Knight's tour: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Applied hlint and hindent – slightly simplified the type of the input, and slightly uncluttered the main :: IO() function)
Line 3,031: Line 3,031:

<lang Haskell>
<lang Haskell>import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import System (getArgs)
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Data.List (minimumBy, (\\), intercalate, sort)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (minimumBy, (\\), intercalate, sort)

type Square = (Int, Int)
type Square = (Int, Int)

board :: [Square]
board :: [Square]
board =
board = [ (x,y) | x <- [1..8], y <- [1..8] ]
[ (x, y)
| x <- [1 .. 8]
, y <- [1 .. 8] ]

knightMoves :: Square -> [Square]
knightMoves :: Square -> [Square]
knightMoves (x,y) = filter (flip elem board) jumps
knightMoves (x, y) = filter (`elem` board) jumps
where jumps = [ (x+i,y+j) | i <- jv, j <- jv, abs i /= abs j ]
jv = [1,-1,2,-2]
jumps =
[ (x + i, y + j)
| i <- jv
, j <- jv
, abs i /= abs j ]
jv = [1, -1, 2, -2]

knightTour :: [Square] -> [Square]
knightTour :: [Square] -> [Square]
knightTour moves
knightTour moves
| candMoves == [] = reverse moves
| null candMoves = reverse moves
| otherwise = knightTour $ newSquare : moves
| otherwise = knightTour $ newSquare : moves
where newSquare = minimumBy (comparing (length . findMoves)) candMoves
candMoves = findMoves $ head moves
newSquare = minimumBy (comparing (length . findMoves)) candMoves
findMoves sq = knightMoves sq \\ moves
candMoves = findMoves $ head moves
findMoves = (\\ moves) . knightMoves

main :: IO ()
toSq :: String -> (Int, Int)
toSq [x, y] = (ord x - 96, ord y - 48)
main = do
sq <- fmap (toSq . head) getArgs
printTour $ map toAlg $ knightTour [sq]
where toAlg (x,y) = [chr (x + 96), chr (y + 48)]
toSq [x,y] = ((ord x) - 96, (ord y) - 48)
printTour [] = return ()
printTour tour = do
putStrLn $ intercalate " -> " $ take 8 tour
printTour $ drop 8 tour

toAlg :: (Int, Int) -> String
toAlg (x, y) = [chr (x + 96), chr (y + 48)]

e5 -> f7 -> h8 -> g6 -> h4 -> g2 -> e1 -> f3
-- TEST -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sq :: (Int, Int)
sq = toSq "e5" -- Input: starting position on the bord, e.g. (5, 5) as "e5"

main :: IO ()
main = printTour $ toAlg <$> knightTour [sq]
printTour [] = return ()
printTour tour = do
putStrLn $ intercalate " -> " $ take 8 tour
printTour $ drop 8 tour</lang>
<pre>e5 -> f7 -> h8 -> g6 -> h4 -> g2 -> e1 -> f3
g1 -> h3 -> g5 -> h7 -> f8 -> d7 -> b8 -> a6
g1 -> h3 -> g5 -> h7 -> f8 -> d7 -> b8 -> a6
b4 -> a2 -> c1 -> d3 -> b2 -> a4 -> b6 -> a8
b4 -> a2 -> c1 -> d3 -> b2 -> a4 -> b6 -> a8
Line 3,076: Line 3,087:
a5 -> c6 -> a7 -> c8 -> d6 -> b5 -> d4 -> e2
a5 -> c6 -> a7 -> c8 -> d6 -> b5 -> d4 -> e2
c3 -> d1 -> f2 -> h1 -> g3 -> e4 -> f6 -> g8
c3 -> d1 -> f2 -> h1 -> g3 -> e4 -> f6 -> g8
h6 -> g4 -> h2 -> f1 -> e3 -> f5 -> e7 -> d5
h6 -> g4 -> h2 -> f1 -> e3 -> f5 -> e7 -> d5</pre>

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