Knuth's power tree: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed whitespace, split a compound statement, added a template for the output section.)
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/*────── X LP HP X LP HP X LP ◄── X, low power, high power ··· repeat*/
do until XP=''
parse var XP x pL pH XP; x= x /1 1 /*get X, lowP, highP; and normalize X. */
if pH='' then pH=pL pL /*No highPower? Then assume lowPower. */
do e=pL to pH; p=abs(e)/1 p= abs(e) / 1 /*use a range of powers; use │E│ */
$= powerTree(p); w=length(pH) w= length(pH) /*construct the power tree, (pow list).*/
/* [↑] W≡length for an aligned display*/
do i=1 for words($); @.i= word($, i) /*build a fast Knuth's power tree array*/
end /*i*/
if p==0 then do; z= 1; call show; iterate; end /*handle case of zero power.*/
!.= .; z= x; !.1= z; prv=z prv= z /*define/construct the first power of X*/
do k=2 to words($); n= @.k /*obtain the power (number) to be used.*/
prev= k - 1; diff= n - @.prev /*these are used for the odd powers. */
if n//2==0 then z= prv **2 2 /*Even power? Then square the number.*/
else z= z * !.diff /* Odd " " mult. by pow diff.*/
!.n=z z /*remember for other multiplications. */
prv=z z /*remember for squaring the numbers. */
end /*k*/
call show /*display the expression and its value.*/
end /*e*/
end /*until XP ···*/
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
powerTree: arg y 1 oy; $= /*Z is the result; $ is the power tree.*/
if y=0 | y=1 then return y /*handle special cases for zero & unity*/
#.= 0; @.= 0; #.0=1 1 /*define default & initial array values*/
/* [↓] add blank "flag" thingy──►list.*/
do while \(y//2); $=$ $ ' ' /*reduce "front" even power #s to odd #*/
if y\==oy then $= y $ /*(only) ignore the first power number*/
y= y %2 2 /*integer divide the power (it's even).*/
end /*while*/
if $\=='' then $= y $ /*re─introduce the last power number. */
$= $ oy /*insert last power number 1st in list.*/
if y>1 then do while @.y==0; n= #.0; m= 0
do while n\==0; q= 0; s= n
do while s\==0; _= n + s
if @._==0 then do; if q==0 then m_=_; #._=q; @._=n; q=_
#._= q; @._= n; q= _
s= @.s
end /*while s¬==0*/
if q\==0 then do; #.m= q; m= m_; end
n= #.n
end /*while n¬==0*/
#.m= 0
end /*while @.y==0*/
z= @.y
do while z\==0; $= z $; z= @.z; end /*build power list*/
return space($) /*del extra blanks*/
show: if e<0 then z=format(1/z, , 40)/1; _=right(e, w) /*use reciprocal? */
say left('power tree for ' _ " is: " $,60) '═══' x"^"_ ' is: ' z; return</lang>
'''{{out|output'''|text=&nbsp; when using the default inputs:}}
power tree for -4 is: 1 2 4 ═══ 2^-4 is: 0.0625