut();
const stdout_w = stdout.writer();
const s1 = "rosettacode";
const s2 = "raisethysword";
try stdout_w.print("distance between '{s}' and '{s}': {d}\n", .{ s1, s2, levenshtein(s1, s2) });
