Last letter-first letter: Difference between revisions

Improved second D version
(Small fix in second D program)
(Improved second D version)
Line 91:
rufflet trapinch haxorus seaking girafarig gabite exeggcute
emolga audino</pre>
Runtime: about 1.23 seconds, dmd compiler.
This is the same program, with some low-level optimizations:
Line 97:
std.typecons, std.exception;
struct Ref {
Tuple!(string[], int) findLongestChain(in string[] items) {
staticushort struct Ref {index;
char lastChar, ushort indexfirstChar;
char lastChar, firstChar;
__gshared int nSolutions;
__gshared Ref[] refs, longestPathRefs;
/// tally statistics
void search(in size_t currLen) {
if (currLen == longestPathRefs.length) {
} else if (currLen > longestPathRefs.length) {
nSolutions = 1;
longestPathRefs = refs[0 .. currLen].dup;
// recursive search
const dchar lastChar = refs[currLen - 1].lastChar;
foreach (i; currLen .. refs.length)
if (refs[i].firstChar == lastChar) {
const aux = refs[currLen];
refs[currLen] = refs[i];
refs[i] = aux;
search(currLen + 1);
refs[i] = refs[currLen];
refs[currLen] = aux;
Tuple!(string[], int) findLongestChain(in string[] items) {
foreach (item; items)
enforce(item.length > 1);
int nSolutions;
Ref[] refs, longestPathRefs;
foreach (ushort i, item; items)
refs ~= Ref(i, item[0], item[$-1]);
/// tally statistics
void search(in size_t currLen) {
if (currLen == longestPathRefs.length) {
} else if (currLen > longestPathRefs.length) {
nSolutions = 1;
longestPathRefs = refs[0 .. currLen].dup;
// recursive search
const dchar lastChar = refs[currLen - 1].lastChar;
foreach (i; currLen .. refs.length)
if (refs[i].firstChar == lastChar) {
const aux = refs[currLen];
refs[currLen] = refs[i];
refs[i] = aux;
search(currLen + 1);
refs[i] = refs[currLen];
refs[currLen] = aux;
// try each item as possible start
Line 171 ⟶ 172:
writeln(" ", sol_nsol[0][i .. min(i+7, $)].join(" "));
Runtime: about 0.7967 seconds, dmd compiler.
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