Kronecker product based fractals: Difference between revisions

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<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Type Matrix
As Integer x
As Integer y
As Integer Ptr Dato
End Type
Function kroneckerProduct(a As Matrix, b As Matrix) As Matrix
Dim As Integer m = a.x, n = a.y
Dim As Integer p = b.x, q = b.y
Dim As Matrix r
r.x = m * p
r.y = n * q
r.dato = Callocate(r.x * r.y, Sizeof(Integer))
Dim As Integer i, j, k, l
For i = 0 To m - 1
For j = 0 To n - 1
For k = 0 To p - 1
For l = 0 To q - 1
r.dato[(p * i + k) * r.y + (q * j + l)] = a.dato[i * a.y + j] * b.dato[k * b.y + l]
Return r
End Function
Function kroneckerPower(a As Matrix, n As Integer) As Matrix
Dim As Matrix pow = a
For i As Integer = 1 To n - 1
pow = kroneckerProduct(pow, a)
Return pow
End Function
Sub printMatrix(text As String, m As Matrix)
Dim As Integer i, j
Print text & " fractal:"
For i = 0 To m.x - 1
For j = 0 To m.y - 1
Print Iif(m.dato[i * m.y + j] = 1, "*", " ");
End Sub
Dim As Matrix a = Type(3, 3, Callocate(9, Sizeof(Integer)))
a.dato[0] = 0: a.dato[1] = 1: a.dato[2] = 0
a.dato[3] = 1: a.dato[4] = 1: a.dato[5] = 1
a.dato[6] = 0: a.dato[7] = 1: a.dato[8] = 0
printMatrix("Vicsek", kroneckerPower(a, 4))
a.dato[0] = 1: a.dato[1] = 1: a.dato[2] = 1
a.dato[3] = 1: a.dato[4] = 0: a.dato[5] = 1
a.dato[6] = 1: a.dato[7] = 1: a.dato[8] = 1
printMatrix("Sierpinski carpet", kroneckerPower(a, 4))
<pre>Same as Kotlin entry.</pre>