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F 2
r 32</pre>
=={{header|M2000 Interpreter}}==
<lang M2000 Interpreter>
document file1$={Open a text file and count the occurrences of each letter.
Some of these programs count all characters (including punctuation), but some only count letters A to Z
const Ansi=3, nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10), Console=-2
save.doc file1$, "checkdoc.txt", Ansi
open "checkdoc.txt" for input as F
buffer onechar as byte
dim m(65 to 90)
while not eof(#F)
get #F, onechar
if a$ ~ "[A-Za-z]" then
end if
end while
close #F
document Export$
for i=65 to 90
if m(i)>0 then Export$=format$("{0} - {1:2:4}%",chr$(i),m(i)/m*100)+nl$
print #Console, Export$
clipboard Export$
<pre style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll">
A - 6,87%
B - 0,76%
C - 8,40%
D - 1,53%
E - 12,2%
F - 2,29%
G - 1,53%
H - 3,05%
I - 3,05%
L - 5,34%
M - 2,29%
N - 8,40%
O - 9,92%
P - 2,29%
R - 6,11%
S - 5,34%
T - 12,2%
U - 6,11%
X - 0,76%
Y - 0,76%
Z - 0,76%
</pre >