Letter frequency: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎version 1: reformatted the REXX section header.)
mNo edit summary
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<lang Nanoquery>// define a list to hold characters and amounts
$characters = list()
$amounts = list()

// define the alphabet as a string to check only letters and numbers
$alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"

// get the filename as an argument
$fname = $args[len($args) - 1]

// read the entire file into a string
$contents = new(Nanoquery.IO.File, $fname).readAll()

// loop through all the characters in the array
for ($i = 0) ($i < len($contents)) ($i = $i + 1)
// get the character to check
$toCheck = str($contents[$i]).toLowerCase()

// check if the current character is in the array
if (($alpha .contains. $toCheck) && ($characters .contains. $toCheck))
// if it's there, increment its amount
$index = $characters[$toCheck]
$amounts[$index] = $amounts[$index] + 1
if ($alpha .contains. $toCheck)
// if it's not, add it
append $characters $toCheck
append $amounts 0
end if
end for

// output the amounts
println format("%-20s %s", "Character", "Amount")
println "="*30
for ($i = 0) ($i < len($characters)) ($i = $i + 1)
println format("%-20s %d", $characters[$i], $amounts[$i])
end for</lang>
<pre>$ java -jar ../nanoquery-2.3_1462.jar -b letterfreq.nq sherlock-holmes.txt
Character Amount
p 7239
r 25708
o 34866
j 544
e 54972
c 11118
t 40545
g 8311
u 13604
n 29701
b 6645
s 27941
h 29588
a 36146
d 19064
v 4567
f 9362
l 17633
k 3684
m 12150
y 9776
i 31240
w 11554
2 45
9 23
0 104
1 127
6 30
8 46
z 152
x 578
q 437
5 27
4 29
7 25
3 25</pre>
