LZW compression: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Added Wren)
Line 5,554:
# or
if {$s eq [LZW::decode [LZW::encode $s]]} then {puts success} else {puts fail} ;# ==> success</lang>
<lang ecmascript>class LZW {
/* Compress a string to a list of output symbols. */
static compress(uncompressed) {
// Build the dictionary.
var dictSize = 256
var dictionary = {}
for (i in 0...dictSize) dictionary[String.fromByte(i)] = i
var w = ""
var result = []
for (c in uncompressed.bytes) {
var cs = String.fromByte(c)
var wc = w + cs
if (dictionary.containsKey(wc)) {
w = wc
} else {
// Add wc to the dictionary.
dictionary[wc] = dictSize
dictSize = dictSize + 1
w = cs
// Output the code for w
if (w != "") result.add(dictionary[w])
return result
/* Decompress a list of output symbols to a string. */
static decompress(compressed) {
// Build the dictionary.
var dictSize = 256
var dictionary = {}
for (i in 0...dictSize) dictionary[i] = String.fromByte(i)
var w = String.fromByte(compressed[0])
var result = w
for (k in compressed.skip(1)) {
var entry
if (dictionary.containsKey(k)) {
entry = dictionary[k]
} else if (k == dictSize) {
entry = w + String.fromByte(w.bytes[0])
} else {
Fiber.abort("Bad compressed k: %(k)")
result = result + entry
// Add w + entry[0] to the dictionary.
dictionary[dictSize] = w + String.fromByte(entry.bytes[0])
dictSize = dictSize + 1
w = entry
return result
var compressed = LZW.compress("TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT")
var decompressed = LZW.decompress(compressed)
[84, 79, 66, 69, 79, 82, 78, 79, 84, 256, 258, 260, 265, 259, 261, 263]
